《My Best Friends Baby》Epiloge


"Are you ready to see you're home Grayson?" I asked sweetly, while smiling down at my gorgeous baby boy who is all snuggled up in my arms fast asleep.

He's so beautiful! I haven't been able to take my eyes off him since he was born, a week ago! He's a spitting image of Ace, like I was hoping as well! He has beautiful tanned skin with dark soft hair and has his fathers beautiful grey eyes that I absolutely adore. He's not very loud, he's actually pretty quiet, more then I expected. He only cry's when he's hungry, tired or just wanted to be cuddled, which I'm sure is every baby! Other than that he sleeps most of the night and again only wakes up when he needs to be fed.

Everyone absolutely adores him, especially Scarlett, she keeps singing to him and always wanting to feed him his bottles, giving him tons of kisses and telling him so man stories. It's so adorable and makes me smile and tear up watching her with him.

After telling everyone his name, which we kept a secret for months after finding out he was a boy, they were all so happy and instantly fell in love with the name. Mum even posted it on Facebook after he was born with a photo of Ace, Grayson and I cuddling without us knowing until I check Facebook later on, to see there was a picture with tons of comments saying congratulations and about how cute Grayson is and what a beautiful family we make.

"Babe, leave him be, he's sleeping." Ace chuckled behind me carrying the bags and carrier.

"Excuse me, don't you even start Mr! Who keeps going to him during the night and talking to him and picking him up just to hold him, hmm?" My voice full of sass. His eyes instantly widen like he's been caught.

"You saw that?" He asked with nervousness laced in his voice.

"Mhmm, so don't even even start Mr." I replied while smiling at him as he nodded his head quickly.

"Yes Mum." He chuckled as I shook my head.

Turning back around, I walk towards the front door and twist the door knob before walking into the house with Ace just behind me.

Walking down the hallway, we eventually come to the living room, which as soon as we walk in, my mouth in open in shock and my hand is covering my mouth.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone screamed while popping up out of their hiding places with massive smiles on their faces.

And I mean EVERYONE! My parents, Ace's parents, the girls, the boys, all their families, my grandparents, Ace grandparents, my cousins, Ace's cousins, my Aunties and Uncles, Ace's Aunties And Uncles! Everyone was here, in our lounge room! I can't believe it...

How does everyone even fit in here anyway?!

"Omg! He's adorable! Honey look at him!" My Aunty Kath squealed in excitement at seeing my little man sleeping my arms peacefully.

"That he is Kathy. Now hush sweetheart, the poor boy is sleeping!" Uncle John chuckled while covering her mouth, to which she licked and he immediately pulled back before glaring at his wife.

Gotta love them...

"Sweetheart why don't you and you're father take the bags up to your room and then come back downstairs?" Amber asked while smiling brightly at her son.

Ace nodded before giving Sam some of the bags and disappearing up the stairs.

Turning back to everyone with a smile on my face before questions were all of a sudden thrown in my face one after the other.


How much did he weight?

What colour eyes does he have?

What time was he born?

How is it being a new Mummy?

What's his full name?

"Poppy you know his name! But if I have to tell everyone again. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces, he has grey eyes just like Ace, he was born at 6:45am. Being a mum is honestly the most amazing experience, I might have only become one a week ago, but I love it already and I know I'm already going to regret saying that in a few years!" I chuckled with everyone and my last comment before answering the last question. "His full name Poppy is Grayson Jay Hunter." I smiled saying my baby boys full name. I just love the ring his name has and it's just beautiful and suits him so well.

"Wait so how long were you in labour for?" My cousin Beth questioned while smiling at me as I sat down on the couches to rest.

"About 10 and a half hours." I groaned remembering how bloody painful that was! It was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt, but I wouldn't change anything at all. I got my boy.

"God damn sweetie!" My Aunty Helen exclaimed.

"Sooo whats with everyone being here mum? Not to sound rude or anything!" I explained while smiling at everyone. I was just curious that's all.

"Well we wanted to through a welcome home to you and baby Gray so we're having a BBQ out in the backyard and we're all sitting on the outdoor settings that are around the fire for dinner." Mum explained as all the boys suddenly jumped up out of their seats.

"Boys we need to start the BBQ, so outside we go!" My Uncle John called and everyone of the boys followed, soon by Ace and Sam who came rushing downstairs.

And by all of the boys I mean all of them! Uncle John, Uncle Henry, Ace's two Uncle Robert and Karl, Jackson, AJ, Alex, Conor, Nicholas, Poppy, Ace's grandfather Gary, my cousins Nathan, Antony, Brent and Thomas, Ace's cousins Griff, Derek and Caleb, Sam, Andrew, Ace and Grayson. Ace came over before going outside to grab Grayson, before giving me a kiss and leaving out the door with Grayson snuggled into his muscular chest.

Best sight to ever see...





"SCOOBY!" Seriously...

"No it's a dog!" Nathan answered and ohh's and ahh' Swede filled in the backyard.

"Dad how did you get Scooby? From what Nathan was acting out?" Ace chuckled as he tried to hold back his laughter.

Only Sam... only Sam.

"I honestly have no clue son." Sam tried to speak seriously. Key word there tried, because after he spoke we all bursted out into a fit of giggles.

"Only you honey..." Amber chuckled while patting her husbands back, trying to calm her laughter down.

Grayson was laying in on top of my chest in his cute little onesie that's says 'Mummy's Little Prince' and wrapped inside a blue blanket. He's been like this for about 20 minutes and hasn't moved much with all the commotion going around the camp fire.

"How is that boy still asleep?" Uncle John commented while staring in admiration at the sleeping boy in my arms.

"Have you forgot how much of a deep sleeper his mother is? She can sleep through a bloody fire alarm! He's a deep sleeper like his mother." Ace chuckled at what he said to which I laughed at because he is right!


I can literally sleep through anything! I sleep through alarms, I sleep through Scarlett's night terrors and only notice she's in our bed in the morning when I wake up, I sleep through thunderstorms, which I am grateful for because I hate them!

I sleep through everything!

"He's right! Autumn once slept through an argument Andrew and I had and I threw a few things here and there. She slept through the whole thing." Mum explained to which her eyes widen when she realised what she said.

"So that's where my glass heel princess shoes went when I was 4! You told me that the fairy god mother had to take them because Cinderella needed them for a ball!" I exclaimed as I glared at her.

I loved those shoes...

Not even a minute later, everyone around the whole table burst into a fit of laughter. Dad, Poppy, Nathan, Ace and AJ had all fallen off their seats in the process of laughing their heads off. All the girls had tears streaming down their faces from laughing to hard.

"Oops." Mum chuckled cheekily while trying to hide her smile and failing terribly.

"Oh man! That's the funniest thing I've heard today!" Madelyn cried as she wiped her tears away from her cheeks and she tried to calm down. She didn't last very long, before she burst out laughing like a hyena again.

"It's not funny! My dreams of finding a prince were ruined cause I didn't have those shoes!" I defended and then I looked at Ace who stopped laughing as he stared at me with his mouth hanging open. "But instead of finding a prince, I found my king, my other half, my soulmate, my best friend, the father of our baby and most of all the love of my life." I exclaimed while smiling up at Ace who was sitting next to me, his face slowly morphing into a huge smile before he leaned down and kissed my lips softly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in closer towards him.

"Uhhh, guys! You just had a baby, I think you can settle down a little before making another one!" AJ chuckled as everyone around us burst into laughter all over again, Ace and I eventually joining in.

Later that night, after everyone eventually left and it was only Ace, Amber, Sam, Scar, Mum, Dad, Grayson and I, we all decided it was time for bed being it was a big day for everyone.

Standing in front of Grayson's cot as I was my boy sleep peacefully with one of his arms clutching his brown bear he was given from mum and dad, I realised how lucky I am.

Over this year, so many new things have happened. I got pregnant who is now the most beautiful little boy I could have asked for, Ace and I started dating, Ace left me for a little bit once I told him I was pregnant, moving in with the Hunter's, finding out that I was having a baby boy, gaining so many supportive people around me. I couldn't for anything better!

Not noticing Ace come up behind me until he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and placing his head on my shoulder as we both watched our baby boy.

"He's so peaceful." I spoke softly as I ran my finger down my sons soft tiny cheek.

"That he is." He chuckled, before placing a kiss on my cheek and he tightened his grip around my waist as if scared he let's go, I'll disappear. All of a sudden I felt something cold press against my hand.

Looking down I notice it's sparkling in the moonlight that's peering in from the window next to us.

"Ace, what's that in your hand?" I asked as I turned around in his arms, before he took a step back but kept his arms on my hips.

"A key." He replied smiling at me.

"A key? Why do you have a key in your hand?" I questioned as I looked up at him curiously.

"For our house." He replied smiling much more brighter than ever as he said those words.

"Don't you already have a key to the house, Ace?" I chuckled at him. Why would he need two keys, I've got one and so does he we don't need another one.

"Our house baby." He hinted as he kept smiling down at me waiting for my reaction.

Our house? What does he mean ou-


"Ace you did not! You brought us a house?!" I squealed but then realised Grayson was asleep and instantly slammed my hand to my mouth as I turned around to see Gray still out of it and in his own little dream world.

"I did!" He replied smiling as I jumped into his arms as he spun us around in a circle before placing me back down. "But I have one more thing that I want to show you."

"Okay! What is it?" I giggled as I watched him take a deep breath before doing something I didn't expect him to do...

Oh holy mother of mustard!

"Autumn Grace Smithton, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have given me the gift of a beautiful baby boy who I love dearly with my whole heart, you've shown me that having a best friend who is also my soul mate is the most incredible thing in the whole entire freaking world. You are beautiful, kind, caring, loving, heartfelt, stunning, absolutely gorgeous, sexy, hot and so many other words that we would be here for the rest of our lives and longer trying to say every word. You're my best friend, my soulmate, my other half, my princess, the love of my life, the mother of our beautiful baby boy, the light in my darkness, the happiness in my sorrows. I'm going to stop now, before everyone thinks I've lost my manliness. What I'm trying to say is that I want you Autumn Grace Smithton to become my queen instead of princess, my wife instead of girlfriend and I want to spend the rest of my life and after with you holding you're hand, kissing those beautiful lips, making love to you endlessly, cuddling you every night and waking up next to you every morning for the rest of our lives. So Autumn, baby, will you marry me?" By the end of his speech I was a balling mess of tears as I looked down at Ace on one knee, smiling nervously up at me, with the most beautiful diamond engagement ring inside the open box he was holding.

"Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I smiled down at him as I lifted my right hand to cover my mouth as a sob escaped my mouth.

Holding my left hand in his he stood up before taking the ring out of the box and placing the beautiful ring on my ring finger, before picking me up in his arms and spinning me around a few times. Placing me back on my feet he grabbed my face in between his hands and placing his soft lips over mine and kissing me softly with a huge smile on his face as our lips moved in sync, while I still had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm an so thankful I got all of that on tape!" Amber squealed as her and mum started squealing and jumping up and down together, while Sam and Dad walked over to par Ace on the back and give me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Facing Ace again, I smiled the biggest smile I could muster through my tears.

"I love you." I mouthed.

"I love you too, baby." He mouthed back, before we both laughed as Mum and Amber attacked us both.

I guess having my best friends baby wasn't so bad after all...





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