《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 30



"WHOOP WHOOP, THATS THE SOUND OF THE POLICE!" The voices of the boys came from across the living room as they all jumped and danced around to different songs, which is what they've been doing for the past 2 hours might I add.

Amber, Sam and Scarbear have all gone to my parents for the weekend for some bonding thing they do some weekends, so Ace and I thought why not invite our amazing group of friends to spend the weekend here.

I also wanted them here because I want to spend time with them before our little man arrives... which is now 2 weeks away!

2 weeks! 15th of September! Can you believe that?! My baby will finally be here and I can finally hug him, kiss his soft little cheeks and definitely obsess over him! I think I already know I'm gonna be the softy parent, aka the good cop!

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DONKEYS!" Bethany screamed as they all kept shouting and dancing like the wild animals they were. "They sound like freaking monkeys on the loose!" Beth complained as she looked at all us with a look that said 'kill me now' written across her face, which made us all laugh.

"Sooo, honey, have you got everything ready for when the little man gets here?" Madelyn asked as she fixed the uno cards again before dealing them again for another round.

While the boys have been jumping around and screaming to songs, the girls and I were all playing board games or card games that we could find in this house, which is a lot of fun!

"Yep! We're all set, now all we have to do is wait for him to arrive." I said while placing a hand on my belly and looking over at Ace who was on Nicholas' back, while shouting 'GETTY UP HORSEY!' He worries me sometimes....

"I can't wait to see who he's gonna look like! I picture him being a miniature Ace, like literally!" Abigail spoke as she smiled at me, before looking over at all of our crazy boyfriends, all being insanely weird.

"I wouldn't mind him looking like Ace! I think it'd honestly be the cutest thing, I can just imagine him, copying Ace or dressing like him!" I said while chuckling at the idea of our boy wanting to be like his daddy.

"Hey babe." I turned to see Ace smiling down at me, before he sat on the floor behind me and placing me in between his legs, before resting his hands on my belly... I love when he does this, I don't know why, but to me it's the best feeling and I feel safe and at home with our boy with us.

"Hello." I replied before trying to reach forward to place the card I want down, but struggling. I wasn't before Ace came and laid me backwards to I was half laying on him, so now I could hardly see over my belly.

Damn you Ace.

"No pains?" He asked, rubbing my belly a little as he kissed my forehead, before resting his chin on top of my head.

"Baby, he's not due for another two weeks, so stop stressing." I said while patting his hand in a comforting manner to calm him down. Ever since I've been getting close to my due date he's been asking me if I'm in any pains or anything, which is sweet, but I just don't want him worrying himself too much about me.


"I know, I know. I just want to make sure you're not in any pain that's all. I don't like when my baby is in pain..." he complained as he tightened his hold around me, like he was scared I was gonna slip away from his hold.

"I know and I love you for that bub." I said while kissing his hand which was now intertwined with my own.

"You two are seriously the most sickliest, most cutest couple I've ever seen!" Lili squealed before making a puking face and laughing at her own actions, which made us all laugh.

"How bout we play a game?!" Madelyn asked as she looked a us all for an answer, after all of us agreeing she went on telling us about a game called Kiss, Kill Marry, which we've all heard of, but just let her explain anyway, since we're good friends.

"Okay, I'll go first biatches!" Riley called as she quickly got herself comfortable, then started looking at all of us. "Abigail! Who would you kiss, kill and marry out of Channing Tatum, Zac Efron and Harry Styles?" Now I'm definitely interested to hear her answer for this.

"Hmmm..." Abi paused for a moment while tilting her head to the side and thinking it over. "Kiss Channing Tatum, kill Harry Styles and marry Zac Efron!" Uh oh...




"WHY IN THE WORLD OF HOLY WATER, WOULD YOU KILL MY MAN YOU BITCH?! YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Madelyn screamed at Abigail with a fake 'I hate you' look in her eyes.

"Hey! I thought I was your man?!" Nicholas asked looking at Madelyn with jealousy in his eyes. Why, I have no clue, Madey has never met Harry for heavens sake, so he has nothing to compete with!

"Baby, you are... I've never met him, he's my celebrity crush." Madelyn explains as she gives him a kiss before smiling at him, in seconds he smiled back at her adoringly. "Right... my turn! Autumn... Justin Bieber, Niall Horan and Jake Paul?" I already knew my answers, it wasn't that hard.

"I would kiss Justin, kill Jake and marry Niall!" I sighed dreamily at the thought of Niall Horan... heck that man, is my Bae!

"Babe, are you still in love with Niall?" Ace asked from behind me as his arms massaged my belly, which our boy responded to by kicking my belly, hard. He's starting to kick for me now, but only every now and then. Ace gets it all the time no matter what.

"Yes, yes I am and that will never change!" I said as I turned my head to look at him smiling, before I added. "But now I have you and our baby boy... my two boys, that's all I need." He instantly smiled at what I said, before kissing me on the lips in a soft, but quick kiss and then we continued on with the game.

It was so much fun, watching everyone's faces at who they got, whether it be; dreamy or disgusted. It was the funniest thing to watch.

Now all of us are just laying around chilling in the living room watching movies and eating junk food. At the moment Fast & the Furious 7 is playing and I'm getting a hell of a lot of eye candy, from this movie.

I mean c'mon! Who can resist, Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Tyrese Gibson, Jason Statham and Ludacris, like hello! That's a lot of eye candy right there, in one movie!


Ace and I were taking pictures on snapchat before and one of them I loved so much, I had to set it as my lock screen. My home screen is a beautiful photo of Ace holding my belly and me smiling so brightly. I love both of those pictures... my two favourites.

"Baby, are you tired?" Ace asks as I yawn and try and manoeuvre my body to get comfortable after sitting on the floor, for ages.

"Yeah..." I reply quietly, because everyone else is either watching the movie, whispering or asleep.

"C'mon babe, let's get you to bed." Ace whispers in my ear, before getting up behind me, before coming in front of me and lifting me up. How he does it, I have no clue. I weigh a tone because of the large bump that I'm carrying, but he always tells me I'm not heavy and I'm as light as a feather, which is hard to believe.

Walking up the stairs, is getting harder, but with Ace behind me pushing me up I know I'm okay. Thank god, I only have 2 more weeks before our baby is here and then I can finally hold him!

"Are you excited?" Ace asked as we entered the room, before he went into the closet grabbing him and myself clothes for bed, while I went and sat on the bed.

"Yes, I can't wait till he gets here Ace! I want to meet him so bad." I exclaimed while looking at my belly and smiling, while I rubbed my hand against it, which got me a kick. "What about you?"

"I honestly can't wait... I'm a little nervous, that I won't be a good father to him, but I'm ready to be the best father I can be." He said as he walked back over to me with a smile, before helping me stand up and taking off my clothes as I struggle to some nights.

"Me too... I don't want him to hate us." I said as I got into bed and slid under the warm covers, sighing in content at how nice it feels; to get into a comfy ass bed when your pregnant.

"He won't hate us! He's going to love us to pieces, especially you, because he's going to be a Mama's boy, I can see it baby." He replied, before hoping into bed and laying on his side facing me and placing his hand on my belly under the covers.

"Mama's boy... I like that." I said as I slowly closed my eyes and breathed deeply as I slowly started to fall asleep.

"I know you do baby... Goodnight Atty, I love you." He placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling me closer to his body and resting his chin on top of my head and slowly falling asleep just like myself.

"I love you both my boys."

With that... I was out like a light.


Waking up in the morning for me was weird... I always slept through the night, but now I was awake at 3am, because I was having pains in my belly. What's going on?

No even a few minutes later, I felt another one, the same amount of pressure but it still hurt.

"Ace!" I called as I started breathing deeply, to calm myself down. Ace didn't answer me just mumbled some words before turning his body away from mine.

"ACE!" I screamed loud enough that China probably heard, which definitely woke him up.

"W-what's wrong baby?" He asks, before turning to face me and seeing me with tears streaming down my face and holding my belly, he sprung awake in seconds. "Baby, look at me... what's wrong? What's going on?" He asked softly while rubbing my back.

"My belly... it hurts." I said and then I got another shoot of pain, just like before, which I cried more and clutched my baby.

"Oh shit... the baby's coming... HOLY SHIT! THE BABY'S COMING!" Ace screamed before getting up, then running around like a headless chicken in the middle of a highway.

"Babe! Can you just call your mum or mine... I don't think our boy is coming yet, the pains would be way worse than this." I explained, as Ace came running over and sitting in front of me.

"Course babe." Ace spoke quietly, before quickly grabbed his phone and dialling his mothers number. After a few seconds she finally answered, he placed the phone on loud speaker.

"Ace... why are you ringing me at 3 in the morning?" She questioned sleepily.

"Something is wrong with Atty... she's having stomach pains." Ace explained as he started rubbing my belly, obviously trying to help make the pains go away.

"Can she hear me?" She asked as she sounded more alert and awake.

"Yeah, I can hear you Amber." I said, tiredness dripping through my voice. I was tired and I just wanted to sleep, but not until I know my baby is okay.

"Hey sweetheart. Are the pains only little shocks every now and then?" She questioned as I got another one , before whimpering.

"Yes... is something wrong with my baby?" I ask as concern and fright fills my body at the thought of something being wrong.

"No honey! It's called Braxton Hicks, you get them a few weeks before labour. All it is, is your body preparing you for when you go into labour, it's getting you ready for the real time." She explained in a soothing voice, trying to calm my nerves down a lot.

"So he's not hurt, Amber?" I questioned as the pain all of a sudden went away... hmm, that was quick.

"No honey, he's not hurt, he's perfectly fine and safe. He's just telling you that he's getting ready to come and meet his mummy and daddy." She said with so much admiration in her voice at the thought of her grandson arriving soon.

"Oh thank god." I cried as the pain vanished like that. I was so worried, cause we still had 2 weeks left!

"Thanks Ma, I'll let you get back to sleep!" Ace spoke to his mother for a few more minutes before hanging up and getting back in to bed beside me. "Let's go back to sleep baby. It's 3:30 in the morning and you need to sleep."

And no word of a lie as soon as he said those words, I laid back down in his arms and fell asleep in seconds.


Two days have passed since that night and I have been getting Braxton Hicks a little more but only every couple of hours, which is nothing.

The group went home about an hour ago, seeing as they all have school tomorrow, lucky me I get to stay home and I don't think either of them like that very much, that they have to go and I don't. I can't do anything! I'm pregnant for heavens sake...

"Autummy, have you thought of a name for baby yet?" Scarlett asked while climbing up onto the couch next to me, before climbing into my lap and getting comfortable. This girl, she's always doing this; climbs into my lap, talks to me, before slowly getting tired and she'll place her head on my belly and just fall asleep. How she's comfortable, I don't know.

"We've come up with a few names babe, but haven't fully decided yet." I replied while smoothing out her hair and laying back a bit, to get comfortable.

"Can we name him Olaf?" Scarlett asked while looking up at me with hopeful eyes. I chuckled at her name for my little boy.

"Olaf is a beautiful name honey, but I don't think he's a snowman." I said while smiling at her and moving some of the hair away from her face.

"That's because baby isn't a snowman!" Scar giggled before clapping her hands and smiling at me brighting with her gorgeous grin. After settling down, she went back to placing her head on my belly and after about five minutes fell into a deep sleep.

Slowly dozing of myself, I couldn't help but think...

What is my little man gonna look like?












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