《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 29


1 month.

1 month, till my little boy comes into this world. I honestly am so excited that I cannot wait to meet my little monkey.

Ace is excited as well, but now he's being more protective then he usually is, because it's almost time for me to give birth to our boy. Everyone else is excited and cannot wait to meet him, especially mine and Ace's parents.

We have been setting up everything in our little boys room which is coming along amazing and I'm glad that Ace's friend Jackson has an amazing talent with drawing, that he's been helping us with for our baby boys room, which is turning out amazing and is pretty much done.

"Ace! Hurry up! We're suppose to be meeting the girls and boys in 10 minutes!" I called while putting on my shoes, waiting for Ace to come downstairs.

"I'm coming babe!" I heard Ace call back, I hear feet thumping down the stairs before a loud 'ow!' "Fluffing beach!" I chuckled at his use of swearing that he's started using.

"What did you do?" I asked while chuckling before standing up and turning around to look at him.

"I ran into the wal..." He stops mid sentence, once he looks up and sees me standing there looking at him.

"What?" I ask while looking down at what I'm wearing making sure it's okay.

"It should be a crime to be this gorgeous, you know?" He said while walking towards me before putting his hands on either side of my waist.

"Is that so?" I asked while looking up at him and putting my arms around his neck.

"Yep. You look beautiful baby." He complimented me before placing a soft kiss on my lips and smiling through the kiss as his lips moved in sync with mine.

"Right! Now cmon! We're already late as it is. My god, the girls will kill me for being late." I said before grabbing Ace's hand and pulling him along behind me towards the car.


"Babe! You look amazing rocking that baby bump!" Madelyn squealed while running to me and pulling me in for a hug. Seconds later the rest of the girls joined in on the hug and it became a group hug.

"How's my little nephew going?" Riley said while leaning down and placing a hand on my belly rubbing it.


"He's doing great! He's kicking now!" I said while smiling excitedly at the girls and not even a second later they all screamed before placing their hands on my belly and asking him to kick. "Yeah umm girls, he won't kick." I said chuckling while putting a hand over my mouth and smiling.

"Wait, why not? You just said he started kicking! So why won't he kick?" Madelyn asked while frowning that her nephew won't kick.

"Ask Ace." I said while smiling over at him, only to see him already smiling at me.

Placing a hand on my belly, I go and take a seat in a booth that was free, while the girls attack Ace with questions about why he won't kick. Eventually the boys come over and all take a seat while laughing at the girls questioning Ace about their nephew.

"So Autumn, how's the little one?" AJ asked while smiling at me.

"Oh he's great." I said while smiling back happily.

"I can't wait to meet the little fella, he's gonna have a lot of Aunts and Uncles." Connor said while laughing at the idea.

"Neither can I, I just want him out already, so I can hold him. He's going to be very spoilt, I know that. Especially since all of you have girlfriends now!" I clapped my hands smiling that now they all were dating on of the girls, which I thought was adorable.

"How's things with Katie going?" AJ asked while tangling his hands together and leaning on his arms that were placed on the table.

"Oh just amazing." I spoke sarcastically, while smiling at them. "The other day, she tried to tell me that her and Ace hooked up during the weekend, totally forget that Ace and I were shopping all weekend for baby things." They cracked up laughing as soon as I finished, I giggled watching them laugh their asses off at what Katie did.

"Oh, that's made my bloody week, Autumn. She does realise Ace is with you twenty-four/seven now that you 8 months pregnant." Alex chuckled while wiping fake tears away from his eyes as all the boys eventually calmed down after laughing for five minutes.

"Yeah well... this is Katie we're talking about." I said, before picking up the menu to look at the food they had, I wonder what my boy wanted today.


"Ace! Can you please get him to kick? Please! Just once!" All of a sudden Ace was right in front of me as the girls were around him begging him to get the baby to kick. I covered my mouth with my hand laughing at them begging him to get our boy to kick.

"Fine! Jeez, you girls never shut up!" He snapped playfully before getting squatting down and looking at the girls with a fake glare.

"Aye! Watch that tone Mr. Thats my girlfriend your talking to." Jackson said glaring playfully at Ace, to which Ace started laughing before poking his tongue out at Jack.

They're so immature.

Ace got the girls attention before talking to my belly which was getting bigger each day.

"Hey bud, kick if your awake."

Sure enough, a kick came not even a second later and the girls all squealed in excitement.

"Do it again! I have to tape this!" Lilianna said while grabbing out her phone and started taping.

"Buddy, kick if you love Daddy." Ace spoke softly as he talked to our boy and waited for a reply and again not even a second later, he kicked. This boy sure does love his daddy.

"Ooooo, this is so cute!" Lili squealed before going over to AJ and sitting in his lap, playing the video and staring at it in awe.

Everyone eventually all sat down in the booth and we all ordered our food, me of course ordering the biggest amount because I was so hungry.

"So... only one more month aye?" Riley smiled while eating a bit of her chicken burger she'd gotten.

"Yes, I can't wait to hold him Riley." I said in awe at the thought of our baby boy being born and getting to hold him.

"I'm sure you are. What about you Ace? Excited?" Riley asked as she stole one of Connor's chips to which he slapped her hand and gave her a playful glare.

"Yes, but nervous as well. What if I drop him?" He asked as a frightened look covered his face at the thought of dropping his little boy.

"Babe, you're not gonna drop him." I said reassuringly before I continued eating my pumpkin soup that I was craving.

"What if he doesn't like me?" He asked again as his eyes widened at the thought.

"Ace, look buddy. That little boy is gonna love you with all his heart! Your gonna be his role model, the person he wants to be when he grows up! He's gonna want to always be with his dad and he's always gonna want to do things with you. I can promise you that." Nicholas said while placing a hand on Ace's shoulder and squeezing it in reassurance.

"Thanks Man." Ace smiled before he went back to eating his chips and wrap.


Stepping through the door, we were surprised to see Mr and Mrs Hunter sitting in the living room playing with Scarlett.

"Mum? Dad? You're not supposed to be home for another 2 days?" Ace asked while walking towards them and giving them a huge hug and then moving to Scarlett and picking her up.

"Well we decided to surprise you all and Amber just wanted to get home so she could be with Autumn for the last month of her pregnancy." Mr Hunter explained before coming over to me.

"How's my little grand-baby Tum Tum?" Mr Hunter asked as he pulled me in for a big fatherly hug.

"He's great Mr Hunter." I said smiling up at him since he was pretty much Ace's height just a few inches smaller.

"Mum, Dad. Autumn and I are going to get some sleep because she's had a big day and Atty is really tired. I'll talk to you both when we wake up." Ace said placing Scarlett back down before coming over to me and helping me up the stairs towards our bedroom.

Walking in, I instantly kicked off my slip on shoes before walking into our closet an pulling on a tank top and some yoga pants before climbing into bed and sighing as I got so comfy under the covers.

"Sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up." Ace said slipping under the covers next to me and pulling me into his arms, placing his hand on my belly.

Falling asleep in his arms every night with our little boy in between us is everything I could ever imagine.

Just one more month.

Then he'll be laying next to us...









🙂 The Soloistfreemilia97 😘❤️






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