《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 27


2 months have gone by since the night of the baby gender reveal and lots of things have happened, for instance: Connor and Riley have started dating a few weeks ago, Scarlett turned 3 about a month ago and Atty is now 6 Months with our baby boy. Only 3 more months until we can finally meet our little bundle of joy and we're so excited.

I honestly can't wait to meet him, I just wanna see what he's gonna look like. If he'll have mine or Autumn's colour hair, if he'll have Autumn's eyes or mine, how soft his cheeks will be, his tiny feet and toes, his little fingers and hands, his little fragile body, his small button nose. I honestly can't stop thinking about what he might look like and I know that whatever he looks like he'll be the most precious, gorgeous little boy in the world.

"Awey! Autummy needs you!" I hear the little voice of my baby sister as she comes running into the room with a big smile on her face.

"What's wrong Scar? Is Atty okay?" I ask with worry as I leaned down picking up Scar and placing her on my hip, before walking out of Atty and I's room, towards the staircase.

"She is oway. She just wants to tawk awout baby." Scar smiled while leaning her head on my shoulder after kissing my cheek.

"Okay, baby girl. Are you gonna sit with us?" I asked as I move her hair out of her face that fell in front of her eye.

"Yes, can I?" She asked while lifting her head up and looking at me with her bright green-blue eyes. 😉

"Course baby girl. So are you excited for baby to come soon?" I asked her as we reach the bottom on the stairs and turning to walk to the kitchen doorway.

"Yes! I so excwited Awey! I gonna wove him so mwuch, I pwomise." She spoke while putting her head back on my shoulder with a cute smile on her face.

"I'm sure you will baby girl, he's gonna love you lots too." I told her while kissing her forehead and entered the kitchen with a smile on my lips as I saw Autumn standing in the kitchen with a black top, black jeggings, with her hair down, standing at the stove cooking what smells to be like her famous Beef Teriyaki Stir-Fry.

"What's cwooking, gwood wooking?" Scar spoke up making Autumn and I crack up laughing at her asking Atty 'What's cooking, good looking.'

"Well baby, I'd say it's your favourite food and you get me to make it all the time." Atty said while smiling at Scar, as her face brightened as she immediately knew what was cooking. Scar wriggled in my arms trying to get down, so I bend down placing her on the floor and once her feet touched the floor, she took of runny towards Atty.

"We hawing Beef Tarki Stir-Fries?!" Scar screamed as she stopped right in front of Atty, tilting her head up to Atty. "Baby in the way." She spoke again before taking one step back and then repeating her actions. Autumn and I chuckled loudly that she couldn't see Autumn's face because of our little boy.

"Yes we are gorgeous. Want to help me?" Autumn ask while bending over and picking up my little sister placing her on her hip before walking back to the stove.


"Babe, I don't think you should be picking up Scarlett while your pregnant, you heard what the doctor said." I scolded while walking towards the table and picking up a chair and taking it to where the girls were and placing it next to Atty. "Put Scarlett on the chair, babe."

She sighed before placing Scar on the chair and passing her a wooden spoon before speaking to her.

"Now baby, place the bottom of the spoon in the pot and stir it around, keep going until I say stop, kay?" She explained and Scar nodded and did as she was told.

I went over to the dining table and sat down while watching Atty help Scar make dinner and how the smile on Scar's face brightened when she did something right with the food. I love the sight of Atty and Scarlett, always puts a smile on my face.


"Atty, c'mon, don't be like this." I complained while leaning my head against the bathroom door.

"Go away." I heard her grumble at me before sniffling. I sighed before turning around and walking out of our room to give her some space.

Now your probably wondering what happened so I'll explain.

1 hour ago...

"Ace, can I have some chocolate?" Atty calls from the lounge, she was sitting on the couch watching tv, while I was in the kitchen working on my application for a job.

"Babe, we don't have anymore. You keep eating it all." I explain while shaking my head and looking back down at the paperwork.

"But I want some Ace." She raised her voice a little higher, obviously trying to get her point across.

"Alright, I'll get you some soon, just let me finish this paperwork, okay?" I asked while resting my elbows on the table and rubbing my head trying to get rid of the headache coming along.

"But I want it now!" She yelled, now starting to get angry at me.

She's started getting stroppy over the smallest things now over the past 2 months and I know it's because of the pregnancy, but she's always expecting me to drop everything cause of her and I'm starting to get annoyed, for instance like right now!

"Atty, I said I'll get it soon! I'm trying to fill out an application for a job so I can earn money to start supporting our baby and give him a good life. So please just let me finish this and then I'll get you some." I explained while raising my voice a little to get her to understand, because sometimes I've got to put her in her place.

"Why is it so hard for you to just go out to the shops that's 10 minutes away and then continue when you get home?! It's not that hard! I'm wanting chocolate and you're not getting it." She yelled as she stormed into the kitchen with an angry face and standing with her arms crossed about her belly carrying our baby boy, which is getting bigger and bigger each day.

"For gods sake Autumn! Can't you see I'm trying to get a job so I can start supporting our family and you're yelling at me cause I won't get you chocolate! If you want it so bad, go get it your f*cking self!" I yelled while slamming my hands on the table causing her to flinch.

She's been putting so much pressure of me for a while now and it's starting to get to me, she always asking me to do this and that, while I'm trying to keep up with schoolwork, hang out with the boys, find a job, look after Scarlett since my parents are away on a business trip for 5 weeks and I'm also trying to help her and making sure she has everything she needs and it's frustrating me so god damn much!


"What's gotten into you Ace? Why are you being so blunt with me? I haven't done anything?" She said while wiping away a tear that fell onto her cheek.

"You haven't done anything?!" I asked in disbelief to what she's saying. "You're putting so much pressure on me and I'm getting frustrated Autumn! Your always getting me to do this and that, while I'm trying to keep in touch with the boys, look after Scarlett, find a job so I can support our family. I'm getting headaches more, I'm never sleeping because I'm always doing things for you, I'm only ever out of this god damn house when I take Scarlett to day care and I go to school and come back home! I'm getting sick of it." I said to her with anger seething through me, I've just had it.

"Wow... I never knew I was such a burden to you... Well if it's makes you feel better, I'll get out of your hair! I'm going to stay with my parents for a little bit. I won't ask for anything anymore." She said before nodding her head and turning around and walking up the stairs before slamming our bedroom door.

Oh god... what have I done? All I wanted was for her to understand and just try not to put so much pressure on me.

I can't let her go... I have to fix this, immediately.

Walking downstairs, I decided to go out back and have a little swim in the pool to calm down a bit, before going back inside to talk it out with her.

This afternoon was perfect, we were all laughing, having a great time, but once I got back from dropping Scar at Ernette's house for the night, everything went downhill.

Jumping into the pool, I did about 10 laps back and forth to each end, before lifting myself up and sitting on the edge of the pool. Hearing the back door open behind me, I stayed looking down at the water, not looking who's behind me.

"I'm sorry..." Atty spoke before sitting down next to me and putting her feet into the water, splashing a little. "I had no right to pressure you. Your right, I've been putting to much on you lately and I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry." Her voice broke as she apologised and a tear fell down her cheek.

Moving my hand towards hers, I grabbed it, intertwining our fingers and resting our tangled hands on my leg.

"It's okay baby. I'm sorry too, for going off at you like that. I'm sorry if I scared you baby, I didn't mean to, I promise. All I wanted was for you to understand that I'm struggling and that I wanted you to help me a bit so I wouldn't be stressing so much. I know you sometimes have mood swings because of the pregnancy and that's okay, I can handle that, but what I can't handle is when you put so much pressure on me to do everything." I explained while looking at her as she nodded her heading in understanding before looking at me.

"I promise, I won't put any pressure on you anymore, only when our baby boy comes." She added cheekily while smiling at me, which made me chuckle at her. "But I promise, I'll never put pressure on you again and I mean it. You mean so much to me Ace, your the father of my baby boy, my boyfriend, my everything and I don't think I could ever loose you and I don't think our boy would either." She said while leaning over and giving my cheek a kiss, to which I smiled at her.

"I love you." I said with a smile on my face while looking at this beauty in front of me who is my girlfriend, best friend and the mother of my baby boy.

"I love you too." She said before leaning forward pressing her lips against mine. Placing my arm around her waist pulling her closer and my left hand on her belly, I kissed her back with so much love, passion, everything that I had in me. All of a sudden I pulled away, when I felt something push against my hand, looking at Autumn in shock.

"Did you feel that?" I ask, while taking my hand away and looking at Atty's stomach in confusion. Atty nodded before look at me.

"Babe, do it again." She said while smiling at me.

"Do what again?" I asked looking at her confused as to what she wants me to do again.

"Put you hand back on my belly A." She said while grabbing my hand and placing it on her belly. As soon as my hand made contact with her belly, it happened again. "Ace, he's kicking!" Atty screamed in excitement while placing her hand on her belly waiting for him to kick.

After a few seconds he didn't do anything, so she took her hand off, grabbing mine placing it back on her belly and he immediately kicked my hand, she took my hand away and put hers on her belly and he didn't do anything again.

"My own baby doesn't like me." She said before crying and hiding her face in her hands. Oh no.

"Baby, that's not true. He loves you so much, your his mummy." I spoke in a soft voice while pulling her into my arms and shushing her. "Here, let me try this." Getting back into the water, I turned and faced her pulling her to the edge so her belly would reach my face.

"Hey buddy, can you do daddy a huge favour and kick for mummy, so she isn't sad anymore." I asked before kissing her belly, to which I earned another kick and smiled at Atty. "Try now baby." I told her.

She lifted her hand up and placed it on the side of her belly and immediately her face brightened telling me that he kicked for her.

"HE KICKED FOR ME BABY! MY BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY KICKED FOR ME!" Autumn screamed before happy tears ran down her face as she leaned down to give me a kiss, but got stuck when she couldn't bend down and closer cause of her belly, so I pushed myself up and met her lips with a smile on my lips.

My perfect little family...








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