《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 26


Walking into Nonna's restaurant, I couldn't stop the smile from leaving my face. I was so happy, I'm gonna have a little boy, my little man. I just want him to be born already, so I can see him and hold him.

"YOU'RE HERE!" A scream comes from behind the counter which obviously belongs to Nonna. She immediately comes over running the best she can for her age, before taking me into her arms. "How did it go?! What's the gender! Tell me what my little superstar is gonna be!" Nonna's starts blabbering, to which Ace and I chuckle.

"Nonna, we'll tell you after dinner. Let us say high to everyone, eat dinner and then announce the gender okay?" Ace explained while smiling his charming smile at her.

"Oh alright... I swear you kids are trying to kill me by not knowing what my great grand baby is gonna be." She said while giving us a cheeky glare, but Ace and I smile at her because of how amazing she is.

"Of course not Nonna! I'm just tired and my feet are hurting as well. Oh and don't forget me being hungry! I'm starving!" I exclaimed while rubbing my growing belly that's holding our little boy.

"Oh dear! Go take a seat for 5 minutes! Then you can greet everyone! Now tell Nonna what you and my little superstar are wanting, Bumblebee." She said while patting my belly and then guiding me to my chair at the table that was at the front and the main table for close relatives of mine and Ace's. Everyone else sat around the room on their tables.

"I could really go for Pork." I said while rubbing my stomach as my stomach grumbled. "Ooo and some spaghetti! With lots of cheese, please Nonna."

"Absolutely dear. Ace, what would you like?" Nonna asks turning to Ace as he smiled at her.

"I'll have the same as Atty, Nonna, please." He said while kissing her on the cheek before sitting in his seat next to mine.

"Course dear! I'll see you soon!" She spoke before totting off into the kitchen to obviously get started on making everyone's meals. There were also waiters and waitresses walking around with champagne, wine, finger foods and lollies. Nonna, Mum and Mrs. Hunter, really outdid themselves.

"How you feeling Baby?" Ace asked while rubbing my belly with his right hand, his left hand was on the back of my chair.

"I'm feeling good, little sore but other than that great!" I said while smiling at him to which he smiled back. He leaned closer and captured my lips in his as he moved his lips against mine. I smiled against his lips which caused him to smile as well before chuckling at me and pulling away.

"I love you Autumn Grace Smithton." Ace spoke with a huge smile on his face as he said those words for the second time today.

"I love you too Ace Tyrell Hunter." I spoke with so much truth and passion while smiling at him. He's my whole world. I honestly have no clue what I would do without him.

Ace gave me a huge grin which sent butterflies to my stomach, before he leaned forward again and placed his lips on mine and started moving them against my own lips, wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer to me as I thread my fingers through his hair, to which I earned a groan to. I chuckled at him, as he growled in a cheeky way, before pulling away and leaning his forehead against mine.


"You shouldn't have done that Baby. Payback tonight." He smirked while I grinned at him as if acting innocent.

"What did I do babe?" I asked as I pulled away slightly so I was looking at him.

"Oh you know what you did." He said as he leaned towards my ear and whispered something that made shivers go down my spin. "Be prepared for tonight Baby."


Everyone's finished their meals and now everyone is just chatting and enjoying themselves.

Atty is next to me talking to her parents as well as the group of her girlfriends, I honestly have no clue what they're talking about as I ain't paying attention.

"Hey Awey." I hear a little voice from the chair beside me, which happens to be my adorable 2 year old sister.

"Yes Scarlett?" I question while sipping my Coke as I looked down at her putting a chip in her mouth before looking up at me with her big green eyes.

"What do wou wove about Autummy?" She asks cutely while eating another chips as she stares at me with awe in her eyes.

"Well everything Scar. What do you love about Autumn?" I ask as I take another sip of my drink.

"I wove how she aways wooks afwer me." She says while giggling cutely.

"Yeah? Is there anything else?" I ask knowing that there is way more. My little sister adores Autumn! No joke!

"I wove when she does my hair and helps me pick out cwothes." She said while smiling at the idea of Autumn helping her pick out clothes and doing her hair.

"Is that all?" I asked, definitely knowing that there is more.

"I also wove that she is so pwetty! She's wike a pwincess!" She exclaims while throwing her hands up in the air, but after her hands come down she frowns. "I wish I could be a pwincess wike Autummy..." She mumbles sadly while looking down and fiddling with her grey cardigan.

"Why can't you be a princess too Scar?" I ask as I put my drink down having full attention on my little sister.

"I'm not pwetty wike Autummy, Awey! Pwinsesses are pwetty." She spoke as she started crying into her hands that she had on her face to cover her tears.

"No baby girl! You are beautiful honey!" I said while putting my hand under her chin and tilting her head up, but she still kept her hands covering her eyes. "Hey princess, look at me." I said while leaning my head down a bit to be eye level with her. She slowly takes her hands away from her face as tears are streaming down. "How bout Awey go dance with you to make you happy?" I ask while smiling at her as her little face lit up with excitement as she nodded her head yes.

Getting up outta my seat, I turned back around and picked her up out of her seat before walking over to the dance floor with Scarlett still in my arms. A slow song started playing as I got to the dance floor and I started swaying as she wrapped her arms around my neck while her head laid on my shoulder.

Moments like these with my little sister, I cherish.

Soon the song ended and she has that beautiful smile back on her face which makes me proud.


"Lets go find Autumn, Scar." I say and I carry her around the restaurant looking for my beautiful girlfriend who is pregnant with my little man.

After about 5 minutes we find her, sitting at the table where my Nan and Pop are, as well as my Aunty and Uncle and their two children.

Walking over towards Autumn, Scar starts to squirm in my arms knowing that we've found Autumn and also telling me she wants to get down so she can ditch me for Autumn, placing Scar down, I watch as she runs as fast as her little legs can carry her towards Autumn.

"AUTUMMY!" Scar screams before jumping into her lap and squeezing Autumn into a hug.

"Baby careful, Autumn has a baby in her belly remember." I say quickly rushing over to make sure my girl is okay. "You alright baby?" I ask as I stand behind her chair, grinning down at her and she tilted her head back smiling at me.

"I'm fine A." She smiled reassuringly, to which I leaned down and captured her lips for a quick kiss and everyone around us awwed.

"Awey! Off, she's mine!" Scar said while pushing me away the best she could with her little hands. Autumn chuckled and immediately covered her mouth when I glared at her.

"Yes, baby girl. You tell him." Autumn encouraged Scar while high fiving my almost 3 year old sister. Traitor...

"Atty! You're not helping! You're suppose to disagree with Scar, not agree with her!" I screamed in shock. She's seriously a traitor! Double the punishment tonight.


"Everyone! May I have everyone's attention!" Nonna called out through the microphone and after everyone slowly grew quiet Nonna continued. "As you know, tonight is a night to bring friends and family of Autumn and Ace's together for the announcement of their baby's sex! So I'll pass it over to them now to reveal the gender of their baby." Nonna squealed excitedly before handing us the microphone and walking off and back to her table before sitting down.

"Hi everyone! So as you guys know, Ace and I have been best friends for a really long time, unexpectedly we had a bit of an oops and now we have this little one on the way." I explained while patting my belly to which everyone chuckled. "But honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. So we are definitely happy to announce that our baby is..." I stopped and passed the phone to Ace so he could talk as well.

"A beautiful and healthy baby boy!" Ace cheered happily, as everyone screamed and started clapping, my mum and Amber were crying while hugging each other and my dad and Sam we're smiling at us happily.

Everyone came to congratulated us one by one and told us how we were going to make such great parents to our baby boy, which I sure hoped so and would try my absolute best.

It started getting late and everyone started leaving, but not before saying goodbye to everyone and hugging everyone. Spotting out of the corner of my eye Nonna was walking over to us.

"My babies! I'm so proud of you, I know you're only young but I know you can do this, because you two are such a great team and an amazing couple. This baby boy is gonna have the best parents" Nonna complimented while hugging each of us tightly, me not too tight.

"Thank you so much Nonna. Thank you also for doing all this, it was amazing and such a great night." I said with so much love and thankfulness as I could to show how much I appreciated it for her to do something like this for Ace and I.

"No problem, my dear. Now I'm sure you're tired, you go along now and get some rest okay, Bumblebee?" Nonna said while patting my arm and giving me a soft push towards the door.

"But-" I started but she interrupted before I could say anything.

"No buts, everything will be fine, I have your parents here helping me out and well as Aces grandmother. Now go along and get some rest because you and Mr Superstar are tired." She scolded while crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow at me. I chuckled at her before nodding my head.

"Alright Nonna, I'll see you soon. Love you!" I shouted as we walked out of the restaurant happily holding hands.

Arriving home after 10 minutes, we walked into Ace's house and up to his room.

"I'm so happy I'm having a baby boy." Ace gushed while smiling happily at me and sitting on the bed.

"Me too. I can't wait to meet him. We just need to pick a name for our baby boy now." I spoke with excitement while clapping my hands together at picking a name for our little boy. Ace chuckled before tucking his index fingers into each of my pants and pulling me to stand in between his legs, before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you so much baby." He whispered while looking up at me with so much love in his eyes. I leaned closer to him but not enough to hurt my baby, before running both of my hands through his hair smiling down at him.

"I love you too, lots and lots." I said while placing a kissing on his forehead. I felt him lean closer to my belly, so I pulled my face back to watch what he was doing.

"I love you so much also baby boy. Daddy can't wait to meet you and just hold you in my arms." He whispered before kissing my belly and turning his head and resting his head on my belly so his ear was resting on my belly.

After another 5 minutes of silence he pulls back and stands up and leans down before pressing his lips against mine and slowly moving his lips against my own. I loved when his lips would touch mine, because they're so soft and just fit perfectly.

Placing his hands on my waist he picks me up gently and I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck kissing him back with just as much force. He turned around and slowly laid me down on the bed carefully not to hurt our baby boy as he continued kissing me while hovering over me. It quickly got really heated and before we know it, we are both completely naked.








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