《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 25


"So how far along are you bumblebee?" Nonna asks looking at me with a huge smile at the thought of Ace & I have a baby. I agree it's pretty exciting and I can't wait to meet my little baby, in just 5 months.

"We're 4 months Nonna, we actually get to find out what the baby is tomorrow!" I explain excitedly to which Nonna squealed in excitement and all of us chuckled at her.

"That's amazing! Tomorrow after the appointment, bring down all the family for a big dinner, we'll book out the restaurant and it can just be a big party/baby shower!" Nonna explained while smiling brightly at me. I instantly smiled at her idea and immediately nodded my head.

"Nonna, thank you so much! I love you! I love you! I love you!" I squealed while getting up and hugging her while tears flowed down my cheeks, ugh hormones are seriously annoying.

"It's seriously no problem, anything for my little rocket, bumblebee and soon to be baby superstar." Nonna said while patting my back and smiling at Ace.

Walking back over to Ace, I sat next to him but he decided to pull me into his lap with my legs across him and resting on the opposite side, holding me in his arms with his arms around me and hand on my growing belly, he placed a kiss on my forehead and rested his chin on my head.

"You guys are so adorable! I always told you they would get together, didn't I?" Nonna cooed, before directing her question to my parents and we all chuckled at Nonna. "Now, I'll go get you your usuals and then we can all sick down and talk about details for tomorrow night!" Nonna clapped her hands excitedly before walking to the kitchen and telling the chef our usual orders.


"I'm tired A..." I mumbled while resting my head on his chest and yawning.

"Go to sleep Baby." He whispers while pushing my hair out of my face before playing with my hair which made me sigh in content.

"I'm trying, but it's getting harder to sleep now that I'm getting bigger because our little baby is growing." I reply while looking down at my belly and rubbing it with my right hand.

"That's showing you that our baby is healthy and growing perfectly. We get to find out the gender tomorrow, so get some sleep Atty." Ace explains while placing his hand over mine.

"Okay then." I said before snuggling in closer to Ace and letting out a breath and relaxing my body while Ace continued to play with my hair.

After laying there for about 5 minutes, we hear a knock a little knock at the door before the door opens and Scarlett's little head pops in. She's standing in her little Elsa & Anna PJ's, with her hair in little braids which I did earlier when she got out of the shower and holding her little bear that Ace gave her with a tired look on her face.

"Awey, can I sleep wifh Autummy, Baby and you?" We hear Scarbear ask quietly while holding her teddy tightly to her chest with a sad look on her face.

"Of course, baby girl. Come here." Ace said before sitting up and holding his arms out to which Scar came running into and he picked her up placing her in between us. "What's wrong Scar?" Ace asks while looking down at her as she lays on her back holding her teddy.


"I... I had a bad dream." She said before a small tear slid down her little face which broke me heart seeing her cry.

"Why you crying gorgeous? What was your dream about?" I asked while wiping her tears away and giving her forehead a kiss.

"Mummy, Daddy, Aunty Lauwen, Uncle Andew, Awey and you all forgot about me when baby was born..." She said in the safest voice I've ever heard from here and what she said broke me heart into a million pieces.

"Oh baby! We would never forget you Honey! Never ever!" I exclaimed before grabbing her and pulling her into a big hug and she cried into my shoulder hugging me. Oh my this is hurting me, to the point I started crying because of these stupid hormones.

"Scar, hey baby girl. Look at me." Ace spoke while rubbing her back, still clinging onto me she turned her head resting it in the crook of my neck while looking at Ace. "We can never forget you! Yes, when baby does come we will be spending a lot of time with the baby, but that's only cause baby will cry a lot, okay." Ace explained while wiping her tears away with his hands and smiling at her.

"Okay... you promise Awey?" She asked cutely while looking at him with a frown. She's so adorable, I love her to death.

"I promise baby girl." He crossed his heart before holding his pinky out and she wrapped her index finger around it which made us chuckled and he kissed it. That's their little promise sign, it's so adorable. "Now let's get some sleep aye? We've got a big day tomorrow." Ace smiled down at her and then she nodded her head while smiling and clutching her bear.

Laying down altogether, Scar cuddled up into me with her head resting just on my baby bump clutching her near in between us, Ace scooted closer enclosing both of us into his arms, resting his large hand on my growing belly before placing a kiss on myself and Scar's forehead before placing his head back on his pillow.


"Autummy! Get up! We get to find out what baby is!" I hear a high pitched adorable voice which I instantly knew was coming from Scar also because of the name as well.

"Alright I'm getting up, I'm getting up." I say while slowly opening my eyes adjusting them to the light before rolling from my side to my back, my belly sticking up that I can't see my feet. Suddenly I felt a tiny hand pressed to my belly and looked to see Scar smiling and rubbing my belly with her little hand.

"Hi baby, we get to find out what you are toway. I want wou to be a girl, so I have someone to pway pwinsesses wifh, but if wour a boy, it's oway too." She dokie cutely to my belly while smiling this huge smile. Oh my gosh, she's too cute.

"That's was cute Scarbear." I said while slowly sitting up struggling a little bit I not too much that I couldn't get up. "Now c'mon let's go get dress and do your our hair for the day, yeah?" I cheerfully spoke while smiling at her excited face when she found out I was gonna dress and do her hair for her again.

"Yes! Let's go! First we pick out wour cwothes." She said before walking into Ace & I's closet and looking at all my clothes.


Eventually for me we decided on a black tank top and a cardigan which really showed off my baby bump and some black leggings with black flats to go with. After doing my hair and make up, which turned out to look really good, we headed to Scar's room and started looking in her closet.

I picked out an adorable sweater and some blue jeggings and black flats like me. Getting her into the outfit was easy since she loved it, she always loves what I pick for her to wear. After getting into her clothes we went back to my room and into my bathroom before I started on her hair with a hairstyle I adore on girls her age.

"Atty baby! Are you almost done, we need to leave!" I hear Ace from the bottom of the stairs, lazy ass he is, I'm the pregnant one, not him.

"Yeah one sec, I'm just finishing of your adorable sisters hair!" I called back while smiling at Scar in the mirror while she blushed, she's so adorable. I love her with all my heart.

"Okay, well be quick we're leaving in 10!" He yelled back before I heard footsteps on the hardwood floors downstairs telling me he was walking away from the staircase.

"So Scarbear, how is kinder going?" I asked starting a conversation with her while I do her hair. It's like tradition and we have an amazing time, sometimes we put music on and just sing dance and enjoy ourselves while I'm doing her hair. When I asked that question she started blushing, hmmm interesting.

"It good." She said while her blush continued to stay unhidden on her adorable little face.

"Is there something your not telling me Baby Girl?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her.

"Don't well Awey or Daddy." She spoke quietly while looking at me with a scared look on her face at the thought of Ace and her dad finding out. I instantly nodded my head holding out my pinky to her which she interlocked before we both kissed each other's opposite cheeks, our little promise handshake.

"Well... tell me beautiful." I said urging her to continue.

"Oway, I like a boy named Coower." She said while giggling and covering her mouth with her tiny hands as she continued to blush.

"Cooper, aye?" I asked while winking at her as she nodded her head a little bit, but not enough to ruin her hair. "Well what's he like, tell me about him." I say as I continue doing her hair.

"He's got bwonde hair, bwue eyes, he's really nice and fwunny." She said while smiling at the thought of him, it's so cute!

"He sounds adorable baby girl." I say while smiling at her through the mirror and finished up her hair by tying it with a hair tie. "Alright gorgeous, all done! Now let's go get your clothes baby."

Scarlett jumps up from her seat before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her into her room which is down the hall. Eventually we get to her room and standing informer of her closed door and she tries to reach the

doorknob by standing on her tiptoes, chuckling at the sight of her trying to reach the doorknob I lean forward and open the door to which she claps her hands at for some unknown reason. I don't know how many times I've said she's cute, but I'll keep saying it cause it's true!

"Right, now what colour are you wanting to wear today Scar?" I asked as we walked over to her closet and opened the doors.

"Grey!" She squealed while jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

"Alright, let's see what I can find." I said as I started flicking through her clothes to find something grey. Eventually I come across a cute little grey sweater which I quickly grabbed and passed it to Scar. "How bout that top?" I asked as I looked down at her.

"Good! Now pants!" She smiled up at me, while walking over to her small princess bed and putting the top on the bed.

"Okie dokie." I said while turning back and looking for some pants to go with the sweater.


"Miss Smithton?" The doctor calls my name after waiting for 10 minutes. Ace and I instantly stood up and followed the doctor back to the ultrasound room.

"I'm Dr Adele, I'll be checking your weight while we wait for Dr Andrea to finish with another patient." Dr Adele explained before leading me over to a weighing stand.

"Good afternoon Ace and Autumn. How are we today?" Dr Andrea walked in as I was on the weighing stand.

"Great, how are you Andrea?" I asked as Dr Adele nodded that I can step off and go lay on the bed, I mouthed a thank you before turning and heading to the bed.

"I'm great, thank you. Shall we get started?" Dr Andrea asks as she sits down on the roller chair and begins to set up the equipment.

"Yes please." Ace says with a huge smile while looking at me with excitement in his eyes, I'm pretty sure mine being the same. Dr Andrea nodded before turning back to the machine and continued getting everything ready, before turning towards me with a big smile.

"Lift your shirt up please, Autumn." Dr Andrea instructed with a smile on her face as I lifted my shirt up revealing my baby bump that now is noticeable.

"Okay, let's get started." Dr Andrea clapped her hands together before grabbing the ultrasound stick thingy and pressing it against the lower part of my belly and instantly up popped on the screen my baby, who's definitely grown since the last time. "Now your wanting to find out the gender yes?" She asked while looking at Ace and I.

"Yes!" Ace calls immediately while squeezing my hand and looking at Dr Andrea impatiently.

"Alrighty then." She chuckles before looking back at the screenshot and moving the sticky thing around on my belly before finally smiling. "Congratulations Ace and Autumn! You're gonna have a baby boy!" She exclaimed while smiling happily as us, as instant tears fell down my face.

I'm having a baby boy!

"Baby! We're having a boy!" Ace screamed in excitement before jumping up out of his seat and doing a happy dance. "I can teach him how to play football and soccer and basketball and-" He ranted before I cut him off.

"Babe! Calm down!" I laughed at his excitement towards us having a little boy. I mean, I still can't believe I'm gonna have a baby boy!

"Sorry, I'm just really excited for him to come now! I mean, we're having a boy! A mini me!" He screamed out in happiness before running over and kissing me as passionately as he could to which I returned.

"You definitely have one excited baby daddy there Autumn." Dr Andrea chuckled while turning everything off before standing up. "I'll be right back with your ultrasound pictures."

"Baby! We're having a boy!" He spoke with a huge smile on his face before grabbing my face in both his hands and smiling at me. "This is the best gift you could have ever given me." He gushed before leaning down and capturing my lips in a kiss, leaning back ever so slightly before whispering the words I thought I'd never hear.

"I love you, baby."











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