《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 23


"Let's play paint twister today!" Jackson called out while we're all lounging around in the lounge room being our lazy selves. That idea doesn't sound to bad.

"YESS! Omg, Jack you are amazing! That's an awesome idea!" Lilianna called out while jumping up and down in her seat out of excitement.

"Sure, we can set it up on the deck." Alex explained while pointing to the deck out the front. Everyone nodded at the idea, letting Alex know we agreed.

"Atty and I'll go down to the shops and get the colours we need for the game, while all you get dressed into old clothes." Ace told everyone while nodding at me to make sure I was okay with it.

"Sure, are you gonna get dressed before or after?" Alex asked while looking at the both of us.

"We'll get dressed before so then when we get back we can set up and then just get straight into it." I explained while smiling at everyone. They all nodded and we left it at that everyone running/walking up the stairs to their rooms.

Going into our room, I walked over to our walk in closet looking through my clothes to find a pair I

don't mind getting paint all over. I found a grey off the shoulder top and some black short shorts and decided to wear that since I thought it was good for the activity, grabbing a black sports bra, I start taking off my pjs and replacing them with my outfit and then placing some black thongs on as well . Turning around I saw Ace standing in a greyish-black muscle tee and some loose blue ripped jean shorts.

"Babe, you look gorgeous." Ace told me while walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me from behind, his hands resting on my growing baby bump, while I'm putting my hair into a high pony tail and adding a little bit of make-up which was just foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

"Thanks A" I looking at him through the mirror door we have, that leads to the walk in closet. His thumb started moving up and down on my belly, while he placed kisses on my neck.

"My two beautiful babies." He whispered and I could feel him smiling against my neck. "I can't wait to meet our little princess or our little superhero." He spoke while looking at me through the mirror with a huge smile on his face.

"Me too, I'm nervous but excited at the same time." I explained while placing my right around around his neck holding his head against my neck, where is was resting on my right shoulder, then placing my left hand on my belly and smiling down at it.

"We're gonna have to start thinking of names soon." He spoke while still rubbing my belly that holds our little creation.

"Yeah, I have an amazing idea of how we can think of names!" I squealed excitedly at him, to which he chuckled at.

"And what might that be baby?" He asked while looking at me.

"Okay so how bout tonight, we go up here early tonight, maybe after dinner?" I asked and he nodded at the idea and then I continued. "Right so we'll come up here, and we'll sit down, we get pen and paper, I'll write A-Z on the paper and then we give too names each. We'll have a boys side and a girls side and we both give a name for A for a girl and both give a name for A for a boy, so on, so on. After that we don't show anyone, then we ask all the girls and boys to do the same thing just individually so they don't know what names they put, we tell them not to show each other, then we also get out parents to do the same and not tell each other, then we collect all of the names after they're done and pick our favourite ones." I explained, while smiling at him. It's gonna be a hell of a lot of names but why not, I think it will be a lot of fun.


"Babe! I love it! You are so creative baby girl! I'm so proud to call you mine." He explained while kissing my cheek with a huge smile on his face. "But I have one more thing I wanna add about the names." He continued while turning me around to face him.

"Sure babe, what is it?" I asked while grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room, downstairs so we can head to the shops otherwise we'll never get there at all, grabbing the car keys of the wall on the hook for Ace I pass them to him while we both walk to the car.

"As I was saying, when we find out the gender everyone can know of course, but if we pick a name before the baby is born we don't tell anyone, they all find out when they come visit our baby." He spoke while driving down the road towards town which was quite close.

"I like that idea." I answered while reaching over and grabbing his left hand from where it sat on his lap, intertwining our hands together and smiling over at him.


"Okay, so how bout we do 3 rounds, first round can be boys vs girls. Second round can be Ace & Autumn, Madelyn & Nicholas and Bethany & Alex vs AJ & Lilianna, Jackson & Abigail and Connor & Riley. Third round can be couples vs each other the other couples, so in pairs. We'll have a timer and the first ones to fall in each round loose, the ones who last the longest win and we'll record the answers." Alex explained while looking at everyone to see if they liked the idea of the game, to which we all nodded our heads.

"Alrighty then! Okay so we'll do boys first?" Riley clapped her hands together and then looked at all the boys who shrugged and nodded their heads, letting us know they'll go first.

All six of the boys went and stood next to the the mat where all the paint was on the colours, we got enough paint so then we can put more on each go, if we run out.

"Okay boys, ready?" Madelyn asked while looking at them cheekily, they all nodded their heads and Lilianna span the circle thing on the board, Madelyn pressing the timer to start.

"Okay, Alex, your first. Right hand red." Lilianna spoke while all turned to watch Alex put his right hand in the red paint, on the red circle.

"It's cold!" He exclaimed from his squatting position and we all laughed at him.

"Suck it up princess." Bethany teasing said while poking her tongue out at him, to which he flipped her the middle finger.

"Okay, next. Nic left foot yellow." Lilianna told him and he placed his left foot in the yellow paint.

"Geez, Alex your right it's cold." Nicholas looked over at Alex agreeing with him.

"I told you!"

"Oh shut up, both of you!" Riley laughed at them, to which they both glared at her.

"Ace, left hand green." Lilianna spoke up and we all watching him place his left hand in the green paint.


"This is so easy!" Ace exclaimed while looking at the boys and them nodding.

"That's what you say now.. AJ, left foot red." Lilianna told him and we again watched him put his left food in the red paint.

"Jackson, right hand yellow." Lilianna told him and we watched him as well. "Connor, right hand blue." Lilianna instructed, to which this went on and on until they all eventually fell at and landed in the paint at 1 minute and 30 seconds and all the girls and I laughed.

"Alright, smartypants. Get your asses over there and you try!" Jackson spoke while slapping Abigail's ass on the way, to which she squealed and jumped looking at him and glaring. We all walked over with more paint and put more on the twister mat, the boys taking the paint bottles back and is waiting for them to start.

"Autumn, left hand yellow." Connor told me while they all watched as I placed my left hand in the yellow paint.

That went for another 3 rounds.

Round 1: Girls won

Round 2: Ace & I's team won

Round 3: Jackson & Abigail won


"We're going up to our room everyone!" Ace told everyone as we were all sitting in the theatre room watching Transformers, everyone just nodded, so Ace & I turned and walked out of the theatre room heading upstairs towards our room.

Sitting on our bed, already in our pjs because everyone had showers while I made dinner and then after dinner I had a shower while they all started the movie.

"Okay, so shall we start thinking of names?" Ace asked while grabbing a pen and paper from the desk in our room.


Grabbing a big book that's thick to use as a table for the paper, I placed it on my lap and took the paper and pen Ace was holding out for me to take. Making one of the sides with the heading 'Girls Names💕' and putting the heading 'Boys Names💙' on the other side, then putting A-Z on each side.

"Okay, shall we start with Boys?" I asked while looking at Ace.

"Sure, okay well for A I like Aiden." Ace spoke while looking at me.

"That's cute, I like Adrian" I told him while smiling at him. He nodded his head letting me know that he likes it so I put the names down next to A.

"Blake." I said and he nodded so I put it down.

"Bailey." He said and I placed it down on the sheet.

"Colton." I spoke and he nodded so I put it down.

"Caden." He said and I placed it again on the sheet.



Placing both those names on the list before looking at him as we moved onto the next letter.











































"What the hell is that name?" Ace asked while looking at me weirdly.

"I don't know, it was the first thing that popped into my head A!" I said while putting my hands up in surrender, he just chuckled at me.

"Let's continue." He said while smiling down at me. "Zayn."

"Zachary. Well that's boys finished! Now for the girls." I said while smiling excitedly at Ace and he just chuckled at me. "Can't I start?" I put in quickly while looking at him.

"Sure baby girl." He replied as his fingers started playing with my hair and he kissed my temple.

























"I like that one! It's so pretty!" I spoke while smiling brightly at the name.

"Me too, it's beautiful." Ace smiled at me.















"That's really pretty baby." Ace said while smiling at the name I said.

"Thanks A." I smiled at him while leaning in a pecking his lips to which he smiled at.















"And we're done baby!" Ace spoke while looking at the long list of names for boys and girls, some of the girls names are really pretty and some of the boys names are so cute!

"I agree. That's a step one done, next we have to get the boys and girls to write names." I explained.

I'm definitely excited to pick a name for our little princess or our little superhero.




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