《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 22


"It's time to get up in the morning... we got McDonalds breakfast for you... we drove two miles to get... so now get up to eat it... SO WE GOTTA GETTT UPPP!!! IT'S TIME TO GETT UPPP!!" I heard screaming voices in my room from what seems to be boys voices, very off key and terrible.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ace groaned in a muffled voice from beside me since his head was buried in my hair, in the crook of my neck, my head on his chest.

"We'll get up, it's alright 10! Everyone's downstairs waiting for the soon to be parents to come eat breakfast with us." I heard Jackson whine like the little kid he is. I guess I should explain each other the boys personalities so you have a better idea of them.

"Alright, for fucks sake. We'll be down in 5 minutes." Ace groaned again to the boys which they all cheered and then left shutting the door after them.

Jackson is the whiny one, always acting like a kid, very very childish and always eating candy and all that crap. It's actually quite funny, but he's also a bad boy, he swears smokes, drinks and goes to parties all the time, he's mean to people he doesn't like and doesn't want to be around, but he's really loving and caring and protective about all of his friends, so if any one of them get hurt, oh god.

Alex is the one with the brains and smartness out of all the boys, he's nerdy, but also a bad boy. Smokes, drinks, parties hard, also humps and dumps every now and then. He's amazingly friendly to all of his friends and family and protective and always up for anything thrown his way.

AJ is the funny one, constantly cracking jokes, throwing dirty jokes, making people laugh. He's the same as Jackson and Alex all the boys are really but they each have their individual personalities.

Connor is the prankster of the group, he's constantly pranking one of us or his siblings. One time, me and him teamed up and and pranked all of the boys by drawing on their faces with permanent marker, outing whipped cream in the hands and adding sprinkles, colouring their hair and I did there make up before the permanent marker went on. It was the funniest thing ever!

Nicholas is the computer geek, he can hack into things, fix computers, anything you name it he can do it. Once Riley's computer went haywire and got a virus, she talked to Nic and he got rid of it like that and we didn't even understand anything that he did.

Lastly, you have Ace, my favourite one of them all! He was the cheeky one, there was no denying that. He's the same as the other boys, swears, drinks goes to heaps of parties you name it, but one thing he's not is a player, he hates that, he's really caring and cares about girls so much and doesn't believe in the hump and dump crap. That's what I love about him, and I think it's because he's got such an amazing mother who's taught him such amazing manners and respect for girls.



"Finally! Took you long enough." Jackson whined while looking at Ace and I as we came into the kitchen. We were both still in our pj's with my in my sports Nike short shorts and one of Ace's grey muscle tee shirts. Ace was shirtless while wear grey sweatpants but had chucked on a black top before we came downstairs. In my eyes we looked kinda cute.

"I'm am a 3 and a half pregnant teenager! I am tired and exhausted from hardly any sleep because of the pregnancy, so don't get me started Jack." I warned while sending a glare his way. I don't mean to snap at him but I'm tired, I only got 5 hours sleep last nice because it's getting harder and harder to get comfortable. Usually I sleep for a least 8-10 hours, so having 5 hours has made me extremely tired.

"I'm sorry Autumn... please don't be mad at me, I'm really sorry." Jackson spoke while looking down at the floor. I instantly felt bad for going off at him. He didn't mean it and I snapped at him for no reason. I'm such a bad friend.

I started crying because I felt so bad, I'm started to get a lot of mood swings now and no one has seen them until now.

"I'm so sorry Jack..." I cried, before I turned around and ran off up back to my room. I was too embarrassed to be around anyone and I felt horrible for what I did. They all probably hate me now.

"Baby! Don't run off.." Ace's voice trailed off as I got onto the second floor and towards the third staircase.

"Baby! Don't run off..." I yelled out to her but I'm sure she couldn't hear me as I could hear her soft feet padding again the second floor and getting closer to the staircase leading to our room.

"Ace, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too, please forgive me." Jackson spoke from behind me since I was facing the way Atty ran out.

"Jack, buddy. Calm down it's okay, it's not your fault. She's just going through mood swings, it happens in every pregnancy and she didn't get much sleep last night because of the baby as it's getting uncomfortable for her, which is normal." I explained while patting him on the back to calm him down a little.

"Should I go up and say sorry?" Jack asked while looking at me sadly.

"No, it's alright, bro. She knows you didn't mean it, she didn't mean what she did. I'll go up and check on her now, can you just heat up our breakfast and we'll be down in 10." I explained while heading towards the doorway.


"Course bro. Anything for you." I heard Jack speak behind me which I sent him a thumbs up as a thanks. My poor baby girl, going through all these mood swings and hardly any sleep because I've gotten her pregnant, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Standing in front of our closed bedroom door, I take a minute to just listen and hear any sounds from inside the room. I hear soft sniffles and crying coming from my baby girl, which saddens me.

"Baby." I call out softly while opening the door to our room and walking in quietly, shutting the door for privacy and making my way over to her.

"I'm so sorry Ace. I didn't mean to snap at Jack. I'm such a terrible friend, I'm a horrible person." Atty cries out while hugging the pillow tighter to her body.

"No Atty, no no. Your not a horrible person, baby. We all love you so so much, your an amazing person baby. Jack knows you didn't mean to snap at him and he's sorry for what he did, he just worried your upset at him." I explained while sitting on the side of the bed beside her and wrapping her up in my arms letting her cry. God how much I hate when she cries.

"You promise, he's really not mad at me?" Atty asked innocently while lifting her head up and looking so innocent and sad it killed me to see her like this with tears streaming down her face which is red and puffy from crying, oh my poor baby girl.

"Of course baby, now how about we get some food in you, for you and the baby. You can also give Jackson and big hug if it will make you feel better?" I spoke while rubbing her back and smiling at her in a reassuring way.

"Okay..." She spoke in a soft, quiet voice while looking at me. I smiled at her, leaning forward to peck her lips.

"Better?" I asked while resting my forehead against hers.

"Almost." She said teasingly while smiling cheekily at me. I chuckled at her and placed my lips on her moving them against hers in sync. It was a passionate, soft and loving kiss that left me breathless of how amazing it was. I slowly pulled away placing my hand on her cheek to bring her in for more as it started getting more and more heated and passionate.

After a minute of a heated make out Atty pulled away to breath because we both needed it.

"Better now baby?" I asked while stroking her checking smiling at her lovingly.

"Obviously. You always know how to make me feel better." She spoke while smiling back at me which caused my smile to grow at what she had said. She always knows how to make me smile.

"Good, now c'mon gorgeous! Let's get you downstairs and feed you and our growing baby." I clapped my hands together to show my excitement about food. To which Atty just chuckled at, stood wiping under her eyes, grabbed my hand pulling me out of our room and down to the kitchen where everyone else was.

"Hey! Soon-to-be-mummy is back!" Abigail squealed excitedly as we entered the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm back, I'm sorry about before guys, I really am and Jack I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you, I hope you can forgive me..." Atty mumbled quietly while looking down at the floor.

"Autumn, of course I forgive you! Your my little sis, girl! I know you didn't mean to snap okay? So take a deep breath and come give your favourite older brother a big hug?" He explained and chuckled at the end of his sentence, holding his arms open for Atty to hug.

"I love you Jack, your the best big brother." She smiled into his chest and she hugged him.

"Cough cough. What are we then chopped liver?" Connor asked while pointing at himself and the other boys the were near him. Atty laughed at his comment then walked over to all the boys and held her arms open, to which they all ran into but carefully because of her being pregnant.

"GROUP HUG!" Madelyn shouted while jumping up and running over and joining the hugs, soon the other girls did as well. It was so cute, I just had to take a picture.

I pulled up my Facebook and clicked new post and adding the photo in, captioned: '2 weeks with away with this bunch and I'm already excited to see what memories we make this time.❤️' tagging everyone in the photo I posted it and looked up smiling at all my friends.





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