《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 8


My god it's been one amazing week! Ace and I all week hung out with the girls and boys altogether and man it was hilarious.

On Wednesday, we were all sitting in the cafeteria and we were all telling jokes and pick up lines and everything, anyway Alex ended up drowning Jackson in Coke because of one joke that Jackson made about Alex. All of us died of laughter and kept getting weird looks the whole entire time, it was really funny.

It's Saturday again meaning Ace and Autumn lazy day and I'm so excited I can't wait! At the moment I'm downstairs making Ace and I breakfast as Ace is still in bed sleeping, I think he's becoming sleeping beautiful to be honest. Wouldn't surprise me.

I've decided to make Bacon and Eggs as well as make him his morning coffee, he especially loves when I make his coffee, because apparently I make the best coffee he's ever tasted (he says that about everything I make), literally no joke. Sometimes when he wants his morning coffee, he wakes me up and tells me "to move my little bloody ass and make him his coffee!" I know right, real polite aye?

Finally I'm finished making the eggs, bacon and his coffee. I left it on the kitchen table and started walking upstairs to Ace's room. Once I got there, I walked straight in and saw he was still asleep, laying on his back with his arms spread out and his mouth open and soft snores coming from him. Awww he's so cute I swear. I already had a plan on how to wake him up, wasn't much but I loved doing this.

I ran full speed and jumped up on the bed and landed on his stomach and kinda bounced a little bit. You hear a little 'ommph' come from Ace but he doesn't open his eyes.

"Really Autey? Why do you always have to run and jump on me? I swear one day your gonna go to hard and break my ribs." He spoke as she slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. I stayed seated in his lower stomach area and he moves his arms and rested them on my thighs.

"A how else am I gonna get you up then?" I spoke with an innocent smile on my face to which he chuckled at.

"Oh I don't know, maybe by shaking me and saying Ace! Hey wake up! It's time to get up." He said while shaking me slightly and I just laughed.


"Well who cares your up now and plus I made you breakfast A!" I smiled sweetly at him knowing he'll be up in....




All of a sudden, I'm off the ground and thrown upside down. Well what a nice view I have of Ace's ass aye? Damn it's one hell of a sexy ass too! How have I never noticed this before? I mean I look at his ass all the time when he ain't looking, but being pretty much face to face well damn!

I was suddenly sitting down in a chair, with Ace across from me staring at his food in admiration. He sure loves his food. He started eating and in the first bite his eyes lit up with love for the food and he moaned at the taste.

"I swear to got Atty! Your my favourite cook! Like how many things can you be my favourite for?" He asked as he looked at me while smiling at me.

"Tell me what they are!" I stated as I took a bit of the eggs and bacon, I sipped on my coffee after I swallowed the forkful.

"Okay well your my favourite friend! My favourite girl! My favourite cook! My favourite football and soccer player! My favourite girly girl!" He listed of that and many more! I was surprised, why am I his favourite for pretty much everything, well damn. I feel special!

"I wouldn't blame you A! I am amazing aren't I?" I replied with sass as I flicked my hair off my shoulder and Ace chuckled at my actions.

"So what movies shall we watch today?" Ace asked as we cleaned up the dishes and walked into the lounge room to start our lazy day, once again for the third time!

"OOO I know lets watch that movie 'Friends with Benefits!" I shouted excitedly as I skipped happily to the movie shelf to retrieve it. I love that movie! It's really funny and really sweet and cute!

"Alrighty then! But I get to pick the next movie Autey!" A screams as he jumps on the couch from the back and plops his butt in a spot.

"Deal!" I reply while chucking the DVD in the DVD player. I went and jumped into the seat next to Ace and we started watching the movie.


My god what a day! But it was awesome and absolutely worth it!


After breakfast we watch Friends with Benefits, Jupiter Ascending and High School Musical. What??? I love that show! I mean cmon! Troy Bolton! Damnn that boy! I might be 17 but I will always love High School Musical!

After those three movies we called up the pizza place and ordered pizza for lunch and then once the pizza arrived, we sat back down and began watching High School Musical 2, then High School Musical 3! I was happy we got to watch all of them, I might have had to beg Ace but in the end he gave in!

The rest of the day continued on with movies being played one after another! It was an awesome day to just sit and relax and talk as well. Today was awesome, it definitely was.

Right now, we are sitting on the couch facing each other with the tv turned off but the radio playing quietly through the speakers, but it was loud, but not to loud to the point where we couldn't hear each other. We were playing 20 questions, I have no clue why when we know everything about each other, but we were.

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Ace asked me and he changed his seating position, he was sitting cross legged in front of me with his elbow rested on the back of the couch and his head rested in his hand. Damn his muscle were flexing when he say like that and I'm trying so hard not to get distracted.

"I don't know A. I guess I'll know once five years gets there won't I?" I answered as I smiled at him.

We stared at each other for a while, no words coming out of our mouths. I saw his eyes flicker to my lips and back up to my eyes and my eyes did the same thing. Oh how badly I want to kiss him right now. I wish I could, but he sees me as a little sister.

His eyes kept flicking back to my lips until I saw him stop and just stare right into my brown eyes that I got from my mum. I stared right back into his beautiful grey eyes that I love so much.

He slowly started to lean forward and I don't know what happened but I started leaning forward as well. His face stopped right in front of my face so his lips just kept brushing against mine and his eyes stayed locked on mine.

After a second I felt lips being placed on mine and I widened my eyes in shock! I started closing my eyes and slowly started to kiss Ace back. Oh my god, I'm kissing my best friend, the love of my life, my everything! I'm kissing Ace! I'm kissing Ace! Oh my god, I'm gonna die!

Our lips moved in perfect sync and it slowly started to get heated as his tongue flicked across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I allowed him straight away. Our tongues fought together until he finally one and cheekily grin, but continued on kissing me. I moaned into his mouth at the feeling he was giving me, it's felt amazing, I never wanted this to end.

He hands soon latched onto my waist and pulled me onto his lap without a struggle in the world, like I was the lightest thing ever. He detached his lips and connected them to my neck and he started kissing and sucking along my neck trying to find my sweet spot, once he found it, I moaned in pleasure at the feeling he's giving me and tilted my head back to give him more access. He was biting, sucking and kissing on my sweet spot, before attaching his lips to mine once again.

I slowly felt him moving and eventually he was standing up and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist as we continued to kiss while he walked up stairs so easily. I wrapped my hands around his hair and tugged on it, while also pulling his closer to me. I heard a door open and me being shoved against a door still clinging to Ace and continued kissing.

I moved my fingers from his hair and moved them down to the bottom of his top and started tugging letting him know to take it off. I want him to take it off. He pulled away and in seconds his shirt was off and he had lifted me into the air and plopping me on the bed carefully and then climbing on top of me.

Let's just say that was one of the best nights of my life! I will never forget!

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