《Old Friends》27


"Kell Get Up , Their Back" Macy Said As She Walked inside my room. I Sigh dramatically As I got up From my cost bed Walking to The living room were I was met with Detective Dick And Detective pussy. No those aren't there real names but they won't seem to leave me the fuck alone and I really don't have the time for this.

Its Literally been 4 months since I've last Talked to Kayden , And I Actually moved back to New York last month. I Had Found out That it was indeed true that Kayden was pregnant... She was 6 months pregnant actually , And The fact that She wasn't showing was really shocking.

Anyways If You Do Your math Correctly I'm Pretty Sure you know that She had the baby... She Had a girl. I was scrolling on Instagram Yesterday and Saw A picture of the little creature..

Ugly ass baby.

Anyways , These Cops Followed me Here. They Think I Killed Kalley... Shit I did , But they Don't Need to Know that.

"Hello ms Anderson , Its Nice to see you again." Detective Dick said to me. His Real name Was Detective Dickerson But I Prefer , Detective Dick Due To The Fact That he's always being a Dick Towards me.

"yeah , I Wish I could Say the same for you." I said To him.

He snickered , " I see your period's Near." He said Making himself at home as he kicked up his feet on my coffee table leaning back against the couch.

"I would say something to you , but I don't have time to get arrested Again." He nodded as He pulled out his notepad and pencil.

Yeah , I Got arrested last week for threatening to shoot his dick off.

"Well Let's not waste our time here , So Rakell Anderson , Why'd You Kill Kalley Davis ?" He Asked me.


"I didn't Kill the Bitch. Yes I Admit that ian like her , But I Never Killed her." I Replied bluntly.

"Well look at this , Your Being Blunt and Aggressive Once Again." Detective Pussy chimed in. I shot her a look as I read her.

A Lonely Ass 29 year old With Cats , Vibrators , And Imaginary Kids. She seems like she cries every night Due to her Loneliness.

"Let Me Guess , The Vibrators still ain't working ?" I said staring at her.

She just glared at me and silently walked over to Detective Dick , Taking a seat.

I shook my head chuckling "Pussy." I mumbled.

Detective dickwad spoke up and I glared at him.

"I see Kaydenás bad Habits are rubbing off on you." He said to me.

I just stared at him as I grew irritated. "Don't talk to me about her." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh , So That Ticks you off ?."

I jus stared at him staying silent. He Began to nod as he laughed sheepishly.

"What if I told you that if Nobody Confesses To Killing , Kalley Davis Then That precious little baby girl Of Kaydens Will be put in Foster Care. And Both of you will be taken in for her murder. Because I know one of you did it and If You two didn't do it alone then You did it Together , And We only have 14 more hours on this Case , So What Ever you have in mind I Suggest You Hurry up and do it , Before its To late. I'd Really Hate for Kaydená's Daughter To be removed from her home , Knowing how this is her first child and she was just born." Detective Dick Said as He stood up with Detective pussy standing beside him.

"Neither of us Killed Kalleys bitch ass , its not necessary to Take Kay's baby." I told them coming to kaydens defense.


I mean yeah , I'm mad at her but that's her child. Why would they wanna take her ??.

"Yeah. We'll see about that Ms Anderson." He told me.

I Eyed his partner as she stared me in the eyes biting her bottom lip.

I shot her a wink , noticing how her face grew hot....

I think I just got an idea.

Officer dick looked up from his notepad as he walked towards the door. "I'll be meeting up with you again soon , Ms Anderson." He said.

"Yeah Yeah Whatever , Lemme talk to you real Quick Detective Lewis." I said to the women calling her by her real last name.

Detective Dick Stopped and glared at me As his partner approached me.

"Alone!" I yelled as he stood there.

"Kendall Let Me Know If she tries something , I'll arrest her." He said as he walked out the door towards there car I guess.

I looked at biting my bottom lip , "Cmere ma , Let me talk to you." I said to her as she looked at me.

" what you need?" She said trying her hardest not to smile.

"You ever seen power ?" I asked her.

" yeah." She answered..

"So how bout me and you be like ghost and his sexy officer chick , Cause your fine as hell and I want you to be mine." I told her.

She looked at me."oh really ?"

"Mhm. What do you say? " I asked her as pecked the corner of her mouth.

"Mama , Come get yo grand child right now !" I screamed into the phone.

She began to laugh historically as I whined.

"Kaydená what is It That Jolina is Doing Now ?" She asked.

"She keep shitting and throwing up all over the place !" I told her.

"So She's not crying anymore ?"

"No mama she's not."

"Good , Well I put up with the same thing when you Were little like her."

"Okay? That was you , Im not finna put up with her spoiled ass so come get her mama."

She chuckled lightly before the line went dead. I pulled the phone from my ear to see "Call Ended" across the screen.

"No Yo granny Did not just hang up on my ass. " I Said looking Down At Jolina. She had this goofy looking expression on her face as she began grunting.

"Jojo!?!" I screamed looking at her. She began to grunt louder. "Jolina I Know you ain't shitting bro !" I said as I stared at her.

She stopped grunting and began to giggle.

I picked her up as her diaper slid off her body Falling on the ground.

"Jolinaaaaaaaaa!!" I whined as she began to Pee.

Great , Now I gotta deal with a pissy shitty baby.

I sighed as I got up and went to Bathe her. When I was finished I got her dressed and laid her down on the bed going to clean up the mess , Picking her diaper up.

"What the hell happened in here." Ashley said walking through the door.

"Your bad Ass Neice ." I told her.

She laughed. "Where's Jojo anyways ?"

"In her crib!"

"She sleep?"

"No!! , I Wish !."

Ash Laughed as my phone began to ring. I slit out my pocket as I noticed it was a Collect call. "What The fuck ?" I said as I answered it putting it on speaker.

"Hello?' I said.

" Kayden? Its Rakell."

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