《Old Friends》4


Kay's pov-

I rolled my eyes as I finished getting there food ready. It took everything inside me not to spit in their shit!

Ughh as I grabbed their to go boxes i brought them back to there table. I felt Rakell staring at me so I looked back over at her stairing directly in her eyes.

I dont know but I got a chance to study her face. I looked over all her feautures noticing how gorgeous she was.

Just by stairing at her I felt myself getting a little moist...

Wait a min what the fuck am I thinking?!

I quickly changed my facial expression and walked off as fast as I could before I started to blush.

Ion know where the fuck them thoughts came from but the devil is a lie! I will not! Be the bitch to be bitched by another stud. I'm sorry but no! Dont shit work like that.

I continued to do my rounds as I noticed that they had finally left. I went over to there table to see a twenty dollar bill.

"Cheap ass hoes!" I mumbled shaking my head. They coulda left at least 30.

Cause remember I coulda spit in oh girl food for having my ass so fucked up!

I groaned and continued working on my shift.

Well that is until I seen my moms walk in.

She spotte me and walked right over.

"Dont speak, just listen" she said causing me to make a face at her but nod in agreement

"Tonight you will come to your grandmothers restaurant, you will behave and you wont embarrass the family with your silly shananagins! You will be there at 7 pm sharp",

" no earlier then that, no later then that. And I mean business when I say that Kaydená, Dont you dare Make me show out" she finally Finished with friendly smirk like shit was all sweet.

I think the fuck not. Gone come up here to MY Job and try to show out like I still live under her roof or some shit. Nah she got me fucked up using my Whole government and shit.

" ma.. Sorry but I cant make it, I already got plans" I told her.

"Exactly!" "You already have plans to have your narrow ass in that restaurant or else" she said with that serios ass tone of hers.

I groaned lowly as I nodded. "Ight mana ima be there."

"Damn right you are"she said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Kaydená as I said before, DONT make me show out" she spoke and began walking out the door.

I heard Hennesy chuckling in the back "Kaydená , DONT make he show out!" She said mocking my mother.

"Bitch shut up! my name is kayden to you, and you better Not ever let me hear you call me THAT GAY ass shit again" I told her rolling my eyes.

"Man get your ass out, you damn shift over you goofy goober looking ass heffer" she said to me.

"Im a goofy goober ass heffer but your Bitch was just tryna ride my face into the sunset with that lucious ass pussy of hers" I replied back to this ugly ass prick.


"Damn see I knew you wasnt against stud for stud relationships, you likes to get ya kitty beat up with the strap huh?" Hennesy said to me.

I glared at her.

"Bitch FUCK you!" I said getting mad that my comeback backfired on me

"Yeah I bet you'd like that wouldnt you?"

"Ughhh!!, Henny shut up!!!, You Fucking Faggot!"

She laughed and went back to the kitchen. Man I hate her Dyke ass some times, shit her and Chris aggy as fuck.

My shift was finally over so I went and got my sister.

As i pulled up in front of my mom's place ash was outside with a familiar looking girl

They got up and walked over to my car.

When Ashley got in the front and the girl got in the back I looked over at Ashley.

"Uh? What the hell is this?" "Ash I know you dont got me kidnapping nobodies child!?" I said glaring at her causing the girl in the back to laugh.

"No she going to watch me practice, and her sister is coming to pick her up dipshit" she said smiling at me.

I groaned pulling off "ight kids"I said turning the radio on some.

"Ah no!, I'm 17 I'm no where near a damn kid" Ashley said to me.

"Exactly, I'm finna be 17 next month" the girl in the back chimed in.

I laughed at them. "Y'all some Lil babies out here shut it up" I told them.

The girl in the back laughed again causing me to think about something. "Aye lil bit? whats yo name?" I asked her.

"My names Macy, we met the other night when you popped off on my sister the other night at your house?" She said making me remember her clear as day.

"Rakell's your sister?!" I asked pulling up in front of the high school.

"Yup that's her" she said popping the "p" smirking.

I looked over only to see that Ashley was smirking two.

Aw hell nahh these chicks just sat me up for failure.

"Whew on second thought, ash I gotta go grocery shopping. So I'll be back to pick you up when I'm done" I told her

" oh good that means I can go with you after practice" she said literally yanking my car keys out the ignition getting out the car.

I groaned shaking my head.

How the hell do you let your little sister bitch you?.


That shouldn't even be allowed.

I cleared my thoughts as I got out the car walking in the school inside the gym.

I sat on the bleachers as the girls began there stretches. Macy came and sat next to me as we watched Ashley and the rest of the cheer squad start practicing.

I checked my phone noticing a text from Christina.

I sat my phone down when I seen that she read my message but didn't reply.

I looked around and saw the girls in a huddle over in the corner.

Macy was on the phone talking to someone about where she was.? I assumed it was her parents.


Soon Ashley made her way over to me.

"Practice was cut short due to the fact that coach D had a family emergency." Ash said to me

"Well kell's on her way to get me so, I hope y'all dont mind sticking around with me till she gets here?" Macy said looking at me and ash.

"Nahh we dont mind" ash said speaking before I did.

I sighed dramatically as I sat my ass back down on the bleachers and began to play subway surfers.

I sat there for almost 10 mins listening to these straight ass girls talk about nappy headed ass boys.

"Aye Macy?!" I heard a voice which sorta sent butterflies to my stomach.

I'm not understanding myself at the moment

I looked up and looked right back down. Not finna focus on this fucker right now I told myself.

Ashley tapped on my shoulder causing me to look over at her. "What is it?" I asked her.

She point to Rakell, I looked over and saw her waving at me. " wassup Kayden" she said.

"Goodbye person" I said to her looking back down at my phone.

Ashley smacked her lips at my comment

"Really?" She mumbled. I just shrugged and went back to my phone.

"God I remember playing basketball with the little brats on this court" Rakell said causing me to look around the court.

Me and some of my friends always played up here on the court when my dad was out in the feild with the football players. Memories soon flooded my head.

"Noo! Doo doo head you can't make that shot" I said to this girl from my second grade class.

"You can't even reach the top punk!" She said back to me.

Then girl from my dream walked into the gym. "Kay Kay!!" She said running over to me

She hugged me making me drop the ball laughing.

"Hey!" I said to her running and snatching the ball from the other girl.

Before anything else happened I was snatched out of my thoughts while people repeatedly snapped there fingers in my face.

"What!?" I yelled when I seen Rakell in my face.

"Damn, what the fuck wrong with you?" She said.

"Why the hell you all in my face?" I asked her.

"Cause your goofy ass was in some type of daze" Ashley said to me causing my scoff.

"Yeah, oh well I'm cool" I told her putting my phone in my pocket.

She just looked at me and then over at Macy and Rakell.

"Welp let's go!" I stood up getting ready to walk to the exit.

"It was nice seeing you kaykay" I heard Rakell say.

I stopped dead in my track and turnt to her. "The feeling isn't mutual" I told her then turn back around and continued my walk out the gym.

The feeling isn't mutual" she said to me as she turnt back around and left the gym.

I sighed shaking my head.

"Sometimes I really wonder why she won't just accept me back into her life?, she's not really even.giving me a chance. Like I know our run up at IHOP was dramatic and all , but if I'm being honest she bumped me. I didn't bump her'' I said aloud.

"Aw dont worry Rakell, Kayden really stubborn so we know she dont remember you and all but she could at least just accept the fact that your at least trying to get back to the level of friendship y'all was on at first" Ashley said to me.

"Exactly, I totally agree'' Macy said causing me to chuckle a little.

"Thanks guys, I just wish Kayden would think the same'' I said as we made it to the parking lot

"Cmon Ashley, we gotta go to grocery store, I wasn't lying to you when I said that earlier" Kayden yelled out the window at Ashley.

"I'm coming hold on!" She yelled back and then pretended to tie her shoe as she started to finish talking with me.

"Well kell, you know how mom has our surprise dinner planned tonight? And how y'all are invited? Well I'm gonna talk her into letting y'all get a table by yourselfs and then hopefully y'all can talk out what ever issues are going on" she said causing me to think for a Lil.

"Hm, that sounds like a plan. Thanks ash , its good to see you again, you know ian seen you since you were a baby " I told her laughing a Lil

"Oh I know , you've told me a million times already'' she said standing up.

I laughed and gave her a hug.

"Alright see y'all later." I told her

"Bye Mace , bye kell'' ash said getting in the car.

"Byeeeee!" Me and mace said waving to her.

"Bye Macyyyyyy" Kayden said swerving off with a smirk on her face.

"Well that was kinda rude dontcha think?" Macy said causing me to laugh.

"Mace dont sweat it. Kayden's been this petty for the longest... I just honestly wish she'd stop being petty and just come back to daddy" I said causing Macy to laugh as we got in the car.

"Daddy?" She said questioning me.

"Yep, Daddy" I said smirking.

She bust out laughing. "Okay, now I see why your ass keep going after this girl... "


"Yup! I mean Its clear as day that you got a crush on her."

"Since pre-k baby sis" I said shrugging

"Well big sis, I'm proud of you and all but uh, both of y'all studs and uh by the looks of it.... She don't do studs" mace said

I sighed rolling my eyes "yeah I noticed".

"Then how you gone get her attention if her high yellow ass dont do studs?" Mace said causing me to glare at her.

"Shut your ass up and enjoy the ride!" I said getting aggravated cutting the radio on.

She just laughed and mumbled "mad ass".

I pretended not to hear and just continued to drive towards the mall to get our outfits.

But deep down inside I know Macy's right.... I'll never get Kayden to love me the way she use to back then... Life's a fucking bitch!

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