《Old Friends》1


"Kell, c'mon baby, we gotta get ready for our flight", my mother told me.

I sighed, looking at her.

"Mama, what about KayKay?!" I asked with a whine.

"Kayden?" She looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. "Don't worry honey we'll stop by so you can say bye", she told me.

I began to tear up, "Mama, I'on wanna say bye."

She was about to speak but my father cut her off.

"Rakell Alize Anderson, we don't have time for this! Get your bags and let's go now!" He shouted at me.

"David! Kayden is her best friend of course she's gonna have a fit about leaving her", my mother said coming to my defense.

My father looked at her with an unexplainable look and she sighed looking over at me.

"I'm sorry Kell, this is a big opportunity for your father and we can't afford to miss our flight. You can call her once we land in New York." After that was said, she took my bags and suitcases from me and put them in the car.

I followed behind her with my head hanging low. I'm only 9, I'on want to make new friends, I want my Kay Kay! We had plans this weekend and now everything's ruined.

I sighed as I got in the back seat next to my little sister Macy who whined in her car seat.

I hung my head low as we drove to the airport, tears began to fall down my face.

I'm starting a whole new life, a life without my best friend.

Fuck, Kayden!", my girlfriend Kally yelled in my ear. "You're not about to keep standing me up like this", she continued to scream through the phone.

"Kally, how many times do I have to tell you, when work calls I'm gonna go in, it's just that simple", I said back to her as I got in my car.

Truth be told.. I honestly didn't have to work today. Its just wanna my hoes called and she gives really good head so yanno im finna go kick it with her for a few. Then I'm out

"You know what Kay!?" She screamed

I smirked starting to speak "no Kally I don't know. Please tell me" I responded to her in a fake ass British accent.

"I'm not gonna continue to put up with this shit Kayden!, I'm fucking done" she yelled causing me to chuckle.

"Ight bitch, call me when you ready to come back home" and with that said I hung up on her.

Kally has always tried to pull the break up card on me. But every time she does it, a week later she calls me back apologizing saying how she misses me. If she knows I'm no good why does she continue to run back? Hell. I even know that I'm no good.

But you know what? That's not my fault and I'm not gonna front and try to say that I feel bad for her because truth be told. I could care less?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled answering


"Hey mama" I said , "hey baby, how are you she said" I smiled my mama always calling and checking up on my grown ass

"I'm good ma, wassup?" I asked

"Well honey, this weekend were having a get together and were having some old friends come by" she said.

Old Friends? I thought to my self.

"Ight mama I'll be by" I said

"Oh I know you will!, cause if you wasn't I was gone come whoop your ass" she said with a serious tone

"Damn mama calm down I'll be there " I said shaking my head a lil as if she could see me.

"Good. It was nice talking to you baby I love you"

"I luhh you too ma" I said hanging up. I tossed my phone on the bed walking out the room down the hall to the kitchen I looked in my fridgerator realizing ian feel like cooking so I walked my happy ass in the room sliding on my Nike slides and my north face hoodie I then grabbed my phone and slid out the door I called my homie Chris

When she answered the phone she sounded outya breath

"Damn nigga! Fuck wring witchu?" I yelled in the phone

"Well bitch! If you must know," she said sounding all proper "Hennessey was beating this kitty up" she said in the phone. I knew she was smirking

"Ewww Christina!" "Your ass is nasty! Ion even know how you can do that stud for stud shit! Its disgusting" I said cringing at the thought of ever being with another stud. I'm sorry but that shit ain't right with me.

I mean ion have no problem with people like that but me persinally? I'd never fuck with another stud. Shit me and christina met in our sophomore year in high school we been some like best friends ever since. I remember when she first told me she liked studs brush I thought she was telling me she had feelings for me I was finna beat her ass man.

"Kay, shut your goofy ass up!" I was just kidding, I was jogging when you called, but what's up?" Chris said.

"Nothing ion feel like cooking so I was finna see if you wanted to go to IHOP with me or some" I said to her

" bitch hell yeah!" , "I'm hungry as fuck" Chris yelled in my ear.

"Ight hoe I'm leaving the crib now I'll meet you there shortly ima stop by mama house to see if Ashley tryna come too"

"Oh yes please bring my Lil wifey" Chris yelled in my ear

"Bitch my sister dont roll like that!", "and you will not be talking to her anyways! She only 17 " I shouted at her.

"Okay and I'm 22 your point?" She yelled

"Bitch she's 17! That's my point"

This dumb ass tricked bussed out singing pretty Ricky age ain't nun but a number in my ear.

"It ain't nun but a numberrr" she sang off key.

"Fuck off my phone hoe!" I said hanging up on her starting my car.


"God my best friend dumb as fuck" I thought aloud pulling off.

I blasted kehlani through my speakers as I made it to my moms house.

Ion care with nobody say! Kehlani will always be my bae!

Within 20 mins I was in front of my moms crib. I got out the car and use mynkey to go in "Ashley I yelled looking around the living room noticing pictures in had never seen hung up on the wall.

Pictures of me and some other girl. "Who the fuck..." I mumbled looking at more pics "mamaaaa!!" I yelled she came down the steps with ash right behind her

"Damn Kayden why you coming up in here so.damn loud!?" My mama said scolding me.

"I'm sorry ma!, I sjust came to see if ash wanted to go with me and Chris to IHOP but then I noticed these pictures?" I said looking at mama and back at the pictures. "Who's the girl in them with me?" I asked looking at her.

She smirked at me " you dont remember her huh?" She said.

I looked at her with a duh expression

Do you fucking think I'd be asking who she was if I remembered her? I thought to myself cause if I woulda said it aloud she would a smack my high yellow ass to a whole different shade!

"Nahh ma." "Who is it?" I asked once more.

"Kayden that's Rakell" she said smiling at me.

Rakell? I'm still stuck on this cause ion know who the fuck a Rakell is.

"She one of my cousins or some?" I asked?

My mama gave me a straight face causing ash and me to chuckle

"No fool! She was your best friend when y'all were younger, when her farther got a new job they moved to new york" my mama said.

I made a face at her "and this chick aintbtry to stay in contact with me?, "hm some best friend she was" I said pretending to care.

"Well Kayden y'all were only 9 at time and neither of you had phones, shit y'all barely new y'all multiplications" my mama

"Uh mama you tried it!" Me and Ashley broke out into laughter

"Ah girl what ever hush up!, but anyways I saw Rakell's mother at the store earlier today?"

"Okay andddd?" I said waiting for her to get to the point

"Well they've moved back in town and I thought it would be good for you and Rakell to finally be reunited with each other again " my mother said to me

"So that's why when.you called me you told me bout the Lil get together with old friends? So.I can meet up with one of my child hood friends who damn near abandoned me when I was younger?''. "Psh!, mother please!" "I probably cried over that girl for days since I was so young and she was my so called best friend?"

I think the fuck not!

My mother stared at me," Kayden, don't start with me!"

"Ahh ight mama dont trip ian gone stand you up, I wanna see who this best friend is" I said rolling my eyes

"Kay don't show up acting a damn fool tomorrow" my mother said scolding me.

"Ight ight. Fine what ever" I said looking over at Ashley " so like is you coming or not?, cause Chris waiting on us"

"Yeah here I come lemme grab my hoodie" she said walkimg back in her room.

I smiled over at mama who.ain't seem to be phased my my Lil act I was putting on... Cause I damn sure was gone put on a Lil act tomorrow night.

"Kay ion know what you have planned up your Lil sneaky ass sleeves but if you fuck up these plans tomorrow night I'll fuck you up" she said causing me to laugh hard.

"Mama chill!, I promise I won't act un-normal" I assured her... Which was true because if I didn't act normal then I wouldn't plan on pretending to be upset tomorrow.

If anyone knows me. They know that im an over dramatic ass hole.

"Ya... That's what I'm afraid of" she mumbled walking out as ash came down stairs smiling at her phone.

"Ight leggo" I said walking out to the car.

I got in the driver side as ashly made her way to the passenger.

My phone started ringing as we pulled off speeding down the rode.

"Aye sis answer that for me" I said tossing Ashley my phone

"Hello" she said putting it on speaker

"Aye baby girl where Kay at" I heard Chris loud ass mouth through the speaker.

"Right here bitch! And what I tell you bout my sister" I yelled.

"Right christinaa!" "Ian't cha' damn babygirl" ash told her

"Man fuck y'all" Chris said causing me and ash to laugh.

"Nah but for real. What your bean head ass want?" I said into the phone pulling up in front of IHOP

"Where the fuck y'all at?" She yelled in the phone.

"Bitch we out side damn" ash yelled causing my to laugh.

"Aye nigha! We gone start scrapping keep talking shit" Chris yelled to ash in the phone.

"Nigga!" I said hanging up the phone.

Me and Ashley got out the car walking towards the door I bumped into some stud on the way in.

"Damn, watch where the fuck you going!" I said looking up at this stud who had a sly smirk on her face causing me to mug her.

"Fuck you smirking at" i said still glaring at her.

She bussed out laughing and just walked off.

"Oh weird ass bitch!" I shouted at her and walked inside to see Ashley and Chris laughing at me.

"Kay, why yo ass always popping'' ash said to me.

"Cause niggas always testing your big sister" I said

"Man shut up and come eatt"Chris said as we all sat st the table grabbing our menus getting ready to order.

Fuck outta here that bitch bet not let me catch her no more. I'll beat her ass I thought to myself looking at my menu.


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