《Meet the authors showcase edition volume #2 Est. 6/5/2020》A showcase with @GingerHerself, author of The Scars That Lie Beneath


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I felt like it was time to tell my story and let other people who are out there in the same situation or even out of it know that they are not alone but most importantly it was my way of letting go and healing.

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Remebering and speaking on some of my childhood memories-the one on sexual harassment.I hard to go back to that dark place and it was horrible and I was very hesitant at first but I knew that it had to be done.

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There has been nothing but good reviews for my book


Talking about women empowerment,feminism and sexual abuse

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It's a stand alone story--I might decide to write a sequel one day I don't know

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I want them to find words of encouragement and to understand such situations and individuals better, I also want them to enjoy the book. Have fun and learn from it

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Take your time to plan your stories out.Have passion for your craft and keep pushing.

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Yes-It's all me


Good and well planned out and structured story lines


Yes I've been working on some new projects that I'll be publishing after my first book

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