《قصة 24 ساعة》الساعة 15
اللهم صلِ وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
بسم الله نبدأ
ياسر / لا ما له داعي روحي بيتك اقدر اتصرف
زوبعة / انا بروح
كملت و هي تطلع من جيبها سكين/ هاك ذي السكين تحمي نفسك فيها تراها ممسوحه بسم يعني اي جني يعترض لك ان ما مات من الطعنه بيموت من السم
اخذ ياسر السكين و شكر زوبعة
راحت زوبعة و تركت ياسر يكمل رحلته
'' ياسر ''
و ها انا ذا اكمل الرحلة لوحدي
مشيت و انا مترقب لهجوم اي جني
مجهز السكين في يدي عشان اول ما اُهاجَم اتصدى
و لـلحظة تغير الحال
احسست بأني ما ابصر
تحول العالم للسواد الداكن
رفعت يدي قريب من وجهي لعلي ابصر ولو القليل
لكن ما كنت قادر اشوف نهائيًا
حسيت بوجود احد بقربي
مسكت السكين و صرت احركها بحركات عشوائية
و انا اتراعد في داخلي
ماني قادر اشوف و الواضح ان فيه احد قريب مني
صرت الوِّح بالسكين يمين و يسار و ما فيه قدامي الا سواد
زاد الرعب في داخلي بعد ما لمستني يد حاااره
قلت بصوت مرتجف/ مين اللي لمسني
انطلقت ضحكه لعينه ما تبشِّر بالخير
كانت ضحكه انثويه لكن بداخلها الكثير من الشر و القسوة
قالت بنفس النبره/ انا اللي لمستك
كنت أحاول احدد مكانها عن طريق صوتها
قلت و انا ابيها تتكلم عشان اعرف موقعها بالضبط / وش تبين فيني
ردت علي / لا تحسب اني غبيه عارفه انك تبي تحدد مكاني عن طريق صوتي لكن للأسف ما راح تقدر لاني اخذت السكين من يدك و حاليا انت ما تشوف
صُعِقت من كلامها تو السكين كانت بيدي كيف فجأه اخذتها و انا ما حسيت حتى بإقترابها مني
نطقت و انا تعبان من كثر الأحداث اللي مريت فيها اليوم/ انتي اللي خليتيني أعمى
ضحكت هذيك الضحكه المستفزه و اردفت/ ذكي ما شاء الله عليك ايه انا.. عالعموم بوديك مكان يحبه قلبك
كلامها ابدا ما كان مطمن لي بالعكس زاد الخوف بقلبي من خلال اللي صار بيني و بين شمهروس عرفت ان ذي الجنيه مثله و العن بعد
حسيت بيدها تمسك يدي و تشد عليها و في غضون ثواني قالت/ وصلنا
و بوصولنا للمكان اللي تكلمت عنه رجع لي بصري
مريت بعيوني على المكان
كان بيت قدييم
لكن تفوح منه رائحة الدم
جت عيني على الباب
و ارتعش جسمي من اللي شفته
حسيت حتى شعر راسي وقف من هول المنظر
World Fusion-When A Fantasy World And Earth Combine
Earth was dying, that was painstakingly clear to the God that ruled over it. In order to save his most precious creations, he had to fuse it with another planet going through hard times, Mystova. A planet ruled by Demi humans and monsters. It started with a simple text. God said he was changing everything. He was taking Fossil fuels, gun powder, and nuclear material to prevent man from destroying his new creation.In exchange, he offered unique skills to the lucky few who took his text seriously and responded. In a new world with a level system like an RPG game, how will man adapt?Jordan Cain will navigate this new world as he seeks to find something he has never had before. He will have to overcome obstacles and fight for survival as he grows.
8 183Reborn In A Cursed World
The world is infected with a curse of unknown origin. The curse infects people, animals, and plants. All cursed show increased growth and strength but at any moment can change into monsters that feed on any and all life. Collin T. Merian, a cursed who had been fighting for his rights and freedom, has died. He wakes up as a baby but the world is different. People with weird symbols have powers that defy logic. With nothing he can do, he decides to just live his life, and try to figure out if he is on earth or somewhere else, and how this happened to him. But this world is a lot more dangerous than he expects. I am also posting this on Webnovel Link to Art: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/city-fire-war-destroy-burning-broken-buildings_9750004.htm?epik=dj0yJnU9d2xYM2pWZGQxZDRHbG1HbE40UUhVV3hnU0Y5cGd3a0QmcD0wJm49T29ncmZXMkJtZVZXR1VLZHpMU3dYUSZ0PUFBQUFBR0gwMDNB
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Having fled the planet's surface to escape extinction seven centuries prior, the last remnants of humanity—living aboard the airship Ventus—face a new danger that threatens to finish the job.
8 115~ Socksfor1 X Blaza ~ {Discontinued}
~Description~ Story how bodyguard Socksfor1 and Prince Blaza fall in love. This is an AU nothing is real.Ps.I don't own any of the characters.~Cover done by Minecraft lettuce~
8 230Falcon || Jurassic World
"Blue might be my Beta, but Falcon is my baby girl."Owen Grady hates to play favourites with his raptors but Falcon was just that - his favourite. She'd been born smaller than her siblings, and with a little help from some genetic manipulation, way smarter. She can understand human speech and comprehend human emotions.Despite the odds being against her, Falcon survives the first stages of life and a bond grows between her and her handler. Soon, Owen Grady's best friend is quite possibly the fiercest Velociraptor yet.But of course, things can never be that easy.| Story is in Falcon's P.O.V. |
8 142Rejection
Kyle's life hadn't been easy. Born as a rogue wolf, packless and wandering, he was used to fighting for his life. He had hoped that after finding his mate, everything would be different.Instead, he was betrayed, rejected and cast out, left to die. Struggling to survive and avoiding pack wolves in general, Kyle soon found himself stuck with a few options left, all of which were not appealing.To survive, he had to put his faith, and life, in the hands of a pack. But could he trust them after what his ex mate, a pack wolf, put him through?
8 149