

Everyone at the table were still in shock as Deva ended the song with the last note of the guitar playing before everyone around them applauded and hooted as he got down and walked towards them making them standup while others went to the dining area.

"It's been so long I thought you forgot" Prem commented making Deva say "It's in my blood" which made him nod while Hima asked "You really sing?"

"Sing? He's won many awards for classical carnatic singing shows held

in Us" Prem said making them look at him in awe as Siva avoided his gaze and siad "I'm going to my room" before going towards the hotel room making them look at her confused.

Siva changed into one of her nightwears and poured some coffee before getting on to the bed and leaned back onto the headboard sighing at the aches in her body when the door opened making her look at Deva who came in with a cover and took out the medicine before sitting infront of her on the bed.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend, sir?" Siva said as he gave her the pill making her narrow her eyes as he took away the coffee cup from her hand before handing her the water bottle.

"Helps you with the pain" Deva said as he took out the boxes from the cover with food making her take the pill and put the bottle aside as he continued "And I don't know which girlfriend you are talking about" making her scoff "Which girlfriend? Pardon me sir but how many girlfriend did you or do you have?"

He handed her the boxes saying "One" making her take the box and started eating it as he went to the bathroom and came out with a hot pack before placing it on her stomach startling her but sighed as she felt the cramps subside slowly eating the salad while he just sat there looking at her.


"You should sing more often" Siva mumbled making him raise his eyebrow saying "Is that a compliment I'm hearing from you Ms.Sivatmika" which made her glare at him before adding a little salt to her box of food making him shake his head.

"You scold me and then the next second you are caring for me. Which one is the real you?" Siva asked making him sigh as he asked "Which one do you think is real?" To which Siva stopped eating and thought about few times they had clashes.

"Both. Both the times it was you but you don't know the way to care for people that's why you scold them" Siva concluded as if she achieved something making him search her eyes as he took the empty bowl from her hands and threw it in the dustbin.

He put her hair behind her ear whispering "My little beasty...".

She parted her lips as she heard the nick name from him while he held her palm in his other hand and caressed the back of her hand with his thumb gently as she looked at him while he requested for the first time in his life "Don't involve".

"I was involved even before you thought I was" Siva said making him sigh and bought back of her palm to his lips and pressed a soft peck closing his eyes making her widen her eyes.

It was just a caress of his lips before he got up and ordered "Sleep tight I want you ready by tomorrow evening we'll be leaving immediately after the marriage is done" and went out of the room closing the door behind him as she sat there still shocked from what just happened.

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