

When they reached the wedding venue it was four in the evening. Everyone got out taking their luggage while Prem threw the keys to the valet Parker before they went into the hotel to see Priya talking with few elders and grinned seeing her new friends and rushed to them hugging Siva and Hima.

"I thought you wouldn't come you guys didn't even call" Priya pouted making the girls smile as Hima said "It wouldn't be a surprise if we informed you first" which made priya smile nodding and looked at the new girl as Siva introduced "Priya meet Jeevika she's our friend" making both of them nod at each other.

"You guys come on I'll show you to the rooms" Priya said as she held hands with Siva walking towards the elevator and clicked ninth floor continuing "It's my sangeet today and you guys missed my bachelor's party but don't you worry we'll plan a special night just for us girls I promise".

"Girl we are not here to drink we're here to share your happiness" Hima said making Priya smile nodding as they exited the elevator and walked towards their rooms following priya.

"You girls are in suite:907 and the guys are in 909" handing the keys she walked in the direction of the elevator but not before informing "Be down by seven the sangeet starts from six thirty" and went into elevator making them sigh and go into their alloted rooms.

Hima and Jeevika freshened up one by one and got ready for the sangeet while Siva slept on bed peacefully as Hima yelled "Siva wake up and get ready it's already six" making her jolt up on the bed and looked around.

"Ughh..why don't you guys just go I'll join you later. By the way you girls look great go and find boys for yourself" suggesting she fell on her back on the bed and pulled the quilt upto her neck and fell asleep making the girls look at each other and shake their heads before going out.


Hima and Jeevika walked towards the hotel garden where the sangeet as well as mehendi is being held to see the garden decorated and children running and playing around as light music played in the background everyone talking and complimenting each other especially ladies showing off their jewelleries.

As both the girls walked into the event all the guys looked at them atleast twice while they joined the guys who were standing aside a few feet away from the dias around the table making Noel ask "Where is the other masqueteer?"

"Probably in the bed I wonder if she'll come down today from her sleepy land" Jeevika said making Prem chuckle saying "No wonder Deva doesn't recognise her as a girl".

"Finally someone who actually agrees with me" Deva said taking a sip of his lemonade while Jeevika hit Prem on the shoulder playfully warning "Don't you dare say that to her she'll feel bad even if you take your boss's side".

At seven'o clock sharp Siva came down into the garden in her pink chudidar which made her look simple compared to the other guests extravagance and looked around for her girls group finding them nowhere due to the increasing guests as everyone looked at her like she's some ordinary girl who must be here for work.

Though she could feel others glancing at her and whispering about her she ignored them and took out her mobile to call Hima when someone held her arm making her look beside her to see Rohan who cut his gaze sharply at others looking at Siva making them retreat their gazes.

Rohan turned his head to Siva who narrowed her eyes at him "Shouldn't you be with your sister" which made him smile at her and started walking forward taking her along with him saying "Well I don't want to interrupt my sister and her fiancee's private space" making her nod at him.


He led her towards their mini group eating snacks making Siva sigh and joined them along with him which made the girls look at each other then at the duo who joined them then at the guys who were already looking at them except Deva who's royally ignoring everyone tapping something on his phone.

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