《》SCENE -53


Siva opened her eyes to look into the dark piercing grey eyes already staring into hers while the person held her cheek asking 'Who are you?' Which made Siva smile gently and whispered against the person's lips 'Your soul' making the person deepened the kiss.

Siva jolted up in her bed and ran into the bathroom emptying her stomach before washing her face and mouth sighing she looked at herself in the mirror to see her pale face and held her head as a sudden pain shot through it and slowly completed her morning routine.

Siva opened her door and walked downstairs to see everyone in the living room and noticed smiling Jeevika who wished her "Hey! Umm...are you alright? You look..." She trailed off making Prem answer "Drunk" which made his butterfly raise her eyebrow at Siva.

"You drank? But I thought you never drink" Jeevika voiced out making Siva sigh and walked towards the dining table saying "Don't ask, long story.." making her nod and join her at the dining table as Maniamma bought the bowls to them.

"Good morning" Hima wished coming towards them as they wished her back except Deva who just served himself making her narrow her eyes and took a seat beside him continuing "Did you get the invitation too?" Which made Siva nod eating her idli.

"When are you leaving then?" Hima asked making Siva look at Deva which Hima noticed and turned to Deva continuing "So when are you guys going to Priya's wedding? I'll also join you" which made him look at her saying "Ms. Ghattamaneni invited her dear friend not us".

"She invited her dear friend and family that includes you all too" Hima explained making Prem chuckle at Hima's wits which made Deva glare at him getting up and washed his hands "On the day of her marriage".


"That's boring she invited us this early we've to be atleast ther for engagement" Siva complained making him raise his eyebrow at her saying "I'm not stopping you from going at all' which made her smile but soon vanished when he continued "But I'm not gonna give you a paid leave" and walked to the living room taking his coat exited the villa.

"I'll try to convince him don't worry" Hima assured Siva before following Deva outside and both of them drove off the street in the direction of the hospital together.

"You should join us for Priya's wedding" Hima said as Deva took a u-turn saying "I've lots of work to do" which made her roll her eyes "She invited us all just for one day friendship. Come on you can't cancel it please. Pretty please.. I and Siva wants to attend her wedding" making him park the car at the hospital parking lot and looked at her.

"Fine I'll give your friend leave" Saying Deva got out followed by her who fist pumped in air and both of them went inside and checked the new patient condition who's going to get operated soon.

"You should come girl" Siva said for the nth time to Jeevika who shook her head saying "I'm not invited" which made Siva roll her eyes and tease raising her eyebrows "Prem was invited and you are his butterfly after all" making Jeevika hit her playfully.

"Prem come on man ask her to come please" Siva requested cutely making Prem look at Jeevika who gave a look to him before sighing and said "Fine I'll come don't drag it" which made Siva grin and side hugged Jeevika nearly choking her.

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