《》SCENE -52


Deva and Noel got into the car to see Siva sleeping leaning on to the glass and Deva clicked the seat belt around her in place before covering her in her overcoat and started the ignition driving off the street in the direction of the village and to their villa.

Once he parked the car they got out and opened Siva's side of door and took off the seat belt and was about to wake her up when she opened her eyes confused she looked around and slowly got out walking towards the villa on her unsteady feet.

"Maniamma...Maniamma..." Siva yelled once in the living room making Noel say "Siva her working hours are up she went home" which made Siva blink haze filling her senses and ordered "Then bring me my juice".

"Let me bring it" saying Noel went into kitchen and after a few minutes he came out with orange juice glass making her angry and yell"That is not my juice I asked you to bring the juice which I drank before" and fell on the couch.

"That's adult drink you can't drink it" Noel explained making her narrow her eyes and say "Then why did you let me before" making him raise his eyebrows making as Deva said "Her senses may be not in her control but her stupid logic is intact" before walking towards her.

He made her stand up and took a blanket from the draw in the couch and covered her in it making her fight but he just lifted her in his arms before walking towards the stairs "Put me down ....put me down you abductor. You don't even know who I am if my boss finds you he'll kill you".

"Really? How does this boss of your looks?" Deva asked a she carries her upstairs making her think "He's like a statue emotionless cold and..and ...arrogant son of a bachelor..." She yelled the last part and heard the glass drop downstairs from Noel's hand listening to her scolding the boss directly.


"Really? May be you should think about your pay check before speaking ill of him" Deva suggested making her look at him and complained "Even if I praise him he'll be treating me the same like I'm a pity Tom boy who needs help" as he kicked open her room door and made her lie on the bed but she sat up and tried to get down when he held her shoulders glaring at her making her chuckle.

"You know my boss gives the same look when he's angry. Are you his twin? Don't tell him I scolded him if not he'll be making my life hell" Siva whispered making him sigh and pushed her onto the bed before covering her in sheets and when she tried to get up he threatened "If you don't sleep now I'll call your boss and you won't like it" which made her pout and closed her eyes as he switched off the lights and closed the door behind him before going out.

"What took you long?" Noel asked once in the living room making Deva look at him and answer "What do you expect when she's drunk" and went to kitchen to drink some water when he heard Noel from living room "Prem took him to the old godown but he's still unconcious so we've to wait until he wakes up".

Deva nodded coming to the living room saying "He'll be down for atleast twelve hours so for now go and rest we'll deal with him tomorrow" and both of them retired to their room.

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