

"We've to be more cautious than before" Prem said making Siva sigh and looked at her hand before looking at the time to see it's already two making her get up saying "It's already and I'm sleepy so get out" which made Deva look at her reminding her "I pay for this room".

Siva rolled her eyes "That doens't mean you can sleep here, sir" and set her pillows properly before getting under the sheets making Prem smile at her antics and walked towards the door but stopped to see Deva walking towards the bed and moved away the sheet holding her right arm he put it on the pillow before covering her with the sheets and walked outside along with Prem who closed the door behind him lock clicking in it's place.

"Why are you doing this? I know Hima is important to you but are you forgetting that it's Siva who'll do anything to help us" Prem said once they are in Deva's room looking at him drinking water and said "That's the reason she has to know her place" which made Prem close his eyes in anger.

"One day you'll be the first one to feel guilty for not treating Siva in a good way" Prem warned before going out to his room as Deva opened his purse and saw the photo caressing it slowly and lied on his bed slowing drifting off to sleep.

The next day when Siva woke up she saw it's already afternoon and sat up stretching her hands above her head and winced lightly looking at her bandaged arm and heard her stomach growling for food making her groan before walking into the bathroom.

She directly went to the restaurant and had a light lunch before going out of the hotel walking in the direction of beach good thing she wore sneakers so she can walk easily in sand. She walked following the coat line and saw the bridge ending at the edge of the sea on the other side and stood there facing the sea looking at the sky turning dark early due to the winter season starting.


She rubbed her arms feeling the chilly air and heard someone call her making her turn in the direction of the voice and Prem clicked her picture making her shake her head and saw the couples coming towards her invading her alone time but she didn't say it out loud and looked at the sea before her.

"You sure have a way to find peaceful places" Gayatri said standing beside Siva making her smile and looked at Krish who was on phone looking at them teasing Gayatri "Princess dearest you better go to your husband before he just eats you with his looks".

Gayatri playfully hit Siva before walking towards her husband who held her hand once she's near still talking on the phone and both of them started walking towards the sand while Hima smiled looked at them and turned to Deva who was speaking somthing to Prem and smiled to herself imagining her future.

"Hima I can literally feel love melting down your eyes so please leave this single godess alone" Siva shuddered making Hima stomp on her foot and walked towards the guys as Siva groaned in pain standing on her one leg wincing at the pain before sitting on the bridge for sometime.

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