

The hotel staff rushed to the incident hall and started clearing out guests into the other room while the manager called the cops while Rohan came back and saw Siva amidst of the chaos and walked towards the trio who were still on the ground looking at the broken chandelier.

"That was...." Hima trailed off panting as Rohan extended his hand finishing "A near death experience" making her look at him and got up holding his hand while Krish and Gayatri came to them making sure she was okay and looked at Siva who was still looking at the chandelier while Deva seemed blank and stood up glass pieces falling down that was stuck on him and gave a look to Siva who glared at him.

Rohan held Siva's hand and shoulder helping her up to see Siva had scratched her right forearm due to the fall and Hima ordered "Someone bring me the first aid kit" rushing towards Siva making her sit on one of the chairs and started treating her wounds from the first aid kit the maid bought.

Soon the police arrived and started questioning the guests and the SI walked towards Siva who's forearm was bandaged and asked "How did you know that the chandelier was going to fall?" making her give a look to Rohan saying "I heard someone on the phone planning it and we've recorded evidence for it" making Rohan hand his phone to the SI who checked the video and nodded.

"We need your statement can you come to the police station with us" SI asked making her look at her palms and was about to answer when Krish said "Send a constable here we'll write the needed witness letter" to which SI sighed and nodded saying "Yes your highness" and walked away towards the other guests.


"Good thing we heard that guy talking if not you'd be in morgue" Rohan joked but continued confused "By the way Ms.Siva why did you follow him? Are you some trouble magnet? How did you know he was dangerous?" making Krish narrow his eyes as Gayatri and Hima looked at each other confused and waiting for Siva to answer.

"It's already late let's hit our beds" Deva stated leaving no room for argument and walked towards the exit of the party hall making others follow and to their alloted rooms to rest the night.

Once in room Siva showered and changed into night clothes before walking into her room with the first aid box only to get startled seeing Deva sitting on her bed going through the project file from her bag as she asked "Mahadeva! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? What are you even doing here?"

"What do you think" saying he pulled her onto the bed to sit beside him and took the first aid box from her and started applied the antiseptic making her clench her jaw so she'd not wince as he started applying the cream on the scratches before bandaging it properly.

"You know it's not a proper thing for a guy to be in girl's room so late at night" Siva stated making him raise an eyebrow and looked around saying "Girl? I don't see any girl here" which made her grit her teeth and hit him with a pillow twice before he caught it and threw it on the bed far away from her.

They heard a knock before the door opened to see Prem making Siva confused "I thought you were home" making him nod and gave a look to Deva before taking a seat on the couch saying "I was until this morning but when Noel found out the guy who planned the fire accident is here, I had to come for warning you and I did warn him but I guess he's too busy taking care of Hima".


Deva cut his gaze sharply to Prem who returned his look but moved his gaze to Siva and her arm which is bandaged and sighed "I should've been there but how did you know that they'd be in danger?" which made Deva look at her too for the unanswered questions he still has.

"You remember the voice I heard in the palace on the day of vratham I heard the same voice when he bumped into me in the party and followed him to see what he's upto and heard his conversation to someone else on the phone about planning something but he's scared that he'd hurt Gayatri and Hima" Siva narrated the whole incident.

"If he's scared why would he proceed with his plan?" Prem asked out loud making Siva think about the same question as Deva stated "Whoever it was didn't care about Gayatri or Hima getting hurt their hatred was only directed towards me and untill I'm dead nothing mattered to them".

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