

Deva was talking to the guests attended to the show when the party turned silent making him follow their gaze to see Gayatri, Hima and Siva walking inside dressed in party wear but he didn't miss Siva who was irritated just to be here but keeping up the appearances.

"Why did you even come with that face of irritation?" Deva asked taking a sip of his drink as Gayatri hit his arm slightly as Siva folded her arms sarcastically saying "Why ofcourse to irritate you, sir" making Hima roll her eyes at their childish tantrums as the slow music started.

"Let's dance" saying Hima dragged Deva onto the dias where others are dancing as Gayatri sighed "I wish Krish was here" leaning her head on Siva's shoulder who patted her head pitily then suddenly she was pulled into someone's side making her startled as she looked at the person suprising "You just think and I shall be present my princess" Krish said raising his eyebrows making her grin and waved at Siva who stood smiling at them as they joined others on the dance floor.

Hima was looking into Deva's eyes as the song slowly played making her lean her head on his shoulder as he asked "What do you think you are doing Ms.Hima?" which made her smile saying "Hugging Dr.Deva don't you know what it means" making him sigh.

"You should stop this rubbish already" Deva said making her narrow her eyes and raised her head to see his expression which is as usual blank making her roll her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder saying "I like where I am right now".

"But I don't" saying he was about to move back when the music took its beat making everyone move along with it in circles and dance which they followed and Hima was smiling all the while she was dancing with her crush as Siva took her seat at the table drinking lemonade since she and any hard drink in the same line will end her up in places which she's not even aware of.


She opened her mobile going through the emails she has to send to the Australian branch when the chair beside her moved and she turned to see Rohan smiling at her "I see you are enjoying your alone time" making her sigh turning back her gaze to her mobile stating "Which you rudely interrupted" making him chuckle as he looked at dance floor.

"You don't know how to dance? Or is it that no one asked to dance with you?" Rohan asked making her roll her eyes "I'm not interested in dancing now heck I'm not interested in this party either" saying she locked her mobile and put it in her pocket finishing her lemonade and started walking towards the entrance followed by him.

She bumped into someone and apologized before walking out of the entrance but stopped mid stride narrowing her eyes before turning towards the guy she bumped into who was walking towards the other entrance of the party hall taking a drink with him making her follow him while Rohan followed her confused.

She saw him standing against a pillar and stopped a good few feet distance listening to him "No too many people here we can't do anything now and there's princess and Ms.Hima too on the dance floor. What? It's risky if something happens to the ladies I'll be killed. But...okay..fine.." and started walking towards the maintenance door making her hide.

"What is he planning?" Rohan asked out loud making Siva think back to his conversation in the mobile and widened her eyes ordering Rohan"Follow him and bring some evidence against whatever he's planning to do" and rushed from their leaving Rohan to his task as she literally ran to the party room.

After five minutes she came into the hall and looked around for Deva and the girls to see them still on the dance floor and looked around for anything that might cause them harm then she looked up to see the chandelier swinging lightly and widened her eyes before running towards Hima and Deva pushing them aside as the chandelier fell down with a big sound making a few scream and got down from the dance floor.

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