

"Can't you do one work properly? If we loose this deal you are not going to like the consequences" Deva yelled at Siva who stood staring at her feet tearing up as Deva started making calls tensed as Siva bite her lip scolding herself for not stopping the models from cancelling their deals due to the better offer they received from some other clothing company.

The clothing brand offered more money and they ran like puppies to them how stupid thinking to herself she saw Deva disconnecting the call saying "Hima and Gayatri are going to be here you better explain them everything else you are going to be fired and not only that I'll send you back to your family in pieces" and went to his room making her gulp.

It was in the evening when Siva was checking the arrangements and looking at her watch every few seconds and sighed when she saw Gayatri and Hima walking towards them and said "Thank Mahadev you girls are here if not my boss would've killed me".

"What exactly happened?" Hima asked as Siva led them to the makeup room and the makeup artists started work on them as Siva explained about models quitting in the last minute making Hima widen her eyes at the models stupidity and scolded them out loud making Gayatri chuckle as she went to change the outfit followed by few small models.

Siva instructed in walkie talkie to the workers as guests took their seats "Everything is set I want all the lights focused on them as they walk I want a spotlight" and then the room went dark the only lights focused on Gayatri who walked wearing the new antique jewellery designer set by GK Jewelleries in a traditional saree followed by other models and the final walk was by Hima who came in red lehenga, crop top and smiled elegantly showing off her necklace caressing her neck lightly with her fingers.


"That was awesome girls" Mrs. Maithili praised the models as the anchor called for one final walk along with Deva on to the ramp. He along with Hima walked on the ramp everyone appreciating the pair applauding as Deva spoke a few words before everyone stood and applauded again the hall resounding.

When everyone came to the changing room Siva was setting up the clothes as Hima came to her saying "I'm so glad I took part in this show all thanks to you" and hugged her tightly making Siva stutter "Ca..n't breath" which made Hima pull back apologizing "Oops! Sorry".

"Go get ready for the party" Siva insisted pushing Hima towards the other room and after a few minutes Hima and Gayatri came out changing into party wear for the evening and Gayatri narrowed her eyes looking at Siva who's still in the formals asking "Why are you not changing?"

"That's because I'm not attending the party I need rest" Siva said and was about to walk away from the room when Gayatri dragged her towards the changing room and pushed her into the room and Hima threw the dress onto Siva's face before closing the room making Siva groan.

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