

"Haan Hima darling I packed everything you said and yes I'll take care of your crush too" saying she cut the call before Hima could say anything as she walked towards the car making Prem laugh while Noel raised his eyebrow at her as she shrugged.

Noel handed her a big Milton water bottle with hot water as Prem instructed last words about their meeting tomorrow "This will be a turning point for GK jewelleries brand so be careful and patient with whoever you deal with" making Siva nod before getting into the passenger seat followed by Deva who took his seat behind the steering wheel.

Sometime into drive Siva turned on the radio making him give a look in her direction as she sang along with the singer and turned it off which made her glare at him asking "Why do you do this all the time?"

"If you want to sing better do it alone" Deva said making her narrow her eyes and folded her arms on her chest and looked outside to see the sky full of black clouds.

The car halted infront of a hotel and Deva took off his seat belt before getting out and shut the door loudly making her jolt up in her seat and panted looking around to see they reached and sighed before rubbing her eyes and got out taking off her seatbelt.

Deva took his trolley and threw the keys to the hotel staff as she took her bag following him inside the hotel towards the reception and took their key cards before walking into elevator and to their rooms. By the time they freshened up and fell asleep it was two in the morning.

The next day Siva woke up hearing knocks and opened the door to see Deva glaring at her making her say sleepily "Morning morning I had to see your angry bird face my day is definitely going to be shitty now" and shut the door on his face before going to complete her morning routine.


After getting ready she came down and walked into restaurant to search for her boss and saw him in a corner private booth and walked in his direction and sat down beside him with her MacBook and ordered "Get me an idli saambar and one coffee" before drinking water as waiter took her order and went away.

She saw him looking at her warning "You are acting cool but if anything goes wrong you'll not like the consequences" making her sigh and shook her head as waiter served her the breakfast and left them while she had her breakfast silently ignoring him.

After breakfast they discussed some key points and models acquainting with the GK Jewelleries who are going to walk on the ramp tomorrow evening presenting the new jewellery designs and the time went on before it's time for lunch meeting.

The meeting was with one of the top antique jewellery designer Mrs.Maithili Murgan who's going to guide the models and also last minute jewellery settings for the GK Jewelleries and it went on smoothly and they had their lunch only vegetarian since their client is vegan.

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