

Hima cleared her throat gaining Siva's attention as she took a seat beside her thinking how to start a conversation "Umm...Do you want some coffee?" making Siva narrow her eyes saying "Hima come to the point, will you?" which made Hima sigh and closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

"You love Deva" Hima stated more than asked making Siva pause the painting of her nails and gave a look to Hima who opened her eyes and laughed out loud holding her stomach as Hima looked at Siva confused as to why she was laughing so hard as if she cracked a joke.

"What made you think that?" Siva asked breathing heavily trying to control her laugh making Hima sigh and explain "It's just that you hugged him on that day and you ignored him as if he rejected you and Deva is really angry with you there must be something going on right".

Siva sighed and put away the nail paint before holding Hima's hands saying "I didn't know you felt like that but I will not involve in your love life" and stood up joking walking backwards to the door "And Deva? Let's say I've very good taste in men" making Hima widen her eyes as Siva bumped into someone and turned around to see Deva glaring between two girls.

Siva widened her eyes and composed herself before smiling sheepishly showing her teeth and started taking few steps back with her wrists locked on her back babbling "Uh...I... actually remembered that I have some important work" and was about to run away from there when they heard Deva "Pack your bag for a week" making her stop mid stride and Hima confused.

Siva faced his back as he said looking at Hima who's curiously waiting for further information"We're going to Chennai tonight for a business deal and you are going to accompany me" making hima look between them as Siva narrowed her eyes asking "Why me? You can take the guys right?"


Deva sighed saying "And who told that you are a girl" and walked out making Hima sigh as Siva stomped her foot on the ground in anger as he referred to her as a male which made Hima chuckle at Siva's antics walking towards her saying "I'll help you with the packing".

Hima started checking out the wardrobe for the outfits as Siva sat on the bed saying "Hima I'm not going to an event it's just a business deal girl anything would be good" making Hima roll her eyes as she took out the outfits and threw them in the trolley.

"You should actually have some fashion sense you are a girl you know" Hima reminded her making Siva roll her eyes saying "A girl who's not at all interested in shopping" and zipped the trolley putting it beside the side table and both of them walked down to see the guys in the living room discussing something about the meetings.

Maniamma served dosa to Siva making her lick her lips and started munching on it as Deva said "If you ask me stop on the way for food I won't" making Siva narrow her eyes and ordered "Maniamma bring three more dosas" which made the guys look at her as if she grew a second head shaking their heads.

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