

Siva woke up hearing noises and looked around to see that she's in her own room and sighed before getting ready and walked towards Deva's room hearing the guys talking and slightly opened the door as Noel said "So he wants to kill us now great" making Siva narrow her eyes.

"Come inside Ms.Siva" She heard Deva's voice making the guys confused as Siva bit her lip and slowly opened the door walking inside and sat on the bed as Noel handed her water making her smile and gulp them slowly.

"I heard what happened are you alright?" Prem asked making her nod as she placed the glass on the side table saying "Someone in the factory is working for whoever planned the fire accident and locked me in the cold storage" making the guys look at her.

"When I was working yesterday I felt someone watching me but I was careless and after my work was done I went to check the medicine list in the cold storage but someone locked me in and when I tried to open the door...." Siva trailed off remembering the last night's incident shuddering making Deva narrow his eyes saying "No one knows where we keep the keys to the office except you and Noel so it must be one of the workers who locked you in and also started the fire" making them nod.

They heard the knock on the door and turned to see a new girl opening the door smiling "Umm.. breakfast is ready" making Prem nod and walked towards her and with his arm around her shoulder introduced her "Guys she's..." "Your butterfly" Siva completed smiling and walked towards Jeevika.

"Hi! You must be Siva right he talks about you all, nice meeting you" Jeevika said extending her hand and Siva shook it smiling as everyone walked downstairs to have breakfast to see Maniamma arranging the bowls on dining table and sighed seeing all of them intact and okay.


"So you are a vet" Siva started conversation making Jeevika nod saying "I love animals a lot" which made Noel look between the couple and say "Now I get it why you love our Prem" making Prem hit Noel's back of head as Siva laughed eating.

Siva choked and Deva put the glass near her continuing his eating as everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows which made him raise his eyebrow as Siva took a new glass and poured water before drinking it "I can do my own works I don't need an escort" saying she went and washed her hands before going to living room.

"You really hurt her feelings about the painting I guess" Prem said making Deva look at him as he continued "What? Hima is a good friend you know" and silently escaped from there along with others.

Everyone was in living room talking as Hima came in smiling and narrowed her eyes at Jeevika which Noel noticed warning "Before you do anything She's Prem's" making her glare at him but smiled turning towards the girls and introduced herself to Jeevika.

"Siva...are you alright? You look a bit pale" Hima asked concerned making the guys look at each other as Siva said "I'm fine it's just I had a lot of work in the factory" which made Hima sigh and turned to Deva "Why do you overwork her?"

"It doesn't matter now so what are you doing here?" Siva changed the topic making Hima hit her forehead as she remembered something and took the parcel she bought and opened it saying "Actually Priya sent the painting for you it delivered this morning so I bought it to you".

Everyone looked at the painting and were totally impressed "It's so beautiful who is the artist?" Jeevika asked making Siva say "One of the good friends I have".

"Where do you want this Siva?" Noel asked and Siva was about to say something when Deva said "Somewhere I don't see it" making everyone look at him as Siva ignored him taking the painting and walked towards the big wall with beautiful finishing and put a chair standing on it before hanging the picture in the living room before turning towards Deva with a sarcastic smile.

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