

"Today we've got a new pharmaceutical just because of all your hardwork and ofcourse your mentor and MD Dr.Deva. Now I invite Dr.Deva onto the dias to speak a few words please" Narasimha Raayala spoke in the mike making Deva walk onto the dias and took his place before podium.

After Deva gave his speech he got down other doctors congratulating him as Hima stood aside smiling looking at him as the King himself complimented him before he walked to his cabin followed by her. Once in the cabin seeing her smiling he said "Can you stop your creepy smile already?"

Hima chuckled instead of being annoyed and took out her mobile walking to him asking "Selfie?" which made him look at the phone in her extended hand as she clicked a few pictures before saving them as he went to patient ward to do his usual rounds.

"Madam I heard that we are going to get some new hospital here" One of the workers Yadayya said making Siva smile and correct him "It's not a hospital it's a medical factory where all the villagers gets medicines for half the actual price" which made him smile at the good news.

"Is this all because of Deva baabu?" One of the lady workers Veeramma asked making her nod as everyone wished good luck and blessings for him from the god as she did some paperwork she left since she had to go to Vizag for the deal closing.

Siva talked to the workers about the status of the works alloted to them one by one before walking into the factory godown but suddenly stopped turning back and shook her head before walking towards her office and completed the paperwork for a few hours and saw that it's already 8:00 in the evening and locked the office before going to the cold storage to check some stored medicines.


It was ten in the evening when Deva returned home and freshened up before coming downstairs for dinner and saw no one was home and asked "Where are the others?" making Maniamma inform "Prem sir went to meet some doctor and Noel sir went to the godown and Sivamma didn't return from work Deva baabu".

He called Noel who's phone rang but he didn't lift the call making him narrow his eyes as he said "I'll eat later" making Maniamma pause as he walked towards the lawn but heard Maniamma shout and ran inside to see her on the floor of his bedroom and helped her up.

"What happened?" Deva asked seeing her shivering and pointed her finger towards the glass door to see written in red color and moved towards it touching it and smelled the metal realising that it's blood and turned towards Maniamma "Go to your house tonight and stay locked in" before walking out taking his phone dialing Prem's number.

"Come to villa in the morning along with Jeevika just in case" Ordering he disconnected the call and walked out calling Noel's number but it was of no use as he started the car driving off to the factory calling Siva but it was out of reach making him step on the accelerator speeding up.

Once he reached the factory he saw the lights on and walked inside to see Noel bringing out unconscious Siva in his arms from the cold storage as the worker locked up the storage while he walked to them and held her hand to sense that there is no pulse ordering "Lie her down and you bring some blankets" to Noel and the worker.

Once Siva was on the floor he did chest compressions for forty seconds before he heard her breath and sighed as the worker bought the blankets and Noel wrapped her in the blankets as she opened her eyes shivering as the guys helped her sit up looking around and tightened the blankets around her.

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