

Deva knocked on Hima's room door twice but there was no answer from her side making him call her but immediately disconnected the call and walked towards Siva's room and knocked twice which made Hima open the door in a black saree making him raise his eyebrow at her which made her blush a little.

"See I told you right anyone would just fall for you" Siva raised her eyebrows teasingly making Deva's expression blank and looked at her to see her hair in a bun and looking casual in the morning formal wear looking at Hima appreciatively as she continued "What are you waiting for come on now move both of you or you'll be late for the party" making Hima turn towards her.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Hima asked making Siva sigh and shook her head saying "I'm tired and I just can't adjust with those flashy people so you guys carry on" which made Hima nod and turned towards Deva who held Hima's hand and walked outside leaving Siva alone to rest.

Hima and Deva walked inside the party room to see many businessmen and also many employees mainly HR's and also Ghattamaneni family talking to the guests as Mr. Pratap Ghattamaneni walked towards them and greeted them before handing them the drinks.

"I am glad you guys came I wanted to speak something important to you but I didn't know you were a couple" Pratap said making Hima raise her eyebrow as Pratap's daughter Priya came towards them in a nice modern party dress and greeted them politely.

Hima smiled and returned the greetings politely giving a look to Deva smiling who was blank and started talking to Priya and instantly became friends as the men talked about business mostly.

"Umm...actually you guys have to come for lunch to our home tomorrow we couldn't even talk properly tonight" Pratap said hopefully and Deva was about to reject his offer politely when Hima interrupted "Ofcourse Mr. Ghattamaneni we'd love to join your family for lunch" making Deva give her look as the father and daughter smiled before going to attend other guests.


"Do you love that family so much?" Deva asked sarcastically making her nod "Yes look at Priya she's so beautiful talks politely she'd make a great wife" making Deva look at her saying "Are you sure you want to marry her? If yes I'll convince your family" which made hit his shoulder making him chuckle.

"You should laugh more you know" Hima said making him go back to his blank face void of any expression and walked towards the dinner table set for the guests and sat down along with others for the dinner since it's already ten in the evening.

Siva sat on one of many rocks in the beach looking at the waves smiling. Good thing the hotel was near the beach and she got to enjoy the night view instead of that boring party thing she drank her orange juice and heard footsteps to see a guy walking towards her.

"I see you like the sea" The guy said making her shake her head saying "I like my space which you just invaded" making him look at her and smiled sitting on the rock a little away from her making her sigh as he took out his coke tin drinking it.

"You stay here?" The guy asked making her shake her head and ask "From the looks of it you are a regular here" making him nod saying "I like my alone time" which made her nod and drank her orange juice before standing up taking off her chappals and held them in her hand walking in the direction of the exit leaving the guy behind.

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