《》SCENE -36


The next day guys packed everything from the camp as the girls decided to enjoy few more minutes on top of the hill looking out the view as Siva sat on the log bench and Hima stood beside her with her hand in her pocket both of them in their own worlds.

"You know you can always find true love in your life" Hima said making Siva smile saying "If it is about my first love please don't council me Dr.Hima" which made Hima smile and looked at Siva who's having a simple smile.

"There's more in the life don't want you to waste your life on one guy" Hima explained making Siva chuckle nodding "I'll live my life but would I be lively in it that is what matters" saying Siva turned around to see guys all packed and stood holding Hima's hand and walked towards the guys as Hima looked at Siva worried and confused.

By the time they got down the hill it was already evening and from there they walked out of the forest to the parking area and got into the jeep as Deva drove off the forest road in the direction of the village at seven 'o clock.

"I enjoyed alot the last two days thanks for accompanying me" Hima said and got out walking towards palace gates but turned and said "Go you are getting late" making Deva reply "You first go in" which made Hima nod smiling and went inside.

"I'm gonna puke" Noel gagged seeing the PDA of his boss and Hima making Siva try to control her chuckle as Deva looked in the mirror making them shut up as he said "Come forward".

Siva turned to the guys who didn't get up as Deva repeated "I said come forward" making her get down and sat in the passenger seat as he started the jeep and drove in the direction of their villa silently as Siva yawned sleepily and the guys seemed tired too.


When they reached home Maniamma already prepared dinner making them fresh up and have dinner as Deva asked "Have you completed the presentation?" making Prem nod as Deva continued "We're going to Vizag on Wednesday for the meeting make sure everything is intact" and went to wash his hands before going to his room.

"If we get Mr.Ghattamameni's pharmaceuticals deal our hospital turns no.1 in the whole district and we can open branches in other districts too" Dr.Mitra said making other doctors nod in agreement.

"I'm going to Vizag the day after tomorrow and Dr.Hima along with my assistant Prem will accompany me" Deva informed making everyone wish good luck as they started discussing the patients files and the surgeries they are going to perform.

"How is Mrs.Yashwanth?" Deva asked as he did his rounds in the patient ward making Hima say "We stopped the fluids and her recovery is slow so we prescribed the vitamins and also the change in food" making him nod as he went into his cabin.

It was ten in the evening when Deva returned home and saw Siva sitting in the living room doing something on laptop making him narrow his eyes and went forward to see her making last minute changes in the presentation "Why do you have Prem's presentation?"

"Jeevika was in an accident and Prem had to take care of her. So I'll be joining you for the day after tomorrow's presentation" Siva said typing something on her laptop making him sigh frustrated and ask "Why wasn't I informed?"

"Probably you must be in some surgery and didn't lift his calls" Siva said closing her laptop and took the water bottle walking upstairs followed by him saying "Better not ruin it" before going to his room making Siva shake her head and go back to her room.

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