

The next morning when the guys woke up and got ready they didn't find the girls and decided to look around to find Siva in an open place with her eyes closed enjoying the music in her head phones soaking in the morning sun making Noel join her looking at her.

Deva went in search of Hima to see her in the dried grass sleeping on her back making him sit beside her while she sat up adjusting the cap on her head and smiled as he handed her the travel coffee cup both of them sipping their coffee in the cold weather though it's sunny.

Prem video called his girlfriend showing her the view of the place they are camping and had a chat for hours while Siva was in her own world not even knowing that Noel was with her as Deva and Hima were silently looking at the nature around them.

"Thankyou for not being angry on Siva" Hima said sincerely making him look at her as she continued "I don't know what happened to her yesterday but she seemed so lost and when you realised that she actually was in danger you were angry I noticed it when you took that call from maavayya" making him sigh.

"Her family is complicated and it's not my place to share" Deva simply said making her nod as she rested her head on his shoulder saying "It's okay but please try to be nice with her. Though she seems so bubbly and tough from the outside she really needs so much care and love".

Prem clicked a picture of them making Deva pull back from her and got up saying "Let's go" and walked in the direction of camp together as Prem wiggled his eyebrows at his boss before following them but stopped as they saw Noel and Siva together.


"Love is like that we can only love but we don't know whether it can stay with us forever" Siva said making Noel sigh and stand up extending his hand to her saying "Then let's live" which made Siva laugh and take his hand as he pulled her onto her feet both of them walking towards the camp followed by others.

"They look cute" Hima said making Prem raise his eyebrows and walked in the direction of the camp and started working on the breakfast along with Hima asking "So how is our boss treating you?" making her smile.

"He's my boss too technically but yeah he seems less devil of a doctor now" Hima said with a small smile looking at Deva who's taking out the water bottles from bag as Prem raised his eyebrow teasing "I can see that on your face already" which made Hima hit his shoulder as he chuckled.

"Let's play a game" Hima said after everyone had their breakfast making Deva sigh and was about to get up when she held his wrist and pulled him down "It's truth or dare Noel spin the bottle".

It stopped at Prem making Siva ask "So Prem have you told your butterfly about your last fling?" making Prem groan asking "From where do you find all these girl?" which made others laugh at his expression while he continued "No and it doesn't matter because all I want to do now is to concentrate on my girlfriend".

"Nice answer" saying Siva spin the bottle and it stopped at Hima making Noel ask "Most embarrassing moment in your life?" which made Hima close her eyes saying "Umm.. I ran into my friends when they were having sex on the couch" making Siva burst out laughing as Hima said embarassed "Shut up" and spinned the bottle.


"Alright Siva your turn now. Tell me about your first love" Hima asked looking between Siva and Noel as everyone looked at Siva curiously "My first love? It's complicated because I don't even know what to call it wish he'd explain it himself to me but I'm not that lucky first love is always not the only love in our life unfortunately" which made everyone look at her sadly as Deva sighed at her utterly sad words "If you are done self pitying let's continue the game" saying he spinned the bottle making Siva blink her eyes and ignored him.

The bottle stopped at Deva as Prem asked "What are the qualities you want in your partner?" making Hima look at him from the corner of her eyes as Deva sighed again thinking "I don't want to change the way she is just because I want some specific qualities. I'll just have her the way she is" making Noel hoot as Prem looked between Hima and Deva.

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