

When the guys came down they saw Siva packing something into her mini bag and looked at each other's faces before going to the dining table as she said "Oh good you guys are finally here pack a pair of clothes and necessary items and be ready by ten" making them look at her.

"Shouldn't you be at work Ms.Siva?" Deva asked making her nod and reply "Yes sir but since Hima invited us all for camping I'm joining her" as she ate the breakfast prepared by Maniamma who's back to work from today.

Deva was about to say something when Hima joined them holding bags "Have you forgotten that we planned it on the bachelors party?" saying Hima sat at the dining table giving a look to Deva making him nod reluctantly as he ate his breakfast silently.

By ten'o clock everyone got their bags and met in the parking to see Siva getting into car making Deva say "We're taking a jeep" and went to the jeep and sat in driving seat starting the ignition as Hima handed the bags to Noel who put them behind getting into the jeep along with Prem.

Siva walked to the jeep as Hima got in the seat beside Deva's and Noel extended his hand helping Siva get into the jeep and sat on the empty side with the bags as Noel and Prem sat opposite to her while Deva reversed the jeep and drove off the street in forty speed.

Within two hours they reached the outskirts of the village and entered the forest area and half and hour later Deva stopped the jeep aside at the location Hima asked him to stop and everyone got down while Noel and Prem took the camping equipment and camera bag following Hima who's leading the way.


Fifteen minutes walk later they reached an open area in the forest just beside the lake and waterfall making everyone look around at the nature. Prem took out the camera setting it up properly and started taking pictures of the beautiful scenary as Hima said "Gayatri and I use to come here when we're kids it's our favourite place after home" making Deva look at her as she remembered her childhood memories with a smile.

Siva looked around and closed her eyes and smiled hearing the birds chirping and the sound of water flowing along with the noises of animals in the forest and Prem clicked her picture as she enjoyed the nature around her.

"Let's set a camp here then" Noel said and was about to unzip the bags when Deva walked forward saying "Our destination is up there" he pointed towards the starting point of waterfall on the hill making everyone follow his gaze.

Everyone sighed as Deva started walking others following him as he seemed excited for this small hiking as they took short breaks in between but finally reached the top of the hill and Siva yelled loudly from the top making Hima and Noel laugh as Prem clicked pics.

Noel and Deva set the camp since it's already seven and started getting cold Prem started to arrange the camp fire while Hima and Siva were taking out the food and started to heat them on the fire. Everyone sat around the fire rubbing their palms as Siva said "We've to go on camps like this often I really like this" making Deva say "Ofcourse you like everything except work" making Hima bump into his shoulder warning with her eyes not to say anything that could make Siva upset.

Siva ignored him and ate her food enjoying the night time and stood near the water as Noel walked to her along with Prem and stood on either side of her "Do you guys even know what privacy means?" making Noel roll his eyes.


"Yeah we definitely know that is why we left them and came here" Noel said pursuing his lips at the PDA he saw near their tents making Siva confused and looked at Prem who defended Deva "Come on you know it's the first I've seen Deva happy and Hima makes him happy so they decided to spend time together there's nothing wrong in that".

Siva just looked at the waterfall before her ignoring the guys as she felt better since yesterday's incident and sat down removing her shoes putting her legs in the cold water looking at the night view of forest making the guys sigh and join her.

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