

Hima came into Deva's room without knocking as Deva was looking at the rain from the window making him say "Didn't you learn to knock Ms.-" turning around to see Hima with a grave expression and walked towards her continuing "Are you alright? What happened?" making her bite her lip.

"Siva is not lifting the calls" Hima said making him sigh and sat on the bed "She might be busy" saying he looked at her which made her shake her head "If she's busy she would've cut the call but her mobile rang and rang then suddenly it was not reachable" saying she sat beside him.

"It might be a network issue look out it's raining" Deva simply said making her look at him worried thinking about Siva "That is why I'm worried it's already seven now and she told she'd be home by six and it started raining too" saying she tried calling Siva again but it was no use.

Deva heard his phone ring and picked it up to see the king calling him and answered the call "Deva has Sivatmika reached home?" He heard the king making him narrow his eyes as he asked "No. But why are you asking?"

"I met her at Veerapuram's bus stop and dropped her at her relatives home but I didn't know it was her family bunglow and when we went in we saw her family members doing her funeral" The king narrated the incident happened in the Veerapuram continuing "And she walked out of there in anger I shouldn't have let her go".

He cut the call thinking for a bit before walking out of the room followed by Hima who's confused as to what happened as they both went downstairs while Deva gave orders "Noel I want you to track Ms.Siva's phone and Prem go to the bus stop and check if Ms.Siva is there" making them even more confused.


"She's not there I checked there myself" The king came inside as Deva sighed "Fine! Go and check the whole village and I'll go check Veerapuram" saying he took the car keys and walked out making everyone go to their alloted works as Hima got into the car along with him.

"What happened to Siva?" Hima asked as Deva drove the car out of the villa as he said "She's fine we just need to bring her home" making her confused and also worried at the same time as they looked around for Siva from car as Deva drove since it's raining.

"Boss it shows her phone signal was lost at Veerapuram outskirts" Noel said as Deva stopped the car saying "Ask Prem to return home" he disconnected the call and turned off the ignition turning to Hima "Don't come out it's raining already" and was about to go when she held his hand "Let me talk to her" which made him pat her palm on his hand.

"Let me do it" Deva said making her shake her head saying "You will get angry and yell at her I know you" which made him close his eyes "I'll not get angry I promise" promising he got out in the heavy rain and walked towards the bench under the tree where Siva was sitting blankly not caring that she is drenching due to rain.

Hima turned to look out following Deva with her gaze as he walked to Siva who's sitting on the bench drenching in the rain blankly staring off in the space as Deva stood before her not speaking. Siva looked at his shoes before standing up and hugged him making Hima widen her eyes looking at them as Deva stood there like a statue as she pulled back before walking towards the car and got in the back seat as Deva followed her getting behind the wheel.


Hima took the tissue box and handed it to Siva who wiped her face and leaned her head on the car window glass closing her eyes as Deva started the car driving in the direction of the villa as Hima looked between Siva and Deva saying "I'm worried".

"No need to be. She's going to be fine by tomorrow" Deva said making Hima look at his blank face "Are you not even a bit worried about her? I know you guys are always not on the same page bu-" before she could complete her sentence Deva stopped the car at the villa saying "When I told you she'll be fine she'll be. Just don't compare us" and turned back calling "Ms.Siva?"

Siva opener her eyes and got out walking towards the entrance followed by Hima and Deva to see worried Noel and Prem who sighed looking at her "Where were you Siva we're so worried?" Asking Prem neared them to see them completely drenched as Siva ignored them walking in the direction of her room.

"What's wrong with her?" Noel asked as they looked in the direction she went making Deva sigh "Let her rest if she wants to speak she will" and went to his room to change.

"We'll take our leave too" the king stood up joining his hands in namaste and nodded at Hima who followed him but not before giving one last look in the direction Deva went as she went out of the front door.

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