

"You had dinner with in an hour? Wow that's too fast" Prem said as they walked inside the villa and saw Siva arranging dishes on the dining table along with Noel calling them "If you both wash your hands we'll have dinner I'm so hungry" making Noel and Prem confused while Deva washed his hands and took his seat.

"You didn't have dinner? What did you do then?" Noel asked as Siva served herself and them saying "Well technically there were words exchanged between our Devil doctor and the arrogant ex-king" as she mixed the food and started eating making the guys look at Deva.

"Why are you so nosy?" Deva asked making Siva pause her eating "Well if it involves my employer then I would definitely be nosy" and continued eating making Deva shake his head and munched on his food along with the other two guys.

"I told you to be cautious didn't I? Why would you do that?" Prem asked controlling his frustration at his friend as Noel looked at them saying "Calm down you know how Deva doesn't tolerate disrespect from anyone" which made Prem glare at him.

"I think it's Veerabhadra Raayala that ordered the man to burn down the factory" Deva said out his suspicions making the guys look at him "How do you know?" Prem asked confused as to why they are getting to know about it now.

"When I decided to start the medical camp here he was against it because he wanted some other pharmacy to establish here but since the decision lies in the king's hands he couldn't do anything but if some accident happens then there will be no one to stop the pharmaceuticals to establish here" Deva explained making Noel narrow his eyes asking "But it can be someone else too but let's think it is Veerabhadra Raayala who ordered the fire then could he have known your identity?"


"No. He doesn't but you know why I think it's him? the pharmaceutical that's gonna establish here belongs to Rani Meenakshi Devi's family" Deva said making the guys think as Prem asked "Do you mean her family was involved in whatever happened twenty years ago?"

"We don't know that yet but it's better to keep an eye on them too" Deva said making the guys nod and retired to their rooms making Deva sigh tired and slowly started to remove his shirt when his room door opened and Siva came in with the medicines.

"Hima called me" Siva informed making Deva sigh sitting on the bed and took his pills saying "I know that's why you ordered extra food" as she put the water bottle on the side table and put an ice pack where his shoulder meets his neck making him clench his jaw at the coldness.

"You should've controlled your anger" Siva said making him look at her "I can't tolerate disrespect even if he's a president I don't care" saying he moved back on the bed making her sigh as she continued "You know everyone should like you in that family so you could actually be the son in law" raising her eyebrows.

"Shut up" Deva said avoiding her gaze making her chuckle as she arranged the pillows properly making him lie back while she said "But you really should consider what I said" which made him sigh "I hate them. All of them" gritting out Deva closed his eyes controlling his anger.

"Hate is a strong word you just want revenge from them but not all of them, so don't confuse hate with revenge" Siva said as she covered him in sheets and got up walking towards the door as he asked "Then what is hate?" making her pause and turned towards him.


"I don't know because I never hated someone but all I know is we hate those we once loved but is it really hate when we actually love them" Siva said making him think as she switched off the lights and walked out of his room closing the door behind her.

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