《》SCENE -30


After the katha Siva prayed lord Shiva's idol and distributed prasaadam along with Noel to everyone as Deva waited for them to complete "You know we can trust her right" Prem said making Deva look at him then looked at Siva who was smiling at Noel talking something.

"I know that's why I don't want to involve her" Deva said which made Prem follow his gaze to see happy Siva who's walking towards the car and got in smiling as Prem started the car driving in the direction of villa silently.

"Gayatri wants to see you she's coming home tonight" Hima told as she changed the bandage around his shoulder to see the wound healing faster than she thought making Deva nod as she continued "Attayya invited you to dinner".

"I'll not go" Deva said as he leaned back onto the pillows sighing which made her narrow her eyes "If you don't come Gayatri would feel bad" saying Hima took the bowl from the side table and started feeding him the food which made him look at her.

"You know I can eat myself right" Deva said making Hima pause and say "I know but I want to feed you so be a good kid and have it" chuckling at the end which made him roll his eyes at her as he completed his lunch.

Deva got into normal black shirt and jeans and walked downstairs to see the trio sitting in the living room doing their own works making them look at him "I'll drop you at the palace" Prem said.

"Are you guys not coming?" Deva asked making them look at him and Noel rolled his eyes saying sarcastically "Oh your future in laws just invited you not us" which made Siva throw a cap at Noel's face with narrowed eyes as she bought coat from the hanger.


"It's chilly out better not catch a cold" saying she made him wear a overcoat slowly due to his shoulder injury continuing "Be home before it's too late and tell Gayatri that I said hi" and waved at him before walking upstairs.

Prem stopped at the palace saying "Call me when you want to leave just be cautious I know your anger" making Deva sigh as he got down and walked towards the entrance making Prem drive away from there.

"Dr.Deva please come in" saying the king stood up and extended his hand which made Deva look at it and the situation turned awkward but Hima reminded "Maavayya have you forgotten that Dr.Deva is injured?" which made them nod at their stupidity.

"Injured? What happened?" They heard Gayatri coming into living room making Deva say "I'm fine. Now tell me how are you?" which made her smile and side hugged him making him grit his teeth and held her shoulder returning her hug before moving away from him.

"I'm fine brother everyone is treating me good" Gayatri told which made Deva nod as she continued "Let's go have dinner" holding his arm and walked towards dining hall followed by the king and Hima to see the workers arranging bowls on the large dining table.

The king sat at the high chair and to his left sat Rani Meenakshi Devi and right his father followed by the other family members. The servers served food to everyone as Veerabhadra Raayala said "Don't hold back on our account Dr.Deva please have as much as you want. I'm sure it's your first time having all these items with a family of our status".

"I think it's not your first time talking like this to your guests Mr.Veerabadhra Raayala" Deva countered back making everyone look at them as the ex-king glared at Deva saying "Are you questioning my manners? How dare you?"


Deva simply smirked "If you are talking about the manners that you got from greed and arrogance then yes because it makes you blind" which made Veerabhadra Raayala stand in anger making the king warn "You are questioning my father's manners what about yours Dr.Deva? He's the ex-king and you need to show some respect here".

"Respect is earned not bought our of fear and I can't eat with those people who doesn't respect others" saying Deva stood up and was about to walk away when Gayatri called "Stop brother don't go it's not them who invited you it was me and my mother" which made him pause.

"Gayatri if you really want to meet me come to the villa I'll always be there for you but if you want your brother to get humiliated then never invite me into this palace who has unmannered people" saying Deva went away calling Prem who within ten minutes picked him up and drove to villa.

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