《》SCENE -29


'Shiva Shankara Mahadeva. The name itself brings a beautiful feeling in everyone. The peace by praying our bhole nath follows in every aspect of our life and today I'm so proud to actually narrate a great love story of Mahadev and Mahashakti his other half his ardhangini his soul, the one who is nature for Mahadev.

Since his beloved Maata Dakshayani's death Mahadev went into his cosmic world meditating for eons waiting for his Shakti to reborn and merge with him. Millions of years passed and it was time for Aadi Shakti to take her form as a human to meet Mahadev and she was born to Parvat Raj Himavanth and Menavati making their existence divine. Since she's born to Parvat Raj (The king of mountains) she was called princess Parvati and also named as Hima the daughter Himavanth.

Maa Parvati always knew she belonged to Mahadev that he is her husband it's just a matter of time will she be the wife of him. But it wasn't that easy because Mahadev is a vairag (bachelor) in his own world of meditating far away from the real world.

When Parvati realised she's the Shakti of Shiva she made a decision of impressing Mahadev by doing his favourite thing. Meditating, meeting him in his own world so she started her tapasya without having meals and here her parents were worried along with gods because even after years of tapasya Mahadev didn't even spare a glance at her and her meditation power and divinity was effecting the whole world.

The gods requested kaama dev (The god of lust) to evoke desire in Mahadev so he'd accept Parvati as his wife so he did as they told for the sake of world but Mahadev turned Kama dev into ash for distributing his meditation and returned back to his own cosmic world.


But eventually he was impressed with Parvati's tapasya seeing her in death's mouth his heart melted and then he accepted her as his and the marriage was fixed but maata Parvati is a princess how can she marry a guy who's body smells of bhasma (Ash) instead of nice sandal wood (cologne).

How can Parvati live with a guy who never knew what the marriage meant and never knew his parents or never knew what it means to build a family? That is when Parvati said to Mahadev and asked him to bring his relatives to the marriage but you know who our Siva invited the vampires, the ghosts and the demons who always were in care of him.

And seeing all those Parvati's mother Menavati fainted imagining her daughter's condition in kailash but our Mahadev made his point very clear "It was your daughter who chose to marry me and she'll stay in kailash where everyone is invited no matter the color, status and their caste because I'm their god I'm everything in the world and at the same time I'm not anything to anyone. Some call me their god some call me their savior no matter how they call I'll be there for them.

That's how Rani Menavati understood how great Mahadev was and then Siva Parvati kalyanam happened in the presence of gandharvas, yakshas kinneras and all the gods even the Brahma dev and Vishnu attended the magical moments of Mahadev's milan( merging) with his soul Shakti'. The narrator ended the story with tears in his eyes as if he had seen the god's marriage as everyone prayed to the supreme god Mahadev.

"Mahadev is everywhere, in everything and he'll always come to help the need and maata Parvati is the mother of this world let's end our katha with praying them once again" Poojari gaaru said making everyone stand up and pray except Deva who stood looking at others.

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