
The king and Deva were talking about new equipment import from Georgia when they heard footsteps and turned to see a girl walking inside making Hima think 'He's married but he doesn't look that old and there is no ring on his finger. If he's anything like he was with me I feel pity for her. Poor girl'.

Siva stopped looking at the guests and neared them and looked at the king who asked "I didn't know you were bringing your family" and joined his palms in Namaste making Siva return it back politely as she sat behind Deva.

"That's because I haven't " Deva said making the trio confused and looked at the girl confused making Siva smile and introduced herself "I'm Siva I work for for Mr. Deva" making them nod in understanding.

"Deva baabu dinner is ready" Maniamma informed making everyone get up and the king turned towards Deva "We'll take our leave now and my reason for coming here is to invite you for Devi Pooja tomorrow with everyone in the house we'll be happy if you join us" saying he nodded towards Siva before leaving.

Siva was confused as to why he didn't invite their guests to join for dinner as he walked towards his room. By the time Deva came down Siva, Noel and Prem were at the dining table waiting for him to join them.

Once Deva took his seat Maniamma served dinner containing potato fry, Dal, brinjal, sambar and finally curd. They started munching on their food when Siva suddenly asked "Why didn't you ask them to stay for dinner?"

"I don't like uninvited guests" Deva said making her nod as Noel and Prem looked confused as they were at the hospital godown and missed meeting the king and seeing their confusion Deva explained "The king and his neice came" making them give a look and nodded.


"Sad. The girl was pretty you could have had a chance, she definitely got dibs on you" Siva stated nonchalantly making Prem and Noel choke on their food and drank water looking at Siva who's eating peacefully and Deva who seemed not to care her rubbish.

"Do you have a death wish?" Noel whispered making her roll her eyes and say out loud "Oh come on it's not a bad thing to talk about love lives you know, tell me Noel do you have a girlfriend?" which made Deva look at him making him avoid his gaze and silently had his dinner.

"I didn't appoint you so you could do match making" Deva said as he started eating curd rice making her say "Ofcourse I have done all the works alloted to me. I have sent an email about the remaining equipments needed and took the shipment number and address then contacted other hospitals for few more supportive camps in other villages" proudly she patted herself of her productive works she's done today.

"She's right and effective at whatever she does" Prem praised her making her smile but suddenly she asked "Why?"making the trio look at her confused as she continued "You have already helped me lot.Why would you give me a job too?"

Deva stood up and went to wash basin to wash his hands saying "Shouldn't you payback for the help you got?" Making her clench her jaw and roll her eyes continuing her eating and said "And here I thought you were attracted to me".

Prem and Noel widened their eyes making Deva shake his head and went to his room upstairs as Prem spoke "Don't say whatever you want to him just think before you say anything Ms.Siva please" making her sigh.


"Fine..." She exaggerated and washed her hands before going to her room while Noel looked at her "You know I wonder if she likes bro" making Prem look at him weirdly.

"You started too? Come on man shut up" Prem said irritated and washed his hands before sitting on the sofa and started tallying the accounts in his iPad as Noel sighed and went back to his room locking the door behind him.

"Yes. He's here yeah I don't think he planned anything but he's trying to get on good terms of the king I guess" Noel informed in a low voice.

"I'll keep updating you then" saying after hearing whatever the other person said he cut the call and deleted the call log before locking his phone and went to bed.

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