《Broken-(A Loki Fanfic)》Epilogue


Four years passed and nothing changed. Not for me, anyways. The days were filled with silence, tears, and blood. I never ate, I barely slept, and I was always alone. I hardly ever left the room. My arms were covered in scars. But I always made sure I could tell the difference between the one I got with him and the rest of them.

My broken hand had healed, but the other still was burned. The gold chain with the emerald hung around my neck.

I sat up when I heard a knock on the door.

"Lady Lilith? It's me, Mary. I know it's been a while, but the king is requesting your presence."

"Alright. When?" I replied.

"Soon. He wished for you to see the play they are putting on in Loki's honor."

"Great. Just a moment." I got up and walked over to the closet. I grabbed black leather pants and a black top. I matched it with a long black coat, black boots, and some natural makeup. The only color visible was the necklace. "Alright," I said, opening the door. "Let's get this over with." She studied me for a moment. Her eyes looked sad and piteous. I made sure no emotions were seen in my own eyes.

"Right, off we go." The walk was short, but it felt like forever. I hadn't left the room in so long, everything felt new to me.

Mary guided me to the front of the palace, where we were greeted by a huge golden statue.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked as I held my hand over my eyes trying to see it.

"It is Loki, miss. The king had it built not long ago." I furrowed my brow. "He should be right over there." She pointed and I saw Odin lying down on a chair. His outfit was the most ridiculous thing I had ever seen. He met my gaze and welcomed me over.


"Ah, yes. Lady Lilith, welcome. Come, sit." He gestured his hand to the chair beside him. I sat and crossed my arms while slouching in the chair. I didn't want to be here, so why should I act like it?

The play was horrible. It was cheesy, ill-performed, and wrong. It supposedly told the story of Loki, but I was never even mentioned. I felt disrespected to say the least.

The torture finally came to an end. I was surprised to see Thor standing close behind me. Odin was applauding the awful performance.

"Father," Thor greeted. Odin quickly sat up.

"Oh, shit," he said. Thor nodded at me but said nothing to me. They began to converse, and I just sat by, tuning most of it out.

Blah, blah, blah "Skull of Surtur." Blah, blah, blah, "Giant monster."

"So, back to Midgard for you, is it?" Odin asked his son.

"Nope." I leaned forward in my chair when things started heating up. Before I knew it, Thor threw his hammer and placed his hand behind Odin's head. I would have stopped him, but it was too fascinating.

"You'll be executed for this!"

"Then I'll see you on the other side," Thor said quietly. "Brother."

What? I stood from my chair.

"Alright, I yield!" Odin became an all too familiar figure in a flash of green light.

"Behold!" a man yelled. "Thor... Odinson."

"No. You had one job. Just the one." He stood there normally in a sassy position. He didn't even look at me.

"You son of a bitch," I said. He turned around to face me slowly. "This isn't happening. You were dead. You are dead."

"I'm sorry, love."

"No. Nuh uh. You don't get to sorry your way out of this one." I stomped up to him and looked him straight in the eyes. I looked at Thor. "Can I?" He nodded. "Sorry your way out of this."

I will never forget the look on his face before I knocked him out cold.

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