《Broken-(A Loki Fanfic)》Chapter Twenty-Two


"Thor!" Jane yelled as she followed Thor, who was rolling down the hill.

"You really think I cared about Frigga? About any of you?" Loki asked before kicking Thor in the gut.

"Loki stop!" I yelled as I ran down after him. "What are you doing?" I stopped behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned and our eyes met.

"Forgive me, my love." His eyes turned cold as he shoved me away from him. I launched through the air before rolling in the dirt. He turned back to Thor.

"All I ever wanted was Odin dead at my feet!" Loki yelled. I just watched as I painfully pushed myself up. Thor raised his hand to summon his hammer, but before he could, Loki struck. He cut off his brothers hand, causing him to scream in out pain. Jane ran to his side, but I was too shocked to get up.

"Loki?" I said, unsure if he heard me. Loki grabbed Jane and held her towards the dark creatures.

"Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift!" He shoved Jane towards them. "I ask only one thing in return: a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

The creature I recognized as the one causing chaos in the dungeons said something in a foreign tongue.

"Look at me," the other one said. He pulled something dark out of Jane. He began to attract it to himself until Thor interjected.

"Loki, now!" Thor yelled. A green light surrounded Thor's amputated hand to reveal that it had been there all along.

What? Thor grabbed his hammer and sent a jolt of lightning at the dark force in the air. He failed, allowing the other man to absorb it into himself.

I finally pushed myself up and tried to run towards them. One of the creatures threw something at Jane. Before it could do anything, Loki shoved her out of the way. The can-like object imploded, pulling everything near it close, much like a black hole.

The vortex began to suck Loki in. "Loki!" I screamed as I ran towards him. I tried to fly, but my wings wouldn't come out. I was panicking as I desperately willed them to come out. My legs were moving so quickly beneath me that I stumbled a few times. Thor grabbed his brother and safely pulled him down.

I kept running towards him. The creature from the cells attacked Thor. Loki stopped him by impaling him from behind.

I'm almost there Loki. Hold on. The creature turned around and grabbed Loki.

"I love you, Lilith. Don't you ever forget that."


"I love you so much. Goodbye, darling." The creature pulled Loki close to him, causing the blade that Loki implanted in it to go through his own chest.


"No!" I screeched.

"See you in hell, monster!" Loki said. The beast looked down to see one of the cylindrical devices planted inside of him. He was sucked into himself, being torn apart from the inside.

I managed to slide in the dirt and catch Loki as he fell.

"No. No, no, no, no, no," I said. "You can't do this to me."

"I'm sorry, my love."

"You fool," Thor said as he rushed to his side. "You didn't listen!"

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool." Loki moved awkwardly, clearly in pain.

"Hey, hey. It's okay," I cooed. "I've got you. You're okay." Tears were falling from my eyes into his hair. His head rested in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Stay with me, okay?" Thor said.

"I'm sorry," he said looking at Thor. His emerald green eyes met mine. "I'm sorry."

"Shh," Thor added softly.

"I'm sorry," Loki repeated.

"It's okay," he responded. "It's alright. I'll tell father what you did here today." Loki's hand shakily moved to mine. He met his brothers gaze.

"I didn't do it for him." His beautiful eyes closed as his skin slowly turns blue. I didnt know what it meant but I kept on holding his hand, even as it burned my skin.

"No!" Thor yelled.

I screamed in anguish into the sky. I put my head on his chest. The only difference was I couldn't hear his heart this time. His hand still rested in mine, continuing to burn it. My hand began to turn purple, but I didn't pull it away.

Thor noticed and jerked my hand away from Loki's. I sobbed into his chest before Thor pulled me to my feet.

"I know that this day has brought great sorrow, but we must go." Jane walked over behind him. She looked at me pitifully.

"We can't leave him. I can't leave him," I said.

"I'm sorry, Lilith. We must." He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"No!" I yelled as I pulled away from him. I let myself fall on my knees next to Loki. "I'm so sorry, Loki. I failed you. I could have saved you. I wasn't quick enough. If I could have flown to you, everything would have been fine. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry."

"You were unable to fly?" Thor asked.

"You can fly?" Jane questioned. She piped down after realizing it was the wrong time to ask.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter now. It's too late. I just couldn't get them to come out. And now he's... he's..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. It hurt to much.

"I thought... He was supposed to remove the leftover magic that bound them together." I looked up at him.


"But he never... He never mentioned that. Why wouldn't he?"

"I do not know, Lilith. I wish I could tell you." I wiped my running nose as I looked at Thor with teary eyes. "But we have to go, now." I nodded.

"I know. Can I just... I just need a moment alone with him." Thor was about to say no, I could tell, but Jane grabbed his arm. She met his eyes with a sorrowful look.

"That's fine. Come on, Thor," she said.

"Just don't take too long," Thor said as they walked away.

I turned my attention back to Loki. I put my hands on his face. I expected the burning sensation like before, but none came. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. "I love you so, so much." Seeing him blue was unusual, but he still looked like himself. "I'm so sorry I didn't save you. I don't know how I'll live without you. But I swear I'll avenge you, or some heroic bullshit like that." Despite the pain and tears, I smiled at him. I kissed his forehead before stroking his hair back. "Goodbye, Loki."

It pained me to leave him, but I knew that man was still out there. I didn't doubt for a second that this was his fault. He was clearly the instigator of all of this.

I caught up with Thor and Jane in the area we had passed through to get here. I couldn't help but think of Loki. Just a little while ago he was standing beside me, holding my hands. Before that we were next to each other in prison cells.

I tried to push the memories down, at least for now. We had a job to do. I could cry after that.

"Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether," Jane said.

"Then Malekith would have only possessed it that much sooner," Thor replied.

"I only found it because I was looking for you."

"Hold on," I interrupted. "What's an... Aether? Or a Malekith?"

"The Aether is the dark force you saw come out of Jane. Malekith is the one who stole it. He is the one behind all of this. He is a dark elf."

"Oh." All of a sudden, music started playing. We all looked confused.

"It's not me," Thor said bluntly. Jane quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone.

"Hello?" she said. "Richard? Where are you?" She pushed the speaker button and began to wave her phone around in the air. "This is amazing!"

"Is it?" the man, presumably Richard, said on the other side. "I quite enjoyed—" That's when I began to tune him out.

"How are you getting service here?" I asked.

"I have no idea!" Jane exclaimed. Richard offered to hang up, but she told him to stay on. He kept talking, but I could tell she wasn't worried about him right now. "Oh my god!"

"What?" Thor and I asked in unison. She held up a pair of car keys. Jane started dragging Thor along, and I followed. She began to lose connection as we moved further into the cave.

"Why are there so many shoes in here?" Thor pointed out. I looked to the ground to notice that he wasn't wrong.

Before I realized it, we were in some abandoned factory on Earth.

"We're on... Earth?" I questioned.

"Yup!" Jane took us to the only car in the lot. We hopped in, and she started the car.

The drive wasn't long. We got out and went inside. Jane opened the door with Thor and me behind her.

"Jane!" a female voice yelled.

"Hey," she replied. The girl started yelling at her about the world going crazy and whatnot. When she was done, Jane turned to the other man in the room. "Erik?"

"Jane! How wonderful. You've been to Asgard."

"Where are your pants?" The second I heard that question, I avoided looking in that general direction. They talked about some science thing as I met the other girl's gaze.

"Darcy?" I asked.

"Lilith?" She ran at me and opened her arms wide. She squeezed my stomach so tight that I couldn't breathe.

"You two know each other?" Thor asked.

"We went to school together for a while in high school," I said with a strained voice. She realized she was practically suffocating me and let go.

"Yeah, then I moved. It's so good to see you. Wait, how do you know Thor?" Thor and I shared a glance.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." She shrugged.

"Erik," Thor said to the man with no pants. "Are you well?" I looked over to the man, making sure to keep my gaze upwards. He chuckled before a grim expression came across his face.

"You're brother's not coming, is he?" That was like a shot to the heart.

"Loki is dead," he replied. My hand shot to my mouth as I let out a small gasp.

"Oh, thank god," Erik said. I looked at him with a glare that said "what the hell is wrong with you?" He must have noticed. "I... I'm so sorry." Thor came over and wrapped an arm around me in an attempt to comfort me. Darcy looked confused, but she didn't say anything.

Then we began to get serious. We knew we had to do something, but we just didn't know what.

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