《BROKEN-A SWASAN FS✔️》BROKEN-6,Revealation and shock



Abeer and sanskar were having a serious conversation in the garden

Abeer:are u sure about ur decision sanskar

Sanskar:yes i am Abeer... Now i dont wont to carry it anymore... Tht is the horrible part of my present life and i want to leave everything behind and settle all the scores with the maheshwaris and gadodias

Moreover i had a talk with badepapa already and he is fine with my decision

He said he will handle everything from there and here i can do it

Abeer:okk then... I will call lawyer today for the same

Sanskar :hmm

Abeer:what about ur company..??

Sanskar:maheshwaris branch out here is actually karmas branch... And i had a clause added into the contract while merging it with mahesharis industries tht if i ever got separated from them then i can easily take over karma again

So badepapa had already transferred whole of my industries on my name

So yes i can easily settle here and look after Karma and my ceo out there can handle indias branch

Abeer:so mr... When are u gonna announce it officially

Sanskar:tomorrow only... I will call the press reporters as well

Now its time to introduce everyone with me and my actual family

They werw talking when sanskar received a call from his company

Sanskar:yes Steve

Steve:sir...from last 2 days a girl is constantly calling in the office to know about ur whereabouts

Sanskar(sternly):who is she

Steve:she called herself as ur fiance... Miss saanchi malhotra

Sanskar(smirked):okk steve... When ever she calls next time say sir has gone to his honeymoon with his wife

Steve:okk sir

Abeer was seeing him with confusion

Abeer:what was that

Sanskar(smirking):our first prey is here abeer


Sanskar:yess...now its time to teach all of them a nice lesson

And we r with u in that..... Said mishti and swara who came towards them

Sanskar smiled and all the four got indulged in discussing about next days plans

At Night

Swasan room

Swara was making saanvi sleep and sanskar was busy on a phone call

After making her sleep swara came towards him

Swara: whatever we are planning do you think we will succeed in it sanskar

( says swara seeing him disconnecting the call)

Sanskar turn towards her and took her in a back hug

Sanskar: it has to work out swara we don't have any other option... it's necessary to teach them a lesson

Swara: I believe you ...I know you won't do anything wrong or neither you will cross your limits

Sanskar gently kiss on the side of her forehead and said

" come let's sleep tomorrow is a very long day for all of us"

Both slept waiting for the next day

Next day

Sanskar waked up and gently placing a kiss on Swaras head pickdup his phone

Sanskar called Steve and asked him to do his work as instructed to him earlier


" best of luck MS Malhotra your time is up now I will teach you A very long and a bad lesson and you will never forget it...... today because of you my child is dead my wife beared so much....... we were separated because of you and Mrs Maheshwari now it's both off yours time to pay me back"

Swara woke up and seeing Sanskar went up to him and hug him

Swara: good morning husband.....i know what you are thinking and don't worry everything would be fine


He gently took her in a kiss and both started preparing for the day after playing with their daughter who woke up shortly after them


Kapoor Mansion was full of Hustle bustle ..............whole of the garden was filled with reporters and security guards who were Guardening all the upcoming guest towards the garden .............we can see Sanskar Swara abeer and Mishti standing at one side with saanvi in abeers hands

Sanskar who was all ready for accomplishing his plan (and hence called all of the colony people) seeing his target coming inside asked Swara and Mishti to go inside with saanvi and come only when he asks them

Sanchi who came inside the Kapoor Mansion hiding from all saw Swara moving inside

Singh all of the guest and reporters already settled down on the seeds abeer moved towards the stage and started speaking

Abeer: hello ladies and gentlemen I know all are wondering why all of a sudden meeting and a party is being organised in my Mansion.........we all know that Maheshwari Industries settled here was a part of Karma industries and the owner of Karma Industries was a hidden mystery for all........ so guys today with all pleasure and happiness......the owner and my best friend Mr SM is here coming in front of all..... today he is gonna introduce himself and his close ones in front of the whole world .........so please put your hands together for the very own Mr SM

Sanchi who was standing there and listening to everything was shocked seeing Sanskar their coming on the stage when Mr Kapoor called SM

She was not able to leave that sanskar was the most eligible bachelor Mr SM

All the reporters who saw him coming started clicking the pictures and all the colony members gave him a huge applause

Sanskar (taking the mic) : hello everyone..... First of all i am no more SM.... from today my name is SK akka Sanskar kapoor

Like u all know maheshwari industries was a part in f karma... And now its no more a part of it

Both of the industries are individual industries now

Now u all may ask ur queries to me

Reporter 1: mr sk.... Mr kapoor was saying tht u r going to introduce ur close ones as well... Who are they

Sanskar:well yess... Today i will introduce my close ones as well and here they are


Sanskar showed his hands to his opposite... All people including a shocled saanchi turned her head only to get the biggest shock of her life

Swara was coming there along with saanvi and mishti

Swara came and stood along with sanskar and mishti stood with abeer

Sanskar: so essay here I am I close ones you all a well aware with Mrs Kapoor and the lady standing beside me is none other than my wife Mrs Swara Sanskar Kapoor the baby girl wish you all are seen in a hand is my beloved daughter MS Sanvi Sanskar kapoor

Sanchi was all shocked seeing everything she was not able to believe that Sanskar and Swara were again together ...........Sanskar was no more a Maheshwari and they both had a daughter together

After giving answers to all the queries as asked by the reporters Sanskar and abeer joined all the guests and started the party

After some hours the party was over and all the guests returned back to their houses

Saanchi who was somehow controlling herself seeing all this immediately went towards swasan who were standing together in a side hug and pushed swara very badly

Sanskar somehow balanced her and angrily shouted on saanchi

Sanskar:hey...how dare u to push my wife like this... Who the hell are u to enter in my property and harm my wife like this

Saanchi who still was covering her face with a stawl removed it instantly

All the four acted like getting completely shocked seeing her there

As per the plan swara started her acting

Swara:sanskar who is she.... Why did she pushed me like this

Sanskar:no one baby... She has gone mad i think.... Security throw this girl out right now

Saanchi:have u gone mad sanskar... I am saanchi... Ur saanchi and u r saying me no one.... Again this girl has done some magic upon u.... U bloody curse

She was about to hit swara again but in the mean time security came inside and took her out despite of her shouting and struggles

Swara who saw this saw towards sanskar and immediately jumped upon him

Swara:am not a curse na...??

Sanskar became shocked and tensed seeing her again thinking about the past

Mishbir went from there as they knew sanskar would easily handle her

Sanskar(cupping her face) :no u r not a curse... U r my lucky charm... Princess... She is a curse who has come in our lives to blacken it and we wont let her do tht okk

Now come lets see is saanvi alright and sleeping peacefully or not hmm

Both went towards their room and after checking upon saanvi slept

Saanchi's side

Why the hell was swara behaving as if she doesn't remembers me... Has she lost her memory... I need to find out.... If yes then i can use tht as my weapon to gain sanskar back....

U haven't done well with me sanskar... U r mine... Only mine... I will make u repay everything in a more pleasured manner in our bed

Uff... Now i need to tell the budhia as well... About all this shit happening out here

She calls sujata and tells her everything also her doubt on swara

Sujata:i knew it... Sneak into their house and steal her reports....u will get to know about her exact mental condition then... Use it and further u r intelligent enough i believe

Saanchi:that i am aunty... Dont worry... I will see to it

She cuts the phone

Now i need to think of sneaking inside their house

Now only i should go... They wont expect me to sneak at this hour... I will search. And somehow steal those reports

Kapoor mansion

Saanchi somehow sneaks into the mansion and starts finding swasans room

She after a lot of struggle finally enters there and see them sleeping half naked in each others arms

Her blood boils seeing the scene

Saanchi:this place is mine where u r sleeping swara... And i will snatch it soon from u... Enjoy ur last time with my sanky now

She starts searching the file and finds it in one of the cupboards

After glancing one more time towards them she moves out

Sanskar who saw her each and every activity from the time she entered their room just smirked and tightening his hold around swara slept peacefully

Swara on feeling his hold snuggled more into him


Sujata:did u steal the reports

Saanchi:ji aunty... I am sending u the pics... U immediately get them checked from the doctor

Sujata:cut the call... I am. Going now only

Sujata sees the reports send by saanchi and gets ready to go the hospital

In the lawn

Annapurna:arre sujata... Iss time kahaan ja rahi ho

Sujata:kahin nhi jiji......mandir hoke aati hun

Annapurna:accha theek hai... Jldi ana

Sujata:ji jiji

And she immediately moves to the hospital from there

At hospital

Sujata:what does the reports say doctor

Doctor:see mrs maheshwari..

According to the reports patient has lost her memory......majorly because of a hit on her brain

The case is sensitive

If someone would try to make her remember something of the past then it might effect her negatively... She may suffer from nervous breakdown... May go into coma or even loose her memory permanently

So as a doctor i would advise u to not put her brain in any kind if stress

Sujata smirked listening to it

Sujata:okk doctor i will take care... I will take ur leave now

Sujata comes out of the hospital and starts moving towards mm

Sujata's pov

For that girl u abandoned us know sanskar... U changed ur surname and personality as well... Now that girl will not remain in ur life

Hahaha... She will die now... I will myself kill her and get u married with saanchi

It will ur punishment to betray ur mom... U know i cant share u with anyone... Still u r disobeying me... Punishment is needed my son

..be ready for it.... And gain some mental strength... U would be needing it to handle urself when u will loose ur lovely wife and offcourse... Kid as well


How was it guys..??

Will sujata kill swara...??

Would sanskar save his lifes from them...??

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