《BROKEN-A SWASAN FS✔️》BROKEN-2,Wait and meet


1 year later

At maheshwari mansion

Nothing was same here as it was 1 year later... Everything was changed...good for many and worst for three

Yes three people... Sanskar, uttara and dp... All the three were extremely worried for swara... That was the last day when all saw her.

After tht she just vanished off like a particle of sand

None knew where she was... Maheshwaris already declared her dead for them as according to them their life was more smooth and good after her departure

Sanskars room

We can see him sitting in the balcony on a swing with a photograph in his hand

"where are u swara... Its been 1 year now.... Are u out of your coma.....are u in any kind of trauma at this time... I... I dont know swara... Where should i find u.... I have searched the whole country but its like as if u have vanished off in the air... Am a nad husband na... I.... I.... Justt cant take care of u... When u were being blackmailed i was not there to console... When our own families were harassing u... I was not there to protect u... Its... I am responsible for our babies death.... Its because of me only that miss malhotra and mrs maheshwari behaved like animals with u that day...were are u shona... Please come back please... I miss u... I miss u so much.... I love u too shona... I want to see u... I wanna listen ur voice.... I want to hold u in my arms and feel u... Please come back swara.. Please

(he says crying hard holding her photograph near his heart)

He slept crying there all alone

Next day

Sanskar came downstairs with his bags alk ready to go to New York

Sujata:chora...u r still stuck in the past only... Forget that girl and move on... Saanchi is a nice girl... Why u behave so badly with her... U r hurting a pure soul

Sanskar(sarcastically):a pure soul who harrasses others... Sorry mrs maheshwari i only want the curse in my life and not the pure soul

Saanchi: why are u still stuck on past sanskar... Move on... I love uh sanskar and i will never leave u like that bitch... Lets move on please

(she tries to touch him on his shoulder)

Sanskar(pushes her badly) : stay away from me miss saanchi malhotra... Dare u badmouth about my love and touch me...(to dp) bade papa... Am going to New York... I have my flight in an hour... Will return after 1 year now... Bie

Sanskar goes from there without listening to sujata and saanchi who were shouting for him... He before leaving gave a stron look to all the members and gave a quick hug to uttara who was going to return back to Mumbai today where she lives with her husband

New york

Sanskar came out of the airport with his luggage being carried by his bodyguards and sat in his audi and flew to his penthouse in one of the posh areas of New York city

He was here to stay in peace away from his family who were the only reason behind swaras disapperance


Other side

We can see a bungalow in the same posh area of sanskars penthouse

All the staff members were doing their daily chorses when a women came out from the kitchen

Women:emily...go and see is ara mam awake or not... If yes then inform me and take out her clothes... I will come in 10 mins

Emily:okk mam

Saying this she goes from there to one of the master bedrooms of the bunglow

It was a completely blue coloured room with white furniture

We can see one girl sitting blankly on the bed and staring at a wall

On seeing this emily intercomed her mam about her

Women:Mr. Kapoor... Come fast... Ur breakfast is ready... I need to look after ara as well

A man comes running in the dinning area

Mr kapoor:sorry mishti i got late... U go and see hows my sister today... I would have met her but as i told u my friend is coming to New York today for an year so am going to meet him

Mishti: i know abeer... Do invite him for dinner today.. Okk... Bie

Both moved towards their destinations

Ara's room

Mishti enters inside only to get teary eyed seeing her soul sister sitting emotionless there

Mishti:go and look after other works Emily am there now

Emily moves out

Mishti comes and settles besides ara

Mishti:ara...get up na yr... Its been 3 months since u r out of ur coma... Still u dont react to anything... I want my sister back to me... Please aru... U love me na... Atleast for me... Get up... Cry hard ara... Till when will u lock up all ur emotions like this... Me and abeer cant see u like this

Mishti starts to cry hard but seems like theres no effect upon the girl

Mishti after composing herself makes her ready for the evenings dinner

At evening

Abeer entered inside with his best friend... Sanskar maheshwari

Mishti:finally u came abeer.... Hi sanskar its mishti here

Sanskar:hy mishti nice to meet u

Mishti:nice to meet u too

Abeer:hows doll mishti

Mishti:she is in the room.... No improvement

Sanskar:umm guys... Any tension

Abeer:no no... Will tell u later... Chalo come inside

Mishti:yes...u both get freshen up... I will arrange ur dinner till that time

Both abeer and sanskar got freshen up and settled to have dinner

During the dinner sanskars phone rang

He saw the caller id and picked the phone

Sanskar:yes jay... Any information about swara

Listening to swara's name... Both mishti and abeer looked towards him with shock

Jay:no sir.. We just got to know that the couple who took mam with her that day lives in New York

Sanskar gets happy to find atleast one lead

Sanskar:am there only... Find fast... I want my wife with me as soon as possible

Jay: yes sir

He kept the phone and realized that he spoke infront of abeer and mishti only...

He looked towards them to see both of there shocked faces staring towards him

Sanskar:umm...what happened guys...why are u staring me like this

Mishti who had a nature of speaking her thoughts asked him directly


Mishti:about whom were u talking about sanskar... Please speak the truth

Sanskar(sighed sadly) :my wife... Swara bose... Urf swara sanskar maheshwari.... Before 1 year... She got lost... And am still trying to find her... Waiting for her

Mishti(happily):is swara really ur wife... U r her family

Sanskar(weirdly):i wont lie right... She is my wife and i love her a lot

Mishti and abeer both gets happy to listen this and immediately dragged him towards a room

Mishti opens the door and pointing towards a figure sitting in the balcony asks him

"is she the one"

Sanskar who gets smacked listening to her query feels a sudden ache in his heart... As if he was near to his heartbeat

With slow and trembling steps he reached to the balconys door and spoke


For the very first time in the whole of the year... Ara who was sitting in the balcony reacted

She saw towards the figure who called her name

Sanskar got shocked seeing his love, his wife , his swara sitting there where as swara just kept staring him as if trying to find something on his face

Sanskar immediately ran towards her and took her in a bone crushing hug and started to cry hard

He broke the hug and kissed whole of her face and again took her in a hug

Swara moved slightly but it was near to negligible

Seeing her like this he looked towards the couple who were crying seeing them

Seeing his questionable gaze on them abeer spoke

Abeer:bring doll inside sanskar... I think its time for all of us to know the whole truth

Sanskar who was hugging swara nodded his head and picked her up in his arms and sat with her in his lap on the bed with her head lying on his chest and her hands having a light hold around his body

Both mishti and abeer were happy to see the reactions of swara while sanskar was completely comfused with everything that was happening around him

Abeer:ask what u want to ask sanskar

Sanskar:what is my swara doing with u both here... How do u both know her

Mishti:she is my best friend... My soul sister... We were together but when i got married to abeer i shifted to New York and we lost contact... And how she is here with us


A couple was seen talking in the car

Mishti:chodo na abeer..am fine now... We will go to hospital later on... First i want to see ara... She would be so happy to see me here

Abeer:no mishti... We will go to hospital first... Ur health is important for me

Mishti:but....ok fine... But we will not waste are time there... Okk

Abeer:yes my lord ...chalo ab... Hospital aa gya

Both went inside and got mishti's check up done... When they were coming out they got shocked seeing wardboys carrying swara who was wailing in extreme pain

Mishti started crying and ran towards her

Mishti:ara...what happened to u...

Wardboy:mam please get aside... Its an emergency... We need to take her for operation

Abeer holds mishti and wardboys take her inside for the operation

Outside mishti started crying seeing her bestfrnd like this

Mishti:what the hell is happening here abeer my ara... She... She is... Please save her.. Please

Abeer:shhh mish... Doll is strong right... Nothing will happen to her okk

Both started waiting for the doctors to come

Doctor came out and both ran towards her and she informed them her condition which broke them very badly

"she had a miscarriage... My staff told me that a lady pushed her very badly due to which her belly hit a stone and she lost her baby... And now she has slipped into coma.. She was in depression... We had find suicidal tendencies in her mind... It seems like she doesn't wants to live thats why medicines are not showing effect on her body... I don't know when she will wake up.. Let's hope for the best"

Mishti who was broken listening to all this asked doctor

Mishti:did anyone came here for her doctor

Doctor:my staff informed her family who are here only but they said that they dont know who she is

Mishti:can we shift her to New York

Doctor: yes u can... If u want i can start the paper work

Mishti:ok doctor... We will shift her today only

Flashback over

And we brought her here along with us... Before three months only she cane back from her coma but due to depression and trauma... She never spoke or reacted till today... Its the first that we saw ara reacting when someone called her name... See even now she is hugging u... Am happy finally she reacted

But sanskar what happened with her... Why did her family reacted like that

(asked being angry)

Listening to the question sanskar told them everything... From their fight to saanchis assault to them

Sanskar:but one thing am still not able to understand if my family was informed then why didn't no one went to her

Abeer:like u told... Its possible ki the wardboy asked ur mom or saanchi know

Sanskar understood everything there... Why his mother was so bent on getting him hooked with saanchi despite of helping him to find swara

He fisted his fingers tightly... Remembering all the pain that his swara went through

Mishti and abeer left from there to give both of them sometime together.. Knowing that now they will get their swara back like earlier days

Sanskar who was left all alone with his wife cupped her face and called her with all love nd care


Listening him swara looked towards him and a tear slipped through her eyes... Seeing it sanskar got happy... And again called her


He pecked her lips and kept calling her jaan until she didn't started to cry

Seeing her he immediately engulfed her in a tight hug which swara responded slowly... Reciprocating to his hold

Cry as nuch as u want to cry now jaan... Now am there with u... No one can seperate us now... I love u swara and now no one can harm u... I wont let any tear or pain to touch u even for a moment... Thats my promise to u

That night both just kept crying taking out all Their pain in each others arms feeling one another after 1 year and 3 months


Do vote and comment guys

I may not be able to post any of my stories for next 10 days... As my entrance exam has been rescheduled suddenly... I need to prepare for it... After 14 i will be regualar

Hope u all understand me❤

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