
It starts from the moment when sanskar returns home alone and swara blames him for laksh's missing

Swara:why u did this mr. Maheshwari... Why... Just because of ur anger today all of the members of our family are in grief... Laksh is missing.... Why cant u control ur anger sanskar... Just tell me why... I said u right.... Drop ur anger and ego and lets start from something fresh... But no sanskar maheshwari just know one thing that is to make others life hell by taking his so called revenge... For him others life doesn't matters... Whether they live or die... He cares for bloody no damn one... U know what mr maheshwari am fedup of u now... Its enough.... Am leaving u and this family right now... Do whatever u want to do

Sanskar(broken):u dont trust me swara... U know right i can never do all such things... Please believe me.... Dont leave me swara.. I love uh a lot and i will truly die... Please stop saying all this

Swara:no mr maheshwari.... Our relationship ends here... I dont want a miserable life with u anymore

Sujata comes forward and slaps swara hard

Sujata: have u gone mad swara.... Do u even know what u r saying.... Here in this house everyone is believing my son except for u.... U r his wife and u r only not believing him... Why haan... Why..??

Swara(nochantly):i dont care.....am going

All tried hard to stop her but she listened to none and went to badi after throwing mangalsutra on sanskars face

At badi

No one cared about swara.... All were busy taking care of ragini who lost her laksh ji... Though no one blamed sanskar but they also didn't care to stop swara.... For them swara was big enough to handle everything so there was no need for them to look after her and her life

Inside her room swara was crying hard keeping her face in between pillows so that none can hear her crying sound

Swara:am sorry sanskar... Am really sorry.... I never wanted to hurt u this badly... Am so sorry love... But it was necessary for me to do this... Otherwise they would have killed u... I cant bear a single scratch on u sanskar... Please if possible forgive me once in ur life... I love u sanskar and i do trust u alot... Am sorry....am sorryyyy

Like this a 3 months passed by... At badi no one cared about swara it was like she doesn't exists in this world... No one knew when she is at house and when she is not.... Maheshwari family used to call everyday to have a talk with ragini and gadodia members but none among them as well ever asked about her

For them swara was dead the day she left their mansion

It was only uttara who always knew where her swara bhabhi was and can be.... In case of sanskar... He believed whatever swara said and never contacted her... Because in initial days whenever he used to try to clear out every misunderstanding between them she used to shut him out with hurtful taunts and comments.... But somewhere in his heart he still wanted her back in his life.... Somewhere he knew that his swara still loves him alot...

And now it was after 3 months that he was going to badi to bring ragini back as at last he found laksh who feeling guilty of his deeds didn't return back to his house


He was living with sanskars bestfrnd of college times....saanchi malhotra

He along with laksh and saanchi reached badi and met with all the members of both the families except for one whose face he was longing to see from last 3 months

Uttara who understood her bhaiyus condition called swara via her phone

Swara who entered inside the house came across with an angry family whose eyes were showing hatred towards her

It broke her... But like always she hided her feelings behind her face fake mask and behaved rudely with all

Saanchi who knew everything about her and her behavior with her bestfrnd lost her temper seeing her

Saanchi:so u r that bitch haan who broke my sankys heart... He loved u so much and u didn't even trust him a bit... Did u ever loved him... I don't think u did.... U bloody... U know what... Kavita was far more better than u... At least she would have not broke his heart and left him like u did

Sujata:i duly agree with u saanchi.... That day this girl should not have been released from jail only.... She is a curse for all of us... To her family as well... If kavita would have been at her place... Then all this would never had happened with all of us

All of the comments broke swara very badly... Though she knew that it was her mistake and she needs to listen all this but those harsh comments were breaking her very badly.... Her comparison.... Curse.... Everything made her feel like dieing then and there

But she knew that to save her loves life she needs to do this... She needs to bear all this

Swara:great then... Our divorce is on line right.... Urvashi aunts family ie... Gadodias will happily take the case back.... Get kavita out and get her hitched with sanskar... Or better get saanchi only married to him.... I don't care whether he lives or dies.... Do whatever u want to do... Just dont disturb me with all this nonsense

(said swara sternly with a heavy heart)

Listening all this from swaras mouth broke sanskar... And the moment sujata took hold of his hand and joined it with saanchi and announced their marriage... His patience broke

Not able to bear all this swara left from there outside while inside sanskar left saanchi's hand who was beaming happily with all others due to the announcement and rushed out to freshen up his mind

In park

Swara was sitting on a bench thinking of all that had happened with her

None was talking to her.... Her day started with her being alone in the room... Taking bath and going to work without having anything.... Then having just one bread in lunch and an apple in dinner... She was taking sleeping pills to sleep in night and before it she used to cut her hands to give herself pain the way she did that to sanskar... She knew that she needed to live... And because of one reason alone was she surviving until now.... That was her child... Yes she was 3 months pregnant... But no one knew about it... Her condition was getting worse day by day... But she was depressed to even think about that

She was busy in her thoughts when sudden noise brought her back to earth


She immediately went towards the crowd which was surrounding someone at the road in front of the park

Dont know what took her there but she went there only to see her life... Her sanskar lying there in a pool of blood... Her breath got stuck... No voice was coming from her throat... She went blank... With the help of local people she took him to hospital.... She was not in a condition to call anyone or inform something to someone

She sat outside the operation theatre waiting for the doctors outside.... It was at that time when suddenly someone jerked her from her place and gave her a tight slap

Swara who was sitting all blank there came in her senses only to come across face to face with her dida who took her in the hospital garden


Dida:dare u take my name from ur mouth miss swara gadodia....u r dead for me and am dead for u... Today because of u my son is lying here in such a condition... U broke him so badly that he got himself harmed in such an accident.... Arre... I thought that my shonu was a mature girl who will never break anyone especially of her husband... But what u did... U juat left him afyer blaming him for something he never did.... U kept taunting him and kept hurting him.... U r not my shonu... Today i think that she should have died only.... She dont deserve to live with sanskar... U dont deserve a gem like him....the girl who everyone thought would light up his life has become a curse for him.... Just move away from my sight and never show me ur face

Dida went from there to inform the family members about sanskars accident which she herself saw as she was present there when it happened

Swara who became completely emotionless after hearing all the things from her beloved dida came inside the hospital only to know that the operation was successful and sanskar was kept on sedatives...

They forgot to inform her that he can listen everything but wont be able to react because of the effect of sedatives.. He would gain his senses by night only

Swara went inside his room where he was kept surrounded with all the machines and needles piercing his body

Swara settled herself on the stool beside his bed and took his hands in between hers

Swara:how r u sanskar... I know its a silly question.... I want to say something sanskar... I know u will never come to know about all that is happening here at this point of time... But i want to tell u everything sanskar.... I love uh.... I love uh so much... And am sorry for behaving like a jerk with u... I know i have broken u very badly.... But i was not having anyother option sanskar... Ur life is at high risk... If i would not have left u hurt and broken that day then today i might had lost u forever.... Am happy u r alive sanskar... U know.... I lost... I lost everything sanskar... Ur wife is a fucking looser.... Everyone hates her... No one wants her to live... Why me sanskar... We were toh living happily na... Then why are we having such a bad ending today... U know what... I never wanted to behave like this with u... I do trust u sanskar... I duly trust u alot... And to keep u safe if i need to surrender myself in the hands of him... I will sanskar... I will kill myself just to protect u... Everyone says correct... Am a curse... A bloody curse who has destroyed everyones life... I don't deserve to live.. Am going sanskar.... By this ur life will be settled.... I will let him do all that he wants to do with me... Like this u will always remain happy... But before going i want to say something.... I am pregnant sanskar... U are going to be a father... And... I love uh so much baby..

She kissed him on his head and when she was about to getup from the seat... The rooms door was opened with a bang by sujata and saanchi who came running to meet sanskar after knowing about the accident

Seeing swara there... Their blood boiled and at the very instant.. Sujata slapped her hard... The voice of slap echoed in the room

Sujata:what the hell are u doing here haan... Do u came to see whether my son is dead or not... Just get lost from here... Bloody curse... Saanchi just throw her out from here

Saanchi at an instant got hold of swaras shoulder and dragged her out of the hospital and pushed her badly in such a way that she fell on her stomach with her badly being badly hit by a stone lying there.... Swara screamed out of swear pain.... But saanchi left her there only and went inside to all the family members who were sitting inside waiting for sanskar to regain his conscious

Swara passed out then and their due to pain and the hospital staff immediately carried her inside

Doctors treated her... Due to the push she had a miscarriage as her belly was hit by a stone.... All the mental torcher and her depression further landed her into coma.... She was not responding to any of their treatments

No one knew that where she was.... At night when sanskar came into his senses the very first thing he asked was

"where is swara..??"

Listening to this everyone started to curse her for her death... Not able to listen all the bullshit sanskar asked all of them to leave him alone except uttara

After several hard questions did they left him alone

Sanskar who had listened to everything that swara said to him... Asked uttara about her whereabouts to which the only he received was

"swara bhabhi was here with u bhai... When mom and saanchi di harrassed her and threw her out of the hospital... She was crying and screaming with pain because of the push but none let me go to her(crying)i dont know where she is bhai.... Please bring her back... I am scared of her safety"

Sanskar was shattered listening to it... Already swaras words were taking a troll on his mind and now the assault and push just brought one question in his mind.... Is swara and their baby safe... Where is she.... She can't leave him.... He wont let anyone hurt her... Never in his life will he let anyone do this


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