《Maid for a Duke (A Christmas Novella)》Epilogue


"Do we have to call you Duchess now?" Alice asked with a laugh.

"No! Call me Katherine, like always. Calling me Duchess is...odd." Katherine told her sisters.

She and Elijah were finally married. There was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was sitting around enjoying food and laughter. Across from her, William was staring lovingly at Lady Elizabeth while he fed her a strawberry. Those two we're just as in love as she and Elijah were.

"Except I call her Kitten," Elijah interjected with a grin.

When her mother and sisters caught them kissing in her small cottage, they all sat down as Katherine explained most of what happened. She left the intimate details out of it, of course. Elijah seemed to get along with her family right away, and it made her happy. When he finally brought her and her family to meet his mother, the Duchess, they were welcomed with open arms.

Katherine thought back on her life before she met Elijah and wouldn't have changed anything about it. Everything that happened led her here to this moment. With this man.

"What are you thinking about?" Elijah asked her quietly.

She smiled as she leaned towards him so she wasn't overheard. "I'm thinking you are wearing to many clothes, Your Grace."

He gave her a heated look when he asked, "Are you trying to seduce me, Kitten?"

"Maybe..." She answered as she smiled at him.

He rose from the table and offered her his hand. "In that case, come with me, Duchess of Kent."

She happily let Elijah lead her to their chambers. She came here to take a job as a simple maid. Now? She really believed she was...

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