《Maid for a Duke (A Christmas Novella)》Chapter 15


"What has you smiling like that, Katherine?" Annalise asked teasingly. "Or who, I believe is the correct term, is it not?"

As the memories from the night before ran through her head, Katherine couldn't help but blush. The night she had with Elijah had been amazing. She wouldn't have changed a minute of it. She had stayed with him for most of the night, he made sure to wake her early enough for her to sneak back into her own bed. The risk of someone finding out about them was high and they knew it. After he had made love to her, more than once, he held her and they...talked. Talked about anything and everything. Well, except about his upcoming wedding. Katherine knew that she couldn't keep Elijah. She knew that, come Christmas, they would have to stop whatever this was between them.

Katherine wasn't sure if she would be able to even keep her job after. The thought of seeing Elijah with Lady Elizabeth caused her heart to ache. She would see his quarters every day and she knew she couldn't bear looking at his bed knowing he was in it with another. What am I going to do?

She thought about her mother and her sisters and guilt filled her. She received a letter from her mother just this morning.

My Dearest Katherine,

I hope that you are well and enjoying your time working at

the Kent Estate. How was the ride over there? I hope you didn't f

all prey to any trouble. Your sisters are hoping to find a maid position

in town as well. It appears you set a high standard for them. I miss

you, Katherine, more than anything. It is hard to be away from you,

but know that I am so proud of you. Have you met the Duke yet?

If so, please tell us what he is like. Your sisters are quite the gossipers.

What could she say to that? Yes, mother, I have met the duke. He saved my life from highwaymen and we ended up alone in a cabin for two days. Then I shared my body with him. Married? No, I can't marry him because he's promised to another woman. Yeah that would go over well with her family.

Even though everything she said was true, she didn't regret any of it. She knew that she would never feel the same way about another man. That was the reason she decided be with Elijah last night.


"Katherine? Are you alright?" Annalise had a worried expression on her face.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I just have...a lot on my mind today."

"I can see that. If you ever need to talk, know that I am here." Annalise walked over to her with a warm smile. "I know a lot of people can't seem to keep secrets here, but believe me when I say you can trust me."

"Thank you, Annalise," Katherine said and meant it. She was thankful for the offer, but she couldn't tell anyone about what happened between her and Elijah.

"Well, Katherine, we must get started," Annalise said in a tired voice as she left the drawing room they were currently cleaning.

"Started on what?" Katherine followed after her until they got to the dining room. Laid out on the table was wedding decorations.

How am I going to do this? She thought.

"Well, Elizabeth? Shall I betray my best friend, or you?" William asked again.

Lady Elizabeth's mind was going a mile a minute. She was so surprised that William agreed to meet her, and even more surprised at his question. She didn't know how to answer that. The carriage stopped and she was relieved for the brief change of subject.

"We have arrived," her driver stated as he opened the door for her. Lady Elizabeth climbed out of the carriage and William was right behind her.

She brought him to a private place she used to come to when she needed to clear her head.

"This place is beautiful," William breathed as he looked around.

It was a secluded forest area with a view of a beautiful lake. This time of year, it was extremely beautiful with the snow.

Elizabeth walked over to the bench and took a seat. She was quiet until William came and sat next to her.

"I found this place when I was a child. I had a hard time growing up without a mother and sometimes I would...run off. I got lost once and ended up here. After I found my way home, I started coming here regularly."

"I'm sorry that you lost your mother, Lady Elizabeth."

Elizabeth let out a small laugh. "I think we are past formalities, William, don't you? Please, call me Elizabeth. Like you did in the carriage."

William let out a long sigh. "About that, I'm sorry if I--"


"You have nothing to apologize for. For a brief moment, I forgot Elijah was your best friend." She held his stare as she continued. "You were right to ask what you did. It wasn't fair of me to put you in that situation. For that, I am sorry."

Elizabeth jumped slightly as William reached out and ran the back of his hand against her cheek. "Never apologize. For anything."

A shiver ran through her at the contact and she got to her feet. She started pacing, unsure what to say now. She didn't know how to handle this. She didn't know what was right or wrong anymore. All that seemed to exist was William.

"Talk to me," he said as he got to his feet and stood in front of her.

Elizabeth let out a deep breath before she finally spoke. "I have an answer to your question. I want the truth. I know that it's selfish of me to ask you to betray Elijah, but I must know how you feel-"

William cut her off by placing his hands on either side of her face and crushing his lips against hers.

Elijah walked into his mother's chambers with a smile on his face. Spending last night with Katherine had been unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He loved the way she challenged him. She spoke to him as if he were a normal person. She didn't treat him differently. She had a unique quality about her that he found irresistible.

After the multiple times he had taken her last night, she had fallen asleep with her head on his chest. Her long red curls felt like silk as he stroked her hair. He lied awake for most of the night, just thinking about everything. He was dead set on his idea to run away with her. He just needed to find the right time to ask her.

"Good morning, mother!" Elijah greeted cheerfully as he saw his mother.

She looked up at him with a startled, yet pleased expression. "Good morning, Elijah. What's got you in such a good mood?"

Perhaps it's because I'm wildly in love, he thought. "Just had a good night's sleep, is all. They said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, it seems Lady Elizabeth left the estate early this morning. Do you know why?"

Elijah thought about her question for a moment. William wasn't here either when he went by his room this morning. It is possible that they snuck off somewhere to talk. Elijah noticed how William was looking at her during dinner. Knowing his best friend, he's already told her the truth and she knows it was him at the masquerade ball and not Elijah.

"I believe she wanted to try to get some shopping done. For the wedding," he lied. "She may be gone for a while."

The duchess seemed satisfied with his answer and went back to sipping her tea. "Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what she gets. You may leave, my son. That is all I was inquiring."

Elijah left her chambers and headed down the hallway. He was going to need to find Lady Elizabeth to let her know that the duchess will be expecting her to return with new items. His mother would grow suspicious if she returns empty-handed.

Elijah was heading to the kitchen and paused when he turned the corner. Katherine was in the library organizing the books. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. She really was breathtaking. As he ran his eyes over her appearance, he never found a maid's outfit more sexy. Perhaps, it was because he knew exactly what was underneath it.

He started walking towards her, when he said quietly, "You are looking very tempting right now, kitten."

He clearly startled her and she turned towards him quickly, dropping some of the books.

"Eli- Your Grace, I didn't see you there."

Elijah stopped a few feet in front of her. "Really? I definitely saw you, kitten."

He smiled as her cheeks heated. "Elijah," she whispered, "someone might hear you."

She was right, but this whole sneaking around thing had an appeal to it. He looked behind him to make sure no one was around before he reached out to cup her face with his hand.

"I shall see you later tonight in my quarters then, Katherine."

He turned and left her to get back to work. As much as he would have liked to stand there and watch her bend and stretch all afternoon, he had a future wife and best friend to find.

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