《The Vampires Little》Room 068


Zoe's POV

I carried Jackson into the school but he was still fighting me and Ashton, trying to get out of my grasp. I wish he would just understand that he needs someone to look after him because he is too little.

I took him to his room first so that he could look around, it wasn't very big but it had everything that he would need.

Jackson was squirming and started to cry again as i placed him down.

Jackson's POV

Zoe carried me into the school and walked me to a room, i looked at the number 068. She placed me on the floor while she did something. I only just realised that Ashton wasn't with us at all. Zoe picked me back up and place me on the changing table. I knew what was about to happen.

"STOP, STOP, YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME" i screamed at Zoe. She only shushed me and continued to change me.

Screaming wasn't working so i decided to kick, i kicked her but i didn't affect her, she ended up changing my diaper even though i didn't use it.

" Jackson, baby, we are going to go to the office know because you have a meeting with the Headmaster & Headmistress of this school" Zoe picked me up and started walking, turning corners and walking through a bunch of corridors.

We ended up at a door, i hide my face from view as you could probably tell that i had been crying.

We walked in and there was Ashton sitting in a chair with two other people. I could feel them all staring at me and it made me feel self conscious because you could tell i was wearing a diaper.

" Hello, you must be Jackson Malik" says the lady.


I sneaked a glance at her and she looked exactly like Zoe and Ashton so did the man.

" Jackson say Hi to them" Ashton said to me

"H... Hi" i chocked out as i could feel tears coming to my eyes again, i feel so stupid because i looked like a little helpless baby.

" So Jackson tomorrow you will be starting school and you will get your timetable at breakfast. Now we have a couple questions to ask you and you will be assigned a Dom because enough are to young to look after yourself."

" Ok first question, what would you prefer a Daddy, Mommy or on rare occasions Both?" She asked me

" None" i said with a glare

" I'm not a fricking baby" i spat out

" You will not speak to us like that Jackson, it's just a question. I understand all of this is new to you and you are starting to adjust to it but you will not speak like that and say those naughty words."

" Anyway last question, have you ever slipped into headspace before"

" No, because I'm not a baby" i spat

" Well we have some rules that we have to tell you:

1. Absolutely no swearing

2. Don't leave breakfast without your assigned Dom

3. No bullying

4. Do your best on your work

5. Don't skip any meals

6. Teacher will be able to punish you as they see fit

7. Don't leave the campus

That's it for now but when you get your proper Dom they will probably be more rules, Bye Bye Jackson"

I stood up and walked out of the door but before i did i put my middle finger up at them, they don't get to tell me what to do.


Ashton picked me up when i got outside and took me back to my room. He lates me down back on the changing table and changed me out of my onesie and diaper and into just a diaper.

" NOOOO, I NEED OTHER STUFF YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS" i screamed at Ashton but he just picked me up and went down to the kitchen, luckily no one was there and it was just us.

He got me a bottle of milk and took me back to my room where there was a rocking chair. Ashton sat down and tried to feed it to me but i refused and didn't open my mouth.

"Jackson come on take your milk like a good boy please, it's already 9:00pm so it's way past you bedtime" I shook my head

" Okay the hard way it is" he sighed

Ashton plugged my nose with his hand so i couldn't breath, i ended up opening my mouth to take a breath and he put the tip of the bottle in my mouth.

" See, it's not that hard Jackie-baby" Ashton said to me and i eventually had to start drinking my bottle. I was out like a light and i felt like i was being placed on something quit soft.

Ashton s POV

As soon as i got Jackson to start sleeping i laid him down in the crib and gave him his paci with a lion on it, he was still just in his diaper so i placed a small red blanket on top of him and left to go to my own room.


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