《From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )》Chapter 12


When I woke up the sun was now starting to rise. I quickly wrapped myself in a blanket from on the couch and ran out side to watch. It was beautiful the colors mixed wonderfully toghter. The remanding purple from the night before and the orange and yellows from the rising sun. It all warmed my heart to see. It was one of those rare moments where everything was peaceful. The birds chirping and the cool night air blowing in your hair and the colors in the sky shift and change to match the time of day. Closing my eyes and lifting my head to feel the warmth of the sun on my face, I let out a sigh. I was so kept up in the moment I didn't realize that someone was standing beside me. I was startled when I felt a hand touch my crossed arms making me jump away and death glare the person. When I saw who it was i immediately stopped glaring and softened my gaze. the stood in all his glory and my best friend: Klaus Mikaelson.

''What are you doing up so early, Love?'' Klaus asked softly. I smiled and let out a chuckle before looking at him again.

''i could ask you the same Klaus. Plus aren't you a little far from the Borrow?'' I asked. Klaus smirked at me before taking a step closer.

''I was looking for something beautiful to look at.'' He responed slyly.

''I hope your talking about the sun rise because I am no beautiful sight.'' I whispered looking down at my arms. i could feel Klaus stand closer to me before i felt him put two fingers under my chine so that I was looking up at him. I avoided eye contact at all costs because i felt like this was all about to go to hell.


''Sky look at me,'' Klaus whispered. I still looked everywhere but at him. ''Skylar please.'' Klaus whispered sincerely. I could feel his warm breath on my face . I slowly him in the eye and all i could see was care, sadness, on going and... Love. ''Skylar never, ever think that of yourself. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I would have never thought I would meet someone like you. You are smart, caring, bold, funny, marvellous and beautiful. Whoever tells you otherwise is the most idiotic person that anyone could meet. I had thousands of years to meet someone as beautiful as you and to love them but I chose you. I chose you. No one else. Sky I will kill if it ment I got to see your face. I would have thrown all this hybrid making and curse breaking if it ment that I would get to meet you. From the moment I meet you i knew i would protect you with my life because not only did I see myself in you but I saw someone who I would love and would love me back uncontestably. Skylar I know for a fact that I love you and I want you to be with me. so please tell me you love me as well.''

All I could do was stare at Klaus. He stared back at me but with worry. I couldn't think start after hearing all that. I was so used to hearing the opposite from Edward and Rensemee but after that i felt beautiful. the feeling of Klaus's hands on my elbows sent my stomach spinning and before i knew it i kissed him. i kissed Klaus. And it was the best thing ever. at first he was shocked before he kissed me back. His hands moved from my elbows to my hips while my left arm wrapped around his neck and my right hand went to his hair, my fingers getting tangled in the curls i have learned to love so much. I felt fire works as i kissed him over and over again. when i pulled away i leant my head on his forehead and stared him in the eye.


''Klaus I might be less the a year old,'' I paused as we chuckled. ''but I love you and i will protect you with my life as long as i am with you.'' I promised. Klaus laughed before kissing me again and spinning me around in circles. At that moment I knew that Klaus was mine and mine alone. I quickly ran to Bella's place writing a note saying I was going home before walking back home hand and hand with Klaus. i knew i was happy and that i could call the Mikaelsons my family. Well walking i got a vision.


And woman in a long sleeve silk drees with a veil was walking down an isle and Klaus stood in the front in a tux with Elijah at his side. The woman looked to her side and saw... Demetri... looking start ahead. The woman was all dressed up well the isle were filled with nightwalkers, cold ones, werewolfs, shifters the lot. Everyone was dressed fancy and I could tell this was a wedding. It quickly changed to the woman standing in front of Klaus as he said

''Always and Forever .'' well the woman said

''Always and forever Klaus.'' Before she looked into the crowd and looked at Demetri. he looked hurt but smiled anyways.

~Vision Over~

Before I could look at anything else the vision ended and I stared up at Klaus. He looked down at me and smiled and I just shaked my head. That woman in the vision was... me and I couldn't even believe it. My mind was knocked out of thought when I realized the I would have to tell Rebekah... Jesus help me.

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