《From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )》CHAPTER 10


~Week later~

Although I didn't scream when I woke, I woke up with a jolt. I sat on my bed sweat covered my body head to toe, but what surprised me once again was that I looked older. I had literally just started to like being a 8 year old kid, but nooo. It really is getting irritating now. Like come on I'd really like to live not die at like what... 8 months old. But nothing less, when I decided it was good time to wake up and that I wasn't cold anymore I ran over to my closet and grabbed a bag from the back of the closet labeled '17'. As I was going to grab the bag I stopped. I had hated that this was happening. I wanted to grow up like a normal kid would. I grabbed the bag ignoring my thoughts and placed it on my bed. I dug throw the large duffle bag till I was at the bottom and found a nice Nike outfit. Once I looked in the mirror I tried so hard not to smirk. I'm coming out as a hot person right now. I quickly brushed both my hair and teeth before running down stairs and hopping on closest person to me. Which just so happened to be Kol. I jumped onto his back and covered his eyes. He started to flip out before throwing me over his shoulders where I landed on my back. I let out a groan which turned into a laugh as I laid on my back. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was a trespasser. I quickly got back on my feet super speeded into the kitchen made a bowl of cereal before running back to the living room and sitting down. As I ate everyone looked at me oddly. With a mouth full of cereal I asked.

''Whhat?'' Klaus, Elijah, Mom and Dad all raised their eyebrows. Before realization crossed over my birth mother, adopted faces. Slowly Mom walked over to me and placed one hand on my cheek.


''Skylar? Is that you?'' she asked. I smiled at her before lining into her hand as a signal that it was me. She quickly brought me into a hug before I slowly pushed her off.

''Hey guys,'' I started after I swallowed my cereal. ''How is everyone? Because I am just full of energy right now.'' I smiled. Kol just laughed at my statement, Elijah chuckled, Rebekah squished me into a hug now that I had looked closer to her age and Klaus just started. But there was something in his eyes that caught my attention. Happiness? Joy? Love? Whatever it was it sent my stomach flipping.

''Well let us go burn off some of that energy of. Anyone who would like to join we will be doing rounds around the wood.'' Kol said before dragging me into the woods.

''when I say go we run as fast as we can. Whoever can do the most laps wins a piggy back ride the inter day. Deal?'' by now everyone was outside ready to watch the race. I let out a laugh before shaking Kol's hand.

''Deal.'' Kol smirked before getting ready to run.

''ready.'' I got into position.

''set.'' I lifted my rare end into the air like track runners do.

''GO!'' I stood up as Kol ran off. I waited maybe 45 minutes before Kol came back. When he saw me he looked shocked. Out of breath he asked.

''How many laps.''

''Zero for now. How many?'' I responded with a smirk.

''6345 and a half. I cut throw half way.'' He chuckled. Everyone behind me looked surprised other than the Mikaelson.

I nodded my head before getting ready again. Carlisle counted me down before I started to jog around the woods. When I reached 5673 I started to sprint. By the time I was out of breath entirely I fell to the floor in front of my family. I looked up at them and could tell they were trying to do something with Bella. I saw a beautiful colored radiating off of Bella's body as I got back up. I slowly walked over to them when I lost my footing and fell back to the floor. Before I could hit the cold dirt someone caught me. I looked up and saw none other than Klaus. I let him help me up before I walked with him over to everyone. I heard people chuckle at my appearance but I was too tired to bother.


''What is happening?'' I asked.

''Bella is learning how to expand her shield to others. It is very interesting to say.'' Elijah answered. I snickered as Klaus smirked. Everyone on my side of the family looked at me oddly while Kol, Ben and Rebekah smiled at us. Edward looked at me confused.

''Why are you snickering?'' he asked.

''Well while everyone ignored me last week Kol, Rebekah, Benjamin and Klaus took me out to the woods and showed me how to sue my powers, including how to project my shield onto others. Everyone had smiled other than Edwardow how glared at Klaus. Kate walked over and grabbed Klaus's hand. Almost immediately I felt something flare inside of me. But I saw Klaus give me a look and I calmed down.

''Mind if you show us little Garrett?'' she asked. I laughed at her nickname for me before nodding my head. She sent a volt of electricity through her hand and shocked Klaus for a moment before I calmed down and sent my shield to him. He screams stopped and I opened my eyes. I smiled proudly at what I had just done. It had taken me almost two hours to learn how to do that but it happened and I'm happy. Through the corner of my eye I saw Klaus staring at me so I looked back at him and smiled. When you think about it he really isn't that bad, just rough on the outside. But as I looked at him I started to wonder what it was like to truly know him. Probably has a tone of walls in that hot head of his. Wait. What? WOW, I could be stupid sometimes. Everyone started to walk back inside and started to go there sprit ways Bella, Edwardow and Renesmee all went their house but what I hadn't expected was Edwardow to tell me to come with them. I looked at mom and dad and they both motioned for me to follow Bella and Edwardow. I mentally groaned before following.

Once we were there I grabbed a pillow and blanket and headed to the couch. I sat there thinking about the man from my dreams when I headed Bella talking to the Brat. I walked over to the brat's room before I lend on her door. I listened to their conversation before leaving. I remember looking forward to having Bella be like that to me when I was born but I guess not everything happens. I went back to my seat and thought back to the Demetri guy but what broke me out of my thought were Edwards words from behind me.

''Stay away from him. He'll hurt you.'' Before he left and walked back to Bella. I ignored his word and went to bed where I fell asleep thinking about both Klaus and Demetri. Something about the two of them, intrigued me.

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