《From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )》chapter 7


I had been playing with the Mikaelsons the rest of the day. Rebekah took me shopping for more clothes so that when I get to an older age I could fit into something 'Rebekah style' she called it. Kol and I watched a soccer game on T.V, Elijah read me a book about a beast and a beautiful woman that tout the beast to love once again.

It was really good but what I found weird was that through the whole book Elijah would sneak glances at me and Klaus as if trying to hold something in. then for the last bit of the day Klaus took me into the woods and up into a tree not too far from the house. He sat down on the highest branch and put me on his lap. He played with my hands and tickled me none stop. I really liked playing with Klaus. It was as if would had a pull to each other. I felt safe in his arms. Soon I started to fall asleep so Klaus ran us home and everything was blank from there.

~Skylar's Dream~

We all stood in a field. The ground was covered in thick white snow and the breeze sent shivers down my spine. Across the field stood a group of men and women in long red and black coats. They all had the same pendent around their necks. The Voltori. I looked around frantically not knowing what was happening. Everyone was sending me sorrowful looks Edward just looked one of the red coated men in the eye not even daring to send me a look. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked up. I met a beautiful pair of blue eyes that seemed to calm me down. He bent his head down so that it reached up to my ear and whispered ''no matter what he says I will make sure you stay by my side forever my love.''


Before I could question him I headed Edward say ''take Skylar.'' Mom, Garrett and Klaus all jumped forward to attack the men that ran up to me and roughly grabbed my arms. Each of my family members were being held back but Rebekah, Mom and Bella were all screaming my name. Kol was about to attack Edward but was held back by Carlisle. Everyone just watched as I was dragged across the field to the Voltori. There was one woman with tan skin and two long braids that rested on her shoulders that looked at me sorrowful as well. The men dragged me to the man that looked like he was the head where he put his arm around my shoulders.

''Thank you Edward, for the lovely trade. And Klaus I hope this clarifies who is really in charge here. You might be older but you're slowing down. What was it you told be hundreds of years ago? ''Love is a vampires greatest weakness?'' the man said Klaus looked even more angered and ripped out of Elijah's grip and ran to us but before he could reach us we disappeared in black smoke.

~End Of Dream~

When I woke up I had been laying on Klaus's chest on the couch. I knew if I tried to move I would wake him up so I closed my eyes once more for today and let the darkness take over my vision. But the one question still laid in my mind. Why did I have to be taken? And who was that girl?

Klaus P.O.V

When Elijah had been reading to Sky I could help but think that story had something to do with me and Sky. I could even look myself in the mirror. I knew what was happening to me but I refuse to believe it. I had gone my entire life not loved and never long someone let alone a two year old hybrid. Skylar had a look in her eye that told me she knew how I felt when I was a human. Unloved by my family, as if I wasn't needed like I was entirely a mistake. Yet here I am living a life without him and thriving as a king. I am the strongest person on this forsaken planet and here I am breaking my number one rule 'Love is a vampire's greatest weakness.' My siblings and I had all been spending the day with Skylar and next is my turn. I had planned to take her to a meadow I found but decided against it and take her up a tree I found that had an amazing view.


When we left I had played with her soft little hands and tickled her the entire time. I had come to love her little baby giggle unlike her older sister fake laugh. When I heard her let out a yawn I quickly ran back to her house and laid her on my chest and let her fall asleep. I had to admit I loved this moment more than anything but I felt as if it were going to change very soon. As I listened to her slow breathing I slowly fell into what I thought would be a dreamless sleep but the only thing that was on my mind was Skylar's big hazel eyes. At least I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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