《From a Cullen to a Mikaelson *Klaus LS* (Twilight x TVD )》Chapter 2


When I had woken up in the morning Rose was dressing me up in the clothes Emmett had gotten me before I had woken up. Rosalie was saying that today my mother was going to wake up today. I was excited because that means that today the choice would be made, if I'm going to be Emmett and Rose's daughter or Edward and Bella's daughter. Rose took me down stairs and handed me to Emmett. He looked down at my outfit and smiled.

''You are going to be the coolest chick in school.'' I giggled. I looked over at grandpa Carlisle and saw he was talking to someone on the phone. Whoever he was talking to must be really important because he has been on the phone a while now. When he was done, he walked towards us before gently taking me from Emmett's arms. After playing around with my fingers and tinkling my stomach, Rose came and took me before move towards the kitchens to stand beside Alice and Jacob. Everyone stood around in complete and utter silence. You could likely hear a pin drop. While everyone stood silently, all my focus was drawn to the high amount of tension in the room. No one seemed to be relaxed and I couldn't tell why... that was, until I heard a pair of foots steps walk into the house.

''Welcome to the family.'' I heard grandma Esme say.

''There are some people who have been waiting to meet you,'' Carlisle continued to the someone.

''Alice,'' My dad asked, his eyes focused on Alice's back and his tone lower then normal. Alice then turned around with Renesmee laaaying patently in her arms.

Nessie started to make sounds as Alice handed her to the mystery someone. It was silence became even more prominent the moment Ness was completely out of Alice's touch. Then I heard a new voice.

''What was that?'' I knew that voice... the calm, feminine voice that always carried a rough tone around the edges... Mom! Renesmee must have shown her, her power.

'' She showed you the first memory she has of you,'' Dad told Mom.

''She showed me.'' Mom practically whispered.


''I hear thoughts, Alice see the future. She's gifted.'' Dad told her with a chuckle.

''Wait there was a second person in her memory. Where is she? I've also only be out for two days.'' Mom asked.

''Her growth rate is in president. Skyler on the other hand is growing normally.'' Grandpa told her. Rose turned around to show me to mom. At first she looked amazed and handed Nessie too dad and picked me up.

''What's her name?'' mom asked. Rose had been standing by her side looking down at me and said.

''Skyler Rosetta Venus Cullen. She picked out her first name. And since Renesmee's name is a combination of everyone's I thought to combine me and Emmett's together for her middle name.'' Mom was so pretty, I couldn't believe it. But the beautiful smile that graced her pale skin soon vanished into thin air. Not a single sign of the previous expression could be found as she handed me back to Rose and grabbed Nessie. To say Rose was shocked would be an understatement, If she could have gone any paler, I'm sure she would have.

''That's the one that killed me! Why is it here?'' Mom shouted. There is was, the very words I was dreading to hear. Just like that, my own mother had made the decision. I was no longer the daughter of Bella and Edward Culle, but instead, Emmett and Rosalie's daughter.

I refused to cry, why should I? Although I prayed for a better reaction, I should have known my mother would be the same. Who could love a murder? Though I did not cry, my whole body seemed to have stiffened from the inner agony i felt because within seconds Rosalie... I mean my mom... pulled me closer to her chest. It was as if she thought that by holding me closer, she would be sheltering me from the harsh words I just heard. But nothing could hide me from that. No hug, or forehead kiss. Not even the sweet nothings she whispered in my ear. Jacob soon came and tried to take Nessie away from Bella's firm hold.

''That enough experimenting for one day...'' Jacob cut in trying to take Nessie from Bella.


''Jacob,'' Edward said in a warning voice. ''she's doing great.''

''But we don't want to push it.'' He shoot back barely sparing Edward a glance. But his choice of words seemed to have a larger effect on Bella. Mo- I mean Bella quickly looked at Jacob, eyes wide and a newfound flame sparked within them... I guess that is what a mothers love and protection looked like...

''What's your problem?'' Bella asked him, each word laced with a venom.

''Ohh, do tell Jacob.'' Mom snickered finding the situation almost amusing.

''Well this should be good.'' Dad chuckled from behind her. I let out a giggle when I heard him. He always has the worst timing. Edward took Nes from Bella because he could tell thing weren't going to go so well.

''Look it's a wolf thing-''

''What's a wolf thing?'' Bella cut off.

''Umm you know we have no control over it, and we don't choose who it happens with. But it's not what you think Bella, I promise.'' Jacob stuttered. Bella looked beyond pissed.

''Edward take Renesmee out of the room,'' Bella stated. I could hear Jake's low groan.'' Edward don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you.''

As soon as Edward put his hand down Bella grabbed Jake by the back of the neck and dragged him outside. Mom passed me too Dad and started to walk out of the house with everyone else.

''YOU IMPRINTED ON MY DAUGHTER!'' Bella yelled. She pushed Jacob off the porch and stud on a step.

''It wasn't my choice.''


''It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?''

''I'm still debating.'' Edward stated leaning on the porch railing.

''I've held her once Jacob. ONE TIME JACOB! And you already think you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!" Bella yelled again. This time, however, she pushed Jacob to the ground. Soon Leah and Seth came in their wolf form.

''It's fine Leah.''

''You're going to stay away from her.''Bella growled in a pointed ton. Her whole posture changing from one of anger to one that held only hostility. In that moment, it was no question that my birth mother was no longer a human, but a predator, a vampire.

"You know I can't do that.'' But before Jacob could say anything else Bella punched him in the stomach sending him flying.

''Stop her Edward.'' Grandma Esme stated but Edward ignored her.

''No. It's fine.'' He smiled. ''she's doing great.''

''Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me two weeks ago? It's gone now right?''

''Long gone.''

''It's because it was them. From the Beginning it was Nessie and V who wanted me there.'' Jacob stated. I smiled at his comment because I did like having him around. He never seemed to use my first name though, always referring to me as 'V' or 'Venus' which I didn't mind at all.

''Nessie? YOU NICKNAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCKNESS MONSTER?!'' Bella started to walk up to him when Seth jumped at her. She had thrown him to the side where he hit a tree. I let out a cry see as Seth was my best friend... even though I only knew him for two days... I tried to get over to him, squirming in Dads arms but his firm grip kept me in place.

''Seth I'm sorry.'' Bella shuddered as she realized what she had just done.

''He'll be alright.'' Jacob said as she slowly got back up. Although Jacob had said it aloud, they look he had sent in my direction made it clearly the comment was more directed to me then Bella herself. He then turned away and looked at Bella.

''Bella you know me... Better than anyone. All I want is for Nes- Renesmee to be safe, happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why... this was the reason.'' After that everyone was quiet, the tension slowly defusing around the group of us. While we all stood and watched, Bella let out a sigh but that was all.

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