《The Alpha's Treasure (EDITING)》chapter 7


"How long are you going to keep doing this?".

This boy doesn't seem to get the hint. Here I am trying so desperately to read my books but Luke wouldn't stop asking me questions and to make matters worse Danny just arrived.

"We are talking to you, you know that right?"




"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you stupid or can't you tell I'm trying to read?"

They both gasp in surprise and I'm not surprised at all. They've been acting like idiots around me for the past two weeks now and I am getting really sick and tired of it.

"I.... I.... I can't believe it..." Dan says still shocked before Lucas cut in

"She finally spoke to us!! "

"Two weeks!! Two freaking weeks and she has spoken to me. Oh praise the Lord!!"

"You don't have to kneel down. It's not like you got an A in math" I say grabbing my books and walking away.

"Oh this is better than getting an A in maths. I mean I've only known you for three weeks but I like you more than every other person in this school".

I stop in my tracks as I see Caleb in the distance with someone else I haven't seen before.

He looks amazingly gorgeous in his black pants and white T-shirt that hugs his body perfectly.

My mind goes back to everything he told me two weeks ago and I can't help but shiver in delight as I remember how close he was to me and the feeling of his hand on my face as he ran his hands down my cheeks before of course I sent him out of my house.

Caleb came to my house that day to explain everything about what I had seen him turn into but he didn't have to explain cos I've read stuff like this.

I never expected werewolves to be real but now I know it's not just in books and movies.

"Why don't you look at me like that?"

I turn and raise my eyebrows at Dan as he asks, shaking my head as Luke smacks him on his head.


Serves him right.

"Do you have a death wish?" Luke asks.

"What??. It's just a question besides he wouldn't kill his own beta, would he?"

Luke just shakes his head as a reply, walking away after giving me a small smile.

I have to admit though, Luke is pretty attractive, Emma's one lucky girl.

"Soooo...... "

Oh no.

"Where are you off to?"

"None of your business Dan, go home"

"I can take you out for ice cream if you'd like"



"I said no"

"Who denies an offer of free ice cream?"

"Me apparently". I say liking the look of frustration on his face.


"Isn't it obvious Dan, you are so annoying, I'd rather lick Jacob's socks and trust me when I say it's bad, than go out with you"


I was starting to feel bad for him but at the same time I find his sad expression cute.

"Fine. I'll go with you under the condition that you don't talk too much and you try your very possible best not to annoy me cos you've been doing a lot of annoying this past week".

I smile up at him and take his hands as he holds them out to me nodding like a two year old with a huge smile on his face.

Walking out of the hallway, I can feel his eyes on me but I don't turn around cos I know seeing those beautiful blue eyes will only make it hard for me to resist him.


"Do you like it".

"Is that a trick question??" he asks looking at me like I have two heads.

Dan had outdone himself today.

He decided to bring me to a German ice cream shop which I never knew existed around here.

While I ordered for a normal well known ice cream, he decided to order a "spaghettieis".

"This is heaven. You need to try it" he says moaning as he takes another spoonful.

"I think I'm fine with what I have here thank you very much."

"Whatever you say princess". I pull on a face of fake disgust as he licks his spoon after the last scoop of ice cream.


"So, how did you meet Caleb". I ask Dan as we walk down to his car.


"I said...."

"I heard you" he says with a smile.


He takes in a deep breath like he's about to tell me a long story but this time I don't mind at all.

"Actually, I've known Caleb since I was three. My father was his father's beta, so he introduced me to Caleb as his future beta".

"He didn't really like me at first. He said he was jealous my father paid attention to him and his father was too caught up in his work to notice him" he says with a small smile on his face as he remembers.

"I taught he was crazy, I mean how could he be jealous of me? His father was the alpha and his mother was pregnant with her second son. I.... "

"Wait, wait, he has a brother??"


"What happened to him?" I ask in shock.

"Well, after the birth of his brother, he automatically became the future beta which had my father on edge for a while"

I gasp in shock already imagining what he's going to come next.

"What?? No, no no. My father didn't kill him, I said he was on edge "for a while". He accepted his fate a few weeks later".


"Yeah. Well after Caleb's brother turned thirteen, he was tired of his father constantly being on his neck".

"His dad wanted him to train extremely hard to be a good beta but he was far too lazy. So one day he told me he was going to run away. I didn't believe him at first but when I woke up the next day, everyone was frantically looking for him"


"Yeah. No one bothered to ask me and I was the only one who knew where he ran to but of course nobody knew that".

"Did you tell Caleb?"

"Of course I did, he's my best friend"


"Well...." he drags, shrugging "He didn't really care at first cos he knew his brother was going to be fine"

"So he hasn't seen his brother in five years now and he doesn't care!!?"

"Well..... " Dan says but stops abruptly, his face turning serious as he sniffs the air.

I was getting really worried cos I've only seen Dan look this serious and it was scary.

"Dan? Are you okay?"

"Run to the car and lock it now"


"I said now!!"

"Hey!! Don't shout at me like that"

He whips his head to me direction so fast I taught it was going to break.

He looks at me like I'm crazy before picking me up swiftly and running towards the car.


"Shut up Sky, I mean it".

I let out a loud gasp. I mean how can Daniel of all the people in the universe, tell me to shut up?.

Opening the door of the car, Daniel throws me in the passenger seat and might I add without respect, before getting in the driver's seat and speeding off.

"You need to tell me what's wrong Dan, you're scaring me!" I say now a little bit worried but he doesn't reply instead he picks out his phone and begins typing.

A few minutes later his phone rings and he puts it on speaker, placing down and focusing back on the road.

"What do you mean by "he's here"?". I hear from the phone as Caleb's voice rings out.

"I mean he's here Caleb, I can still smell" Dan replies.

"Where is she?"

"She's safe" Dan says looking at me for a brief second.

"Bring her here and bring her now, if anything happens to her, I won't hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?" Caleb says his voice much scarier and deeper.

"Yes, Alpha" Dan says a frown forming on his face.

*cough* *cough*

"I'm not deaf, you guys know that right?"

"And you, Caleb don't think I'm coming to your house if that's what you mean" I say now turning to the phone.

"You don't have a say in the matter my love. You are coming here, whether you like it or not".

"Caleb" Dan interrupts, his voice worried.


"The brake's failing. It's broken. Someone's broken it". He says again, rushing out his words and at that moment I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Get her out now!!!" he shouts but that's the last thing I heard as I see a red SUV speeding towards my side of the car before ramming into it hard.

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