《The Alpha's Treasure (EDITING)》chapter 4



"Jesus Christ!!!! What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't just pop out from nowhere Jack". I reply, closing my locker startled and walking away from him.

I want to be anywhere but near Jack right now.

"Wait, please. I really need to talk to you" Jack calls chasing me, giving me a smile as I stop to face him raising my eyebrows urging him to talk.

Honestly I want nothing more than to wipe that smile off his face but I'd love to hear what he has to say this time.

"I miss you".

"I swear I really do" he repeats after seeing the look of disbelief I have on my face.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes Jack. My class will be starting in a few minutes and I don't want to be late".

"I know, I know, just please believe me when I say I miss you" he replies desperately.

"Well I wish I could say the same".

Trust me, no I don't.

"Sky..." he begins and I force myself to hold back the groan that was threatening to come out.

Can't this asshole see I'm getting late for class??.

"I still love you and I want you back with me". He finishes taking hold of my hand.

I just stare at him as what he said registers in my head and I just can't hold my emotions in anymore, I exploded.

Not the way you think but totally the opposite.

I burst out laughing, like literally laughing.

I don't know I just find the situation kind of funny.

I mean, he cheats on me with different girls including Brittany by the way then breaks up with me because apparently "brother is a maniac" and now he wants me back?.

This really has to be a joke.

"What's so funny, I'm being serious"

"You actually think you can waltz back into my life whenever you please?". I ask in a more serious and annoyed tone.

"It's not like that baby. All I'm trying to say is.... "

"I don't care, Jack and please don't "baby" me ever again. I want nothing to do with you. Not today, not tomorrow and definitely not ever".

Smiling in satisfaction, I begin walking away but gasp in pain as I feel a tight and painful grip on my arm.

I come face to face with Jack as he forcefully spins me around to face him.

"You can't just reject me like this. Do you have any idea who I am? Girls will die to be in your shoes right now". He practically barks in my face.


"I don't think any girl would die to have a maniac like yourself gripping their arms and spitting on their faces. And I've been trying very hard to ignore this but now that you are literally in my face, I'm going to have to say this".

"What are you talking about??". He asks still holding my arm in the same tight grip.

"Your mouth stinks. Are you sure you washed it this morning?". I ask seriously, cocking my head to the side as I wait for his answer but instead I wince as the hold he has on my hand tightens.

"Excuse me, mister?". I hear an awfully familiar voice say as I see a well manicured hand tap Jack's shoulder and I immediately knew who it was.

"I believe my friend over here would appreciate it if you let go of her arm" Lily says with a creepy smile on her face.

"I'd advise you to walk away bitch. lady isn't complaining so do mind your business and quietly walk away before I completely lose it".

"Listen to me Jack...." she says dragging his name which rolls out from her mouth in pure and utter disgust.

"......first of all, she is not your your lady, she belongs to someone else, secondly the next time you decide to call someone a bitch, you should know who or what the person really is" she says her smile totally gone from her face now.

"Lilliana" I hear another voice as Caleb comes into view.

"Sophia is looking for you. You should go to her now". Caleb says in a low voice staring intensely at his sister.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?. Does this weirdness run in your family?". Jack cuts in exasperated but seals his mouth shut as Caleb's head snaps to his

Jack's grip on my arm tightens probably because of the look Caleb has on his face and I watch as Caleb takes his attention away from Jack to me as I wince lowly and then drops his gaze to where Jack has my arm held tightly in his.

I gasp as I see the colour of his eyes go darker and darker and I'm pretty sure Jack notices it too cos the grip he has on my hand loosens gradually until he finally lets go.

Jack takes slow and steady steps backward and I notice he didn't look surprised at all at the look Caleb has on his face and when I turn back to him, his eyes are back to its normal colour.


It was as if it never changed in the first place and I couldn't help but think about it and wonder if it was real or me just imagining things.

"Hey, Skylar?. Are you okay??".

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine". I reply to Lily with a smile,rubbing my now sore arm as I see her standing beside me.

"He's gone now. You don't have to worry about him again. I doubt he'll be bothering you again".

"It's not him I'm thinking of. I'm just thinking of.......something else". I reply looking directly at Caleb but his eyes were fixated in his sister.

"Would you like to come with me"

"To where?"

"Well I, my brother and the rest of the crew have this place where we usually hangout most of the time".

That explains why I haven't seen them in school since they came on Monday, it's like they don't give two shits about school.

"I have to go to class now. I'm sorry"

"In case you haven't noticed, class started like....ten minutes ago" she says taking a quick glance at her wrist watch.

"What!! Ten minutes??. Mr Powell is going to kill me. He already hates me and going late to his class will only make it worse". I said frustrated.

"You can just skip the class and come with us"

"I don't know...."

"Come on, it will be fun. Luke's going to be there".

"Luke?? "

"Yeah, Luke" she says smiling.

I can't believe it. I haven't seen Luke since Monday when I dropped him off at his house and today is Friday.

This has been the longest I've been away from Luke since I was ten.

I tried his house but he wasn't home and his phone was switched off. I miss him.

"So what do you say?" Lily says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Let's go." I reply with a smile.


After twenty long minutes of walking, I begin to hear voices and a huge smile grows on my face as Luke comes into view. It's like he knew I was there because the moment I lay eyes on his back, he stops talking and turns towards my direction.

I waste no time in running to my best friend who I haven't seen in three days which felt more like three years.

He opens his arm and welcomes me with a smile.

"I missed you". I say choking up a bit.

"I missed you too baby girl". I smile as I remember when Luke gave me the name, after lieing to three boys back when I was thirteen telling them he was my older brother just to scare them away.

"Are you guys dating or what" I hear the annoying voice of Daniel say hearing a low growl immediately after his statement.

"I can't ever imagine dating Luke" I say pulling away from him with a smile still on my face. "It'll be kind of gross"


"Luke's more like a brotherly figure to me so I wouldn't ever dream of dating him". I said jabbing Luke with my pen.

Luke just smiles down at me in response and directs his attention somewhere else.

I follow his gaze and stand still in shock and awe as I see a smile on Caleb's face.

He is breathtakingly handsome and I just can't stop staring.

"So, Sky" Lily speaks up, interrupting me. " We are throwing a party tonight at our place. Would you like to come?".

"No she's not" Luke answers immediately not giving me a chance to speak.

"Why not??"

"Because it's going to be full of drunk assholes who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves and she wouldn't be able to defend herself that's why"

"Excuse me?. I'm standing right here, you know that right?" I cut in trying to speak for myself.

"You are not going to that party and that's final." Luke says with a frown.

"That only makes me more determined to go to the party so the answer to your question is yes Lily. I'd love to come to the party". I say daring Luke with my eyes to argue with me.

He sighs in defeat and shakes his head at me as he plops down on the ground.

"Don't worry Luke. You'll be there to protect me". I say trying to tease him a bit.

"Yes, I will" he says with all seriousness and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"He won't be the only one." I hear someone mumble and immediately I know who it is but I decide to ignore and instead, think of what tonight had in store for me.

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