《Possession》Chapter Twenty-Five


Ryker's POV

Watching Lunar at Lava Lamp was downright satisfying. He fought his trembling legs and sore muscles, trying to play things calmly and act like last night didn't happen. It was so difficult to restrain my lips from grinning or my tongue from licking my fangs, admiring the smallest limps or strained jaw tightening.

The previous evening was amazing. Intoxicating. Erotic. We'd gone on for hours, take some breaks and then continue. I'll never get it out of my memory.

I watched as Kitten tried to stroll around, following Jax as he worked his way around the Club. Tyler and I stayed sitting in the V.I.P section, my eyes glued to Lunar. It was obvious Scoria noticed everything and knew the exact reason but he was tormenting my little Baby Boy by making him move, reminding him of the sensitivity and trembling he had below. It only captivated me more, pushing me to tilt over the arm of the sofa and rest my chin on my tucked arms. I was beyond relaxed. I was happy.


Sneaky little Pet.

Don't give me those thoughts, Tyler. Even his sweat makes me breathless. I'm trying to be professional.


Lunar's POV

Beloved Elysium, my legs hurt. My thighs were suffering. My hips felt like they were soaked in cement. My crotch was stomped on by a fucking horse. My rear felt like it'd been stabbed repeatedly. It was difficult to focus on anything but the aching, but Jax wouldn't stop moving. Finally, I implored, "May we, please, sit down?"

"I love seeing you beg," He flickered his pupils towards Mr. Lincoln, grinning more as his tone hinted sadism, "I'm sure somebody enjoyed it last night."

My cheeks crimsoned, "Sh-Shut up!"

"Don't think I'm unaware of what you're hiding, Looney Tunes. I'm not an idiot," He flicked the collar of my jacket, snickering more at the shuffling of my shoes. I hugged my coat, Jax lifting my chin and chuckling with a purr, "Don't think I've forgotten, Lunar Floid. You wanted to be Collared and Owned properly. Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean I forgot about the things we communicated. I didn't collar you because I knew how important it was to you. I broke it off with you and risked you being hurt about it because it wasn't my place to take your true collaring from you. If I had collared you, do you really think Ryker would have been so quick to seduce and Claim you? Your fate was decided long ago, the stars dance in your aura. They tell your everything. Just because I'm the owner of a Club doesn't mean I can't read and see auras better than others... It's why I can't handle alcohol. I can't handle liquor because my fate is to read and tell people's stories through their Aura. Like a Psychic or whatever. I don't talk much about it, though...The reason is that my mother died from her psychic abilities. She didn't know how to keep her nose out of things because she couldn't. She always was so ecstatic at saving people that she didn't realize her fate was that she was going to go too far and cause her own death..."


Hesitation filled him as he spoke, my pupils watching him fix some decorations as the music changed and the lights faded from magenta to aqua. He welcomed some guests as he bowed, grinning warmly, yet brokenly. Tears were welling in his eyes. He was in pain. His throat let out a damaged laugh as he shook his head, a whimper departed his lips as he excused himself and rushed up to the balcony area. He was really in pang. I looked over to his brother and his sister, they were avoidant. That's when I realized it; Lava Lamps were his mother's favorite. What was today? The new club opening, yeah, but why on this specific day...? Her birthday.

I looked back up at the stairs, then back to his siblings. They both shook their heads, signaling to give him space. Jax usually got violent when he was in pain, but how could I not give him comfort...? My legs were strained, but I made it up the steps, finding Jax slanting against an open window, tears glistening his cheeks as he gazed at the stars. He was in so much misery. I don't think I've ever seen him in so much despair. He was always the joking friend, the flirt, the goof. They really meant it when they said those that smile the most are in the most pain. I hesitated on my question, "Why didn't you say anything to us...?"

He twisted, his back now to the luminaries as he grew a more distressed smile, "Because it's my fault, Floid. I saw her aura while she was too blind to see it. She always raised me to be honest. Raised me to spill people's aura to them no matter how sad it was. I was supposed to tell her, she begged me to tell her what I saw and I lied to her. I was an idiot teenager thinking maybe if he lied the aura would turn the lie into the truth and change. All I had to do was tell her the truth and she would have gotten better but instead; I caused her death. She'd be here with us at this party if I had just opened my mouth and told her the truth."


"Jax," I whispered, resting next to him, "you said so yourself; auras tell somebody's fate. It wouldn't have mattered if you told her or didn't tell her, her fate was already set. Even if you told her... she wouldn't be at this party. It wasn't your fault."

"I wish I could go back, take her place. I'd give anything just to hear her sing and watch her dance on that dance floor. She always loved to do that. Ya know, she helped me design this place when I was a teenager. It was so stupid. It wasn't even meant to actually be real, it was shits and giggles, ya know? Nothing serious, but she got so damn proud of the design and the layout of it. I added more to it because she liked lava lamps. She got so elated when she saw the things I added," His knees buckled under him as he started to cry, a dry chuckle escaping. I saw that he was watching the massive pink and purple lava lamp, wiping his cheeks, "She always said one day she was going to have the place be real and as soon as she could make it real, she wanted the two of us to be the first on the dance floor. She wanted us to dance in the lighting and move with the lamp fluid, becoming the center of attention... I-I should have told her the truth. I just hope she's happy and safe, not in an empty world by herself... D-Do you think there's something out there for people like me...? I guess it's ridiculous, huh? A blood-sucking vampire wondering about the afterlife when vampires are technically already a form of undead. I know humans have this mindset about Heaven and Hell and the Hereafter but what is there for us? We're considered to be Demons and Abominations. If we're already living in Purgatory--If we're already suffering Apollyon's wrath-- where do we go when we die? Are we just dust or do we get to have peace and happiness? Do we travel in a rotten world, suffocating when we try to breathe, or do we have a paradise where we get to be with loved ones again?"

Resting my head against his, I murmured, "Who are we to decide upon the Afterlife when we aren't in it? We are alive, only when we pass shall we find out for sure. It depends upon what you want to consider not what others think. She was a happy, graceful woman with a kind heart and a good soul. You knew her, you loved her. Just because others saw her as a monster for being a vampire doesn't diminish her from your thoughts. What do you see her new life being?"

"Probably being in some meadow," He laughed warmly, dabbing his cheeks, "A big meadow of all sorts of flowers with a giant cherry blossom tree. She had a big painting she painted herself that she hung --I still have it, it's the one in my office-- of a giant meadow with a big tree. Under the tree is a picnic blanket and all of us sitting together. She always said she hoped to find the meadow in her dreams and be able to stay there."

"And what's stopping you from believing that maybe she finally found that meadow and is waiting for the rest of her family to arrive? I bet she's having a blast picking up those flowers."

"...Th-Thanks, Lune."

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